Northeast championship (necx) hdr results as posted by thelo

There was a total of 28 entry’s in the Tournament so thats $280 Dollars to be split 3 way’s.

  1. Damdai (ken)
  2. Biran (Claw)
  3. C Doyle (chun)
  4. Mars (guile)
  5. Paul Wall (Dict)
  6. Corrosive (Guile)
  7. Thelo (Honda)
  8. Hombofiend (chun)
  9. Comeback (Honda,Rog)
  10. Helpful Jay Simon
  11. Rambo
  12. B.hop
  13. Bill G.
  14. Steve H
  15. Krost
  16. Black Hurricane
  17. Pimp U
  18. Julian R
  19. Dr chaos
  20. Zorin
  21. Chris lick
  22. Jet
  23. B Fish
  24. Walter
  25. Eric
  26. Sirlins friend
  27. DSP (forfeit)



OH! good i was looking for this, do you know how many people enterd in total

3 WWLers in the top 8… Doesn’t that say enough for how awesome our league is? Damdai, Mars, Thelo… NICE JOB GUYS!

Hey look, Ken won again and no Sim.

Damdai is making Ken look alot higher on the tier list than he is. 'Gratz to all the HDR regulars who performed well, I’m hoping to see some matches on Youtube soon.

Yeah, except damdai counterpicks with Sim all the time.

Ken and Dhalsim won. Damdai used both characters.

Yep, I wanted him to counterpick my Guile with Sim after I beat his Ken, because I also use Cammy. Just couldn’t seal the deal, was chasing the victory after the round 2 perfect I scored, instead of keeping solid. I’m gonna keep playing, had a blast.

Mars’ Guile definitely made me want to keep improving my Guile. We’re like night day in terms of play styles, with mine being hyper defense based in comparison to him knocking out combos and cross ups. The huge difference is that he simply knew so many more creative ways to throw sonic booms and mask his options. I’ve never had so much fun watching Guile in action.

Need videos nao plz!

Hey Mars good stuff man I remember you telling me you were going to practice for this tournament.

Mavrick- did you go to this? If so, why didn’t you make top 8

Corrosive - I wouldn’t mind trying out that guile of yours to see how good it is. ADD me xbox live

Damdai- good stuff dude always doing well in tournaments, maybe if I go to school on the east coast next year I’ll be able to play you in person and avoid the lag, oh btw remember a while ago when we played you thought the ken match up vs blanka was better for ken that it is with ryu vs blanka, I think after playing DGV in tournaments alot recently I have to say the ken match up is alot easier than ryu though they are both hard ace matches


Hey Thanks alot Bluetail and Silverrain, It was truely an incredible event, and I would love to do it again soon(hopefully evo if I can get school out of the way lol). There were so many good players there you could probably go on for days lol. I’m surprised I actually got that far to be honest with you. It was awesome meeting great people such as Damdai, Thelo, John Rambo, Corrosive, Krost, Bhop, Ganelon, Paul Wall, Techinical Monkey, hombofiend and of course, local greats such as Comeback and Kevgeez. Both of the matches that I lost in the tourney were probably my favorite matches I had there as they were so intense. Techinical Monkey is so smooth with Chun li its so crazy lol. And I can’t forget the training I had with Thelo. Endless lol. But Big Congrats to Damdai for winning the event, and Ganelon and Techinical Monkey, for making top 2 and 3. The Grandfinals kept me off my feet. Also to note Old ST was really great and fun as well. As far as which game i think is better, I’d still say hdr but honestly not by much, as they are both great games, but its just some buffs here and there. Take care.

mars, you were pretty amazing with guile… i don’t think i took a single match off you in casuals. thanks to some tips from people at nec and from friends that use guile i know the matchup a lot better now than even a few days ago, so i’m looking forward to seeing you again… maybe i’ll be able to give you a better match.

corrosive, i appreciate the praise/tips you were giving me all weekend. i feel like i’ve managed to recognize alot of the vulnerable parts of my playstyle and don’t think i have to sacrifice the aggression that lets me steal rounds from better players.

i’ve been going crazy trying to find the full results. both today and yesterday i’ve been checking the main results thread over and over, because i really have no idea how well i did. i suppose the fact that i dont know means that it can’t have been anything spectacular but i definitely did better than i was expecting.

Congrats to all the placers. What console was the tourney run on?

it was on two 360s and a ps3, which definitely complicated things… no way to know whether you’d have to borrow a stick for your next match. everyone was cool about lending sticks to each other of course, but regardless of quality there’s nothing more comfortable than the stick you always use.

not too many problems overall though and if i had to guess it was one of the better run tournies of the weekend. bill did a great job handling everything that came up.

Your aggressive style really helps mask your habits in your wake up game. You’re definitely strong already, I’m looking forward to seeing you progress in the future. There’s some stuff missing to your gameplan, but any minor addition will make you incredibly frightening to fight. Keep that fearlessness about you, AND that enthusiasm. There was a time where I was getting caught up about character match ups, don’t be that guy. You’re strong, man. Secret Chun!

Naw, was not able to make it had to buy, a new car my girlfriend got in an accident with mine but shes ok just the car was a total loss but, insurance paid for it so. Guess my next one will be Final Round in GA.

I’m so proud of you guys! Congrats Corrosive and Mars!

Corrosive and Technical Monkey - I haven’t heard of you guys before. Care to share who you main? Congrats to both of you and everyone else who participated at the event.

Pete, I can’t thank you enough for all the past games. And the support, I think there’s no point in the modesty now lol, but it’s hard to break that habit.

I main Guile and sub Cammy. Took my licks online with EA and the SoCal crew when I had a steady internet connection, then I discovered the magic of OFFLINE PLAY and it was really difficult to get back online lol. Gonna have to this upcoming year, though. Guess I’ll see how strong the midwest is in the Nebraska/Iowa area.

Technical Monkey is Chris Doyle, I don’t know who he mains but he played Chun in the tournament. He’s always at the ST Cabinet at CTF with Nohoho and his brother. They’re strong as hell.

The Doyle brothers have been around for years, placing top 8 in ST at EVO a few years ago.

P.S. Thanks Antonio, hope you make it next year.