No Mans Sky, explore 16 quintillion planets! Release date, August 2016

Amazon didn’t ship mine till last night at11pm


another player??

nickrocks said it is

Guess that means I should wait for the price to drop.

No, it’s AI.

The game is EXTREMELY repetitive. And I mean EXTREMELEY. If you really think about it, there is “no point” when playing the game other than getting to the center. I have run into some crazy huge life forms tho. As it stands now I’m just going to farm resources and start booking it towards the center…I want to see if things change even a little.

Ziggans disagreeing with me saying that I should wait for the price to drop, well then by all means buy it for me fuccboi.

So two people have found each " other" but can’t see each other. They’re in the same place but can’t even see changes to the environment that the other player has done.

A few hours in and this game is dicks so far.

I know exploration is the main selling point but it isn’t interesting in the slightest. It literally consists of running past 300 iron/carbon nodes so you could eventually run into a flower that shits out uranium? I understand some sort of collision and consistent gravity engine would be hard to implement but there is no reason I should cut an iron pillar in 3 sections and proceed to watch them all float in the air. The four planets I’ve been to so far have all been aesthetically pleasing and the biomes diverse. On closer inspection though (from what I’ve seen so far) they all follow the common theme of Iron/Carbon being everywhere and thymine, platinum, plutonium, etc being sprinkled through out. The interesting oddities thrown on the planets are always the same reoccurring abandoned space stations or rocks that decipher the alien language that the NPC’s speak. One definite high point though was when I experienced space combat for the first time. The game/enemies use it’s 360 environments well and it’s a fun disorientating mess.

How big is a planet? Tell me in terms of GTA city size or (even better) Xenoblade X continent size.

As far as I can tell, the entire circumference of the planet is explorable. It would probably take months to actually see every inch of just one.

fuck wont get it till tomorrow.

I only played the first Xenoblade but the planets I’ve been on are are all GTA’s cities, Xenoblades environments combined and multiplied by a few. The worlds are actually worlds and their shear size and quantity are a marvel.

So I was watching a Twitch stream and learned that it’s impossible to visit all the planets in the game before you’re dead…

My planets have been a little different in that they are rich with plutonium, as well as carbon and iron. I’ve also found huge piles of elirium (?), which I mine and sell for units.

I also encountered space pirates today and they tore me apart. I think it’s mostly because I’m not used to a PlayStation controller, but it was cool nonetheless. Other than that, the game needs more happening. The gameplay is way too shallow and repetitive.

RIP 60 bucks

The structure to the game is weak and in 2 weeks this is going to be another “oh yeah I remember that game”, game.

Theres no extra incentive to explore other than to get more materials to stay alive and keep a steady supply of gas to your ship. For all the “exploration” you do most of it is recovering materials to keep yourself in survival mode, its a poor implementation of tension to keep you busy doing stuff. Loot loot loot loot loot kill scan loot loot fly to another planet loot loot loot.

Wait until you start to see the same types of animals rotating on different palettes. The game is amazing for the first 3 hours then it turns into RIP 60 bucks.

RIP 60 bucks. And I didnt even spend my own 60 bucks.

Still, rip 60.

Planet sized.

Shogunz anus sized.

Ya mom’s pussy sized.

So I found a world almost entirely covered by water. Sucked because my suit isn’t swim proof but I didn’t think they had places like this in the algorithm. Here is a snap shot. It was cold AF.

Mined gold for 3 hours and made a smooth million bucks

If anyone out there happens to run into it, the system is BASEDGALAXY 2 DA RUNBACC and the planet was WET FLAME