North Carolina Players XXV: So free, so ****ing free

yeah regarding console characters, like I said in the Rose forum today:

Might not be the case, but it makes sense to me. If they’re bad, it doesn’t so much disrupt the balance/flow of the original arcade game. Also, I’m probably playing only console characters :lol:

;o I tried out Rose today, thought she was pretty fun. Her trials were easy enough too. Might play her online some tonight. Have dinner soon but I should be on afterwords randomly.

sf4 is awesomely Delicious

Feels like the people in this thread are overestimating the fireball/dragon punch trap, it’s not really that powerful in SFIV. That’s what y’all get for starting off SF with 3S instead of ST, lol. I love that kind of stuff cause it’s so deliciously old school.

Thanks for letting me know ahead of time Sam… Fucking Guilty Gear players… :shake:


Never really played 3S much, just never got a copy of it or downloaded it until recently. I mostly just played SF2 and the games from that era, since I had them for SNES.

What’s up with c3? Do I have a ride or something…:wonder::rofl:

Where do people gather to play in the Raleigh/Durham area? After I graduate I’m going to college in Raleigh(I’ll still be living in fayetteville though), so it would be nice to know where I can get some games in.

you know in online play i never really feel like i’m in controll of my character. I can’t do anything with confidence. we should just quit onine and have more gatherings.

I second this. Some connections are good, but some players I just won’t play online cuz it’s not worth it to frustrate myself when I’m unable to do my links/moves.

First, I’m not a Guilty Gear player.

Second, it’s Thursday. I figured you wouldn’t wanna drive like an hour and a half to play some games hwen you gotta work tomorrow. My bad.

Well if you’re going to NC State, then there’s some of us here.




So I figured out sagat can do cr.LK x3 into uppercut. I didn’t realize that. Funny enough, the reason I like balrog is because you can jab x3-4 into headbutt. But…Sagat does more damage and has a fireball.

So, I think I’ma be that guy. Raleigh needs a “that guy”.

Naw going to Devry, can’t stand regular universities.

Fucking Arcana Heart players, and weekdays… :shake:


Jab Jab Jab Jab Jab… fireball… fireball… FIREBALL… anti air
… wait for it…



:wonder: Jab Jab Jab Jab Jab

:chat: Good heavens, it seems that I have mastered Streat Fyghter Phorez… dood!

You’ve definitely mastered Balrog…:shake: