Real question is who didn’t.
I had a lot of fun last night. It was cool to meet all of you and to get back into the scene. I’ll try to make it to the monthlies from now on. Those of us in Wilmington should try to set up some kind of weekly/biweekly gatherings too. Once a month just isn’t enough for me.
why are you noobs trying to grab cammy. all she does is blow up tech, bitches. i should just main cody and own all you guys.
So, is SCV going to be primarily ps3 or 360. I would prefer to get it on the system we actually play it on so I can have a set up if we need it.
Man that’s a lot, lol. I can’t say that it will hit 100 nor can I say how many will enter but based off of people I have been talking to, and the number in the last ReSe for AE and Marvel, I can say I am confident in a 50 man bracket for each game. If not at Feb ReSe then very soon I have some cool shit planned and have been networking like a motherfucker.
ALSO, I forgot to mention in my last post that if I hit 100 entrants then I will be paying out top 5 for AE and Marvel. I wanted to do this for everyone so they can make some money before FR. I also am planning on emplementing this “top 5 payout” for most of the tourneys to come. I think that if I do that then it will help people that know they can make top 5 come out and at least make their money back for having a good time.
I am letting you guys know this stuff early cause I want some feedback from you guys. If you have any ideas please let me know. If they are good ideas that would help NC grow then I need to hear them cause I can most likely make them happen.
Top 5 payout would be great and would really encourage people to come out of the woodwork from the surrounding states.
Right right. Figured there are people who can’t justify the cost cause they “know” they are not getting top 3. I hate that it keeps them from coming out but this will give them a chance to make some money back, if not at least break even
Sounds good man, just let me know
Sony consoles always seemed to basically be the standard for the SC series from my research. I imagine PS3 will be it, that’s what most of the majors are using.
Oh nice i have a cousin out in Cullowee area. Let me know the deal. We can do it over PSN, if not, ill happily pick up a copy for 360. Is everyone in WNC area primarily 360 or PS3?
Big shout out to Orochi Demo for winning KOF XIII!!! Great job brother. This is for you. Step to RDU and get blown up!!!
PS3. SCII and SCIV had console issues, but supposedly SCV doesn’t.
I think Daishi with SCV may have laid out for us as much as he could. It’s clear the game was rushed, but from the sounds of things, he made sure that the stuff that would make the game last competitively was done first- maybe so he can get the other stuff later. Hopefully it plays out that way.
Yo EZ was too fun. Can’t wait to make the monthlies
So here’s some good news. I’ll be in a hotel on Wednesday in Raleigh and I’ll have liberty to do whatever I want until 10 PM so I can visit some of y’all at WNB. If the tournament actually starts on time and can be ran efficiently then I’ll enter, if not I’ll just come by and watch since I have to leave early. To the WNB guys what time do y’all normally begin setting up? Also can anyone whose going to Champs give me a ride? I’ll be in a hotel right off of capital blvd (pretty much on the same road as Champs), if not I can just take a cab.
I’ll make sure you won’t enter
Are you talking about the hotel across from the MEPS lab pass D. Doughnuts?
KOFXIII for 5 hours straight. I’m still garbage, but that can only mean I can get better. Maybe I’ll play some T6 later and perhaps some TTT2 to get ready for Final Round. Wait, I forgot about Gears3! Stupid only having 24 hours.
Real talk, I like VA KOF> NC KOF…
Team MM?
Didn’t see it on here, but is there some sort of gathering in Raleigh on Wednesdays?
Sure, have your money ready in bags with dollar signs on them when we come up for Civil War <3
I’m not sure if I’ve verbally expressed this to you, but I appreciate you Will. From the Tuesday sessions at your place, to the whole tournament scene in Fayetteville. You are pretty much the only reason I got as good as I did. You put me on to a whole bunch of games and people. So I’ll be sad face on Wednesday, but I wish you the best in life and in fighting games. Bye bye :c