That new guy, YourMaster or something or other…is pretty damn funny.
I think I remember him being big in the national scene on Naruto: Clash of Ninja.
That new guy, YourMaster or something or other…is pretty damn funny.
I think I remember him being big in the national scene on Naruto: Clash of Ninja.
Speaking of is it mainly mvc3 currently at the state gathering?
I’ll play what everyone wants to play. It’s probably going to be mvc3 just b/c that’s mostly what everyone is going to want to play. I have another (very small) tv to play something else on though. I’ll probably put on GG there if anybody is interested.
Elite zone was great, it will be even better next week when we have more setups. Thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to set it up. $5 for unlimited play for anyone in our group…can’t beat that.
Looking forward to matches at state tonight.
@deadontime101 If you’d like me to and think there will be room/need for it I can bring my 360 and a TV to state tonight. It’s a 32" lcd, lag is as good as it gets on an hdtv not really noticeable.
If you’re cool with bringing that then that’s cool
I’ll brung my 360 copy of mvc3 and ssf4 in case we need it.
Finally a reason to bring my goddamn 360 stick now.
what time is everything going down tonight at state?
5:00’s a good time
I’m cool with marvel. Just checking if I needed to brush up on something. I
Popped ssf4 in the other day after 2 months of marvel and it felt weird as hell.
Also. What time you guys usually go to? Just wondering if I should eat beforehand or if it lasts long enough to take a break and grab food at some point.
If my ride doesn’t flake I’ll be at state by 6
Bad games should always feel weird.
There’s a bunch of places to eat within walking/driving distance when you get there.
Yeah I know. I was just wondering if it goes long enough for a dinner break or if I should eat beforehand to optimize my play time.
If you plan to get there early, you won’t have to eat beforehand, but if your plan is to arrive around 7 or 8, eat first or be ready to eat when you get there, as opposed to playing and then eating.
Last week we played till 3/4 am and ppl left in the middle to eat. There will be plenty of time for a dinner break if thats what u wanna do
I haven’t gotten my hands on Marvel yet, but I’d be up to play anything with anyone. When and where do you guys typically meet up?
Session at uncc charlotte
Call 7046562916 or 9803551217
I’ll be there around 7-8 probably. Got some errands to run and then I’ll be ready to beat your asses. :lol: