No Hype

You keep saying the breakers should be “toned down” but don’t give any reason or method.

The counters in DOA4 can be used multiple times in a combo and actually do damage. In KI you can only guess once and if you guess the wrong button or wrong timing you get locked out. Like the throw system in DOA, you can counter break if you know someone is going to combo break and get free damage.

Dizzy and sol not the same? Both want to score knock down into oki scenario which both rely on frc to supplement their game, that sound like they both play same to me.

it sounds like your really just not playing Ki how Ki i suppose to be played. If combo being break too often you either need to mixup your strings more, counter breaker more or do reset’s. KI is game that rewards players who can adapt. Player actively be aware of their match momentum.

@s00percam So I guess this supposed version of old KI that comes with the new game has an extra fixed version. Apparently there’s 2 versions of KI1 you can play and one of them has Cinder’s infinite and some other exploits patched out.

Unseeable, first hit cancellable auto doubles sounds pretty cheap. I’d like to see some competitive KI2. I’m sure there’s like zero footage of it and tournaments were rarely if never had for it.

If I were to suggest a way to fix breakers I would make it so that breakers are only possible during the initial phase of a combo before a linker. One oppurtunity and that’s all, no lock outs cause you only get one chance.

I’ve had some time to think about it, and I think I’m looking at it wrong.

Maybe I should look more into the nuances of why the game is designed the way it is rather than rushing to see change that may not even benefit the game. If there is something that people want to see changed, that’s what Season 2 exists for.

Do I still want to see increased stray damage, yeah. Should the game be forced into such a change when it hasn’t had time to mature… probably not. Maybe there’s something nobody knows that would change the way the game is played (and received).

I’ve also seen people call KI a “2D DoA.” Won’t elaborate my feelings on that except that it’s not entirely a bad thing.

The breakers are WAY better than DoA’s counters (out of stun). You don’t lose damage if you’re hit with a breaker, you don’t get an opportunity to attempt a breaker after every failed attempt, and the window isn’t massively generous.

The only issue I have with breakers is that you can juggle after one but that’s not really a big deal considering juggles aren’t dangerous.

LOFUCKINGL what the fuck are you even talking about.

This is why people ahve a hard time taking anyone in this section not Djin or FlyingVe seriously.

The game is fucking atrociously boring to watch.
I don’t play and know a lot of fighting games. I understand SF and I understand Tekken and that’s it, yet I still watch every King of Fighters/Marvel stream, I can watch since those games are interesting to watch and make me curious about how they play.
With KI though, all I see is lockout/combo breaker/whatever and it’s just combo after combo.
Yeah there may be mind games, but they’re not obvious to the spectator, you just assume this game is just button mashing with random announcer screams.

Now don’t get me wrong lately Marvel is a hella boring as well with how much the game evolved into a 1 touch - 1 kill game, but KI for me is the king of boredom on all levels.

The only good thing I take from this game is the netcode and I hope it becomes standard among fighting games.

Max’s week of series for this game has been absolutely great.

There is nothing wrong with the game, the simple fact is that the barrier to entry is a $500 box plain and simple where as the last crop of fighters had a massive install base already because everyone had either a 360 or PS3.

How can it be atrociously boring if all of the youtube videos have a ton of likes? Maybe for you personally, but not in general.

You’ll get curious eventually. I personally can’t watch SFIV. The game is too fair and soft looking for me. Super Turbo and 3S are lot more fun to play and watch for me. KOF is cool, but most KOFs are pretty fast paced and fun to watch. Used to watch a lot of 98 matches also.

Doesn’t everybody who doesn’t play fighting games assume they’re just about mashing buttons any ways?

The game has the same problem SFXT in the sense that it isn’t a spectators game. Part of it is because the visual representation of the combos are nearly identical and the nuances of footsies,zoning and space control aren’t really visible because of how centralized the game is around combos. In SF4 this isn’t a problem because you can literally see every step of the meta game, you can follow along as the player but in SFXT you can’t really tell what combos are happening and how good someone’s spacing is.

It’s not a bad game but it feels very much like SFXT in this way…and sadly that isn’t a comparison I think DH would have wanted.

Is it pronounced “Ex Bone” or “Ex Bee Won”

ex bone

I was trying to say how Homogenize of KI and GG are roughly the same. Both game have core design and make sure each character can apply it. GG is roughly an oki driven game so most of the mechanics is design to help to established it or maintain it (RC/FRC, ect). KI is combo game and it has mechanics that let character do just that (double/linker ect). Unlike sf4 which comment is vortex game, theirs little to no mechanic available universally to do vortex outside of character specific tool.

You can’t seriously be using YouTube likes of all things as a real metric. Most people who watch and upvote those videos are people who were interested in and like KI in the first place. The people who don’t either won’t be watching the video, or will watch the video and not do anything with the like bar. People usually don’t go out of their way to downvote things unless it’s the unpopular musician du jour, horribly offensive, or a political topic.

So what are you saying, that we should take the opinion of 1 or 2 people on SRK and use that as gospel, and dismiss the thousands of views and interest from thousands of people on youtube? Why should he dismiss the views just because they are from people who are interested in KI and like the game? That makes no sense. That would be like asking me, someone who doesn’t like 3D fighters anymore, what I think about Tekken, then thinking my opinion on it would have more basis than someone who likes and understands the game. Yeah, I’m not following that logic.

The simple fact is that not everyone is going to like everything. It’s fine that you don’t like it (or anyone doesn’t like it). I don’t have a problem with that.

What I do have a problem with though is people complaining that KI is too combo focused. The game IS combos. People are complaining about combos not doing damage either, but the sheer fact is that you can easily land 50% combos on your opponent. All it takes is 1 counter break. Or if you can’t get a read to pull off a counter break, then don’t try it and you can do the combo since your opponent isn’t trying to break it.

I’d much rather a game be fun to play and boring to watch, rather than a game be boring to play but fun to watch. But this game is really fun for me to watch because I play it and understand what is going on.

That’s the problem if you really want damage you need combo breaks and just due to the mechanics it has weak footsies because single hits don’t do much and it’s hard to get actually punishment on bad movement and reads from your opponents because their is no real punishment because it can fail. In DOA if I see someone whiff the equivalent to Eclipse and I’m playing Bayman I can opt for a quick alright damage juggle with 7K into whatever but in this game you don’t have that option even if you go for a quick Opener, Linker, Ender that punishment can be negated and not only that he’s left in a advantageous potion from the Combo Breaker knockdown.

You have no idea what you’re talkinga bout, shut the hell up.

So are KI combo breakers basically a rock/paper/scissors guessing game like mvc3 tacs?

No, the combo breakers are broken based on the one getting hit matching the strength (L,M,H) of the attack that is hitting them, and if it matches they break. If they don’t match they get locked out. The only difference is during shadow moves, where you have to press the break buttons on 3 of the 5 hits of a shadow move. It’s fun baiting counter breakers during shadow moves though, I’ve been doing that a lot recently.

Personally, I think this game’s (and SFxT’s) common defense of saying “it’s not for spectators” is comparable to bad movie directors saying their film is “not for critics.”

People wouldn’t have that much of a problem with the game being combo-focused if the combo system was actually interesting. It seems open-ended on paper, but the Opener->Double->Linker->Double->Ender thing ends up making characters have similar combo structures despite supposedly having unique combo traits. Someone will inevitably cry foul at this, and point towards other games’ A->B->C magic series. But in those games, the magic series is merely a starting point, a suggestion and a basic idea about how attacks usually chain together. It doesn’t take long for players to develop combos that go well outside that series. In KI, the series is a mandate. There are limited opportunities to go outside the designated combo path, and you won’t get any meaningful damage unless you end your combo with specific moves.

But really, I don’t think being combo-focused is directly the main issue; it’s a casualty of the game being too breaker-focused. The game simply can’t have as intricate a combo system as other games because it needs to accommodate for breakers. And then the breakers hurt the game in other ways because there’s no real way to heavily punish bad decisions thrown out in neutral because the opponent can always break and eliminate the damage.

Well I can’t speak for those who have problems with the engine itself, I personally think it’s fine. The point about the game being boring to watch however is still an issue. People who know the game fairly well will obviously appreciate it more, but for possibly drawing in new players or holding the attention of someone who has never seen the game it falls flat IMO. Someone mentioned that most of the animations inside a combo look too similar and sadly a lot of people who don’t know anything about the game watching it are going to be turned off by this. Combined with the fact that combos happen so frequently since the game is centered around this idea it’s not very appealing from a spectator’s point of view.

The best way to describe it is when someone makes a combo video and does the same combo 10 times in a row with only subtle changes showing all the possible ways to connect and/or convert said combo. For a specialist of that character this is great, but generally these types of videos are passed over for ones with more variety or flare.