Hey Guys i am trying to get a big tournament together for July or August in Greenville SC, and I mean big the venue i am renting will hold a maxium of 350 people!!! Plenty of room for all of us, Food will be availible as well. We are going to be holding it at a hotel and the manager of the hotel will cut me a break on the ball room if we can get some people to stay there. He is discounting down a room rate to $49 from $79. I was hoping that after the tournament was over we could stay for casuals and everone would only have to go to their rooms instead of having to worry about driving home. I am advertising this heavily at at a lot of places and trying to secure sponsorships so we can have prizes as well as cash prizes. I am also working on setting up a stream.
I have a few questions though on this,
there are two dates that they have availible July 16th and August 20th, does any one see any conflict with either date?
Second if i did this how many of you would consider renting a room for the night?
Please PM me with any answers
The only tournament i heavily advertised was in April of 08 and we ended up with over 100 people, i want this to be on that level or bigger.
Yup, like CT said, it’s about 2.5 hrs. I grew up in the area, it definitely sucked after the 3 arcades closed down in the area. For the Jax guys, I think the closest people would be Wilmington (about 45 mins away), then Greenville (1.5 hrs), then Fayetteville (~1.5-2hrs).
You guys might be able to post signs/flyers around the different barracks to see if there’s interest as well. There are plenty of Marine gamers, mostly FPS now probably, but there were a ton of Marines before that would play whatever back in the day (a lot of MK though)
To the greensboro people… I have been having session at my house right off of market street for about the past 2 months and have been building the greensboro scene. We have anywhere from 8 or 9 people that play weekly. If people still want to play later than what uncg limits then you can just come to my place with setups. I have alot of outlets. I plan on playing tonight starting aound 8. Hit me up for more details at 9084947208. I live like 5 minutes from uncg
I posted about a month ago, but I moved to Durham a couple weeks ago and I’m still trying to get my place set up, deal with classes, etc. But I would be interested in playing some matches with people, I have been playing MK lately, but I make an attempt at MvC3, and I’ll start playing AE when it comes out. Lately I have been playing on xbox and my gt is mercnryangldeth.
Just got back from that UNCG session, the TV was good, and people were happy. I actually discovered I kinda sorta like Blazblue now a little with the CS2 changes.
Folks need to chill the fuck out though when someone is trying to do something positive for the community and grow the scene and not jump all over them.
The timing is perfect for me, so I’ll keep coming.
I didn’t realize that the old thread for the Lucky’s Tournament got deleted =P
I’m not with internet so my moments where i can view the forums are few and far between but i made a new link and i will be updating it shortly with more information!!!
Thanks for coming out and it was great meeting you, Arstal! We had a good amount of people for the small setup we had. The crowd I got was exactly the kind of people I was looking for. We had a great time. We noticed no monitor lag on the Sony Bravia (I think it was an LCD?). Pretty much a big fuss about nothing, as no one who was there complained. As I posted on the NC Fighters facebook, I’d definitely like to relocate, but the setup we had in the library wasn’t so bad at all. Will definitely look into Lucky’s and/or the option of making this a UNCG sanctioned club. The plan currently is to have another go at this in two weeks at the same time. This will give us time to either come up with a superior location, or if it’s just not possible at this time, to fall back on the library again. I’d like consistency more than anything. So I’ll announce a location soon. Thanks again for the support from those who came, and I hope more of you will consider playing with us next time.
EDIT: Also, as an emergency alternative if we get more than a dozen or so, we could grab the identical room right next to us.
Nobody brought monitors, I missed out on the whole flatscreen argument on SRK. Even if I did, it’s quite a hike from parking to the room, and I wouldn’t want to lug a monitor all the way there.
It wasn’t bad, though, or if it was I didn’t notice. Managed to pull off my Wolverine and Doom combos but then again its marvel so that isn’t saying much. Kevin’s a pretty cool dude.
I do think we could find a better place than the library, though. I don’t think that room could comfortably accommodate a bunch of guys and TVs. Holding sessions at Lucky’s sounds like an awesome idea. We should definitely look into that.
Are you Ian? Do you guys play on Thursdays, or do you play other days, too? Tonight I’m beat and I’m just going to crawl into bed and pass out, but I’d love to come over next time.
A lot of people are probably going to be busy at Animazement. I considered going as I have nothing better to do Saturday, but somebody told me it was like $50 to get in, so I dunno.