North Florida Bi-Weekly Tournament has been cancelled :(

a little over a week away. i hope to see all jax players present!

first tourney is this friday people! it will be a good warm-up for the players going to project storm as well.

Yo. Im down. Ill bring a couple people. We’ve been in the dojo for the longest looking for some more people to play against. Cant wait!
Two Tourneys in one weekend! Oh man xD

Wish I could be there. But of course, I’ll already be in Daytona. I hope you have a good turnout. Bring them all to Daytona on Saturday. :slight_smile:

Sounds good Kicks!

Tomorrow should be off the charts! We got a couple of out of towners coming as well!

Anyone got a camcorder they want to bring??

Thanks to everyone that showed to the first one. It was nice to see that everone has leveled up in Jax and was willing to put money on the line to prove it!!

All tourneys going forward will now be on Saturday unless there is a larger tourney happening close by.

See everyone in 2 weeks!

1 more week away!

Can’t wait!

Chaos making a trip to Florida??

Looking forward to another throwdown! You’re now on the up Spek, gotta get my revenge match…

I will be there as well spek. Maybe you will get a bigger turnout and break the jax sf4 tourney participation record like you did last time.:rofl:

Ight see yall this weekend. Hopefully more peeps show this time around

i think i’ll come out pretty new player looking to see what the competition is like in jax.


i love seeing more new people joining the fights and showing up to these events! now we gotta continue this pace and reach a consistent 15-20 people every event!

Today is the day! Let’s get hype!

Updated the schedule, so please take note.

The next tourney will be the final SFIV tourney! I hope to see everyone out for our farewell to vanilla SFIV!

The first tourney following the release of SSFIV will only have a $5 entry. I did this since the release of the game and the tourney are during the same week. This should be more than enough incintive for everyone to come out and play!

final vanilla SF4 bi-weekly this weekend! get ready folks!

good riddance… anyway whos those miami chumps talking about taking free money :rofl: . anyway did you ever get that equipment spek


TV is still a no-go, but I hope to have the PVR on Friday!

yeah man, nice to see you doing something in your new hometown.
I’m doing a little something similar in my area outside philly.
Wish i could hit up Florida…too pricey though with flights than hotels