Northeast championship (necx) hdr results as posted by thelo

And to precede the obvious follow-up, nobody mentioned anything about experiencing crazy input glitches on either version. And since somebody else will likely ask, the settings were T3 and 4:3. 2 Evo monitors and a CRT.

Chris Doyle is pretty much the undisputed top Chun Li player on the EC. He actually plays a lot of characters well but sticks to his girl come tourney time.

Anyway, it’s pretty amazing Mars placed this well in this first tourney ever. Just as modest as online but not as much “god bless.” :wgrin:

Congratulations Damdai for your first place!

Right back at ya! You playing Guile is the whole reason I’m decent at that match with Honda. :wink:

I recall you giving out a few licks too!

And Damdai, congrats! I forgot ya the first time because I was so happy for the people that I’ve played with for so long! We hardly ever play because it’s like you’re on another planet when we do. :sad:

Great to see some HDR regulars place and win. Congrats to all.

I was going to show up but my car broke down 2 days before. Really sucks. Maybe next time I guess.

Was anyone reppin Blanka in the tourney?

good question.

nohoho should have been there.

but I wasn’t.

any have details?

I should really go find the original thread. but I’m too lazy.

Saw no Blankas at all in that tourney :frowning:

That didn’t keep the tourney from being a total blast, thanks to all who came!

And no, I didn’t notice anything wrong with the PS3 setups either, lol, and we kept switching all the time. Well my PS3 Hori Fighting Stick 3 is cheaper than my HRAP so that felt different for sure, but nothing inside the gameplay itself (beyond menu / sound stuff).

Chris Doyle is a beast, yo. Best Chun I’ve ever played. These vertical jump shenanigans of his are GDLK. :looney:

Edit: IIRC there were 28 entrants.

Congrats to all the top placers. Sounds like it was a really fun tourney. SF2 FTW!!!

Thanks again Megaman, SweetJV, decoy and Vintage, I appriciate it greatly. Yea DGV we were all wondering where you were and all lol, but sorry you guys couldn’t make it, Hopefully next tourney I met all of you guys. It’ll be a blast.

Lmao!!! only when I was about to leave as I do online:wgrin: lol But Im with Ganelon as I didnt notice any lag or difference between either ps3 or 360, just the girly voice on the ps3 version lol but thats normal.

Bill counter picked me with Blanka, but that’s the only time I saw a Blanka in the tourney. The competition was pretty fierce regardless.

i THINK i saw dsp use blanka for one match after losing once as deejay.

Didn’t we talk about this? You’re going to the IU School of Dentistry so you can help level up the sad HDR game around Indianapolis… This has already been decided, just stop talking about other options :party: lol

haha oh yeah I forgot, hey you got Immortal there to help, probably one of the best vegas in the US (Him and Ganelon)

haha DSP and his blanka…thats funny. Suprised that Nohoho didnt show up though.
I wonder which Chun would win between Mongolorobokop and TechnicalMonkey? And all the people who only play Mongolo online can’t really talk unless you’ve played him in a tourney, because he will never take it serious on Xbox live (just ask Afrolegends, DGV or Calipower)

It’d be really fun to do east coast vs west coast ten best players for each side

Last year we did that at MWC, east vs midwest. It was fun, should do it more often.

Yeah that would be really fun, I am assuming East won (no offense to midwest)

I mean you guys got you, doyle brothers, mavrick, nohoho, wong, thelo…and others I am forgetting I am sure, and we got Afro (both cole and legends), choi, valle, DGV, robokop, bruce askew…and others that are just as good. It would be fun to set that up since apparently you guys dominated the West Coast in SF4

congrats to all the placers!!! And good shit Mars!!

Uhhh… More reason for you to come to Indianapolis? I mean hello? The midwest could definetly use an amazing blanka player if it were to make said team and want to compete vs. EC and WC. I mean the midwest may be the ugly readheaded step child in comparison to the coasts and hence we’ll take anyone we can get :razzy:

Sorry if this was mentioned but after skimming through the thread, I didn’t see it. How many entrants were there?

28 entrants IIRC.

Are you going to the Naptown showdown tourney? I know that a bunch of Indiana guys come over with Immortal for tournies here in Ohio all the time, I see them at every decent size tourney here.

Midwest guys? You have Jiggly and Syxx in Chicago, Immortal in Indy, Humbag in Illinios, um, not really the amount of players you have on the coasts (population densities and all, LOL).

Congrats damdai! :tup: Also, mad props to Ganelon and TechnicalMonkey, who are the only players on that list I’ve played. Anybody got any vids of this? I would love to see the grand final of Ganelon’s Claw vs damdai’s Ken/Dhalsim.