At Ikkicon in the gaming room they had KI hooked up to the speaker…it ticked people hearing the announcer over their games yelling combo breaker, extreme, ultraaaaaaaaaaaaa combooooooooooooooooooooooo. I didnt do any tournaments so I dont know how many people entered any of them, but people really didnt like that announcer, and the group refused to turn the audio off after we complained.
So at tournaments for the game where you can only hear game footage I see people getting sick of the announcer and them having to patch it so you at least turn off the announcer. I cant even remember hearing music from the game.
I saw the title of this thread, so I shared something that kills peoples hype for the game if there was any. I mean, that announcer is like that annoying sports fan whos drank half a keg at tailgate party before hand. Someone needs to take him to the side and give him a cooling down.
Its not much different than getting annoyed at Ryu saying hadoken over and over. Its just a staple part of the game. It attracted people in the arcades the same way by just simply being louder than every other game in the arcade.
Sure some people will be annoyed by it because they don’t understand it, but that happens with pretty much every fighting game. Give it an Evo or two and it will be something the crowd gets into and accepts just like every other games’ visual and sound traits. Everyone in the hotel at Evo was having a good time mocking the Akuma mirrors and the crowd would go “hee hee hee” everytime Akuma threw a fireball. May be annoying to people who don’t get it, but its part of the game.
I’m pretty sure you can turn off the announcer in the options. I remember looking at the sound options and there are like 5 or 6 different volumes you can control for different sounds of the game. I could be wrong though as far as the announcer being there, but I coulda sworn I saw it there. I have only been in that menu once, and I turned the hit sound effects up. I think everything defaulted to 50%.
Theres just a difference between characters making noise, and someone who isnt fighting making noises. My comparison to the drunk sports fan I think is accurate. No one else was pumped for the game except that dude, and he was paid for his voice to be in the game. Comparing him to other game announcers, hes by far the most annoying Ive heard. I mean, I couldnt hear if the game has an actual soundtrack, but that means someone turned off the music just so the announcer could be heard better…
And I think when Akuma says “Prepare yourself” when he does Demon is freakin stupid.
Well then it’s not too much different than most other fighting games with announcers except that he’s louder. And the announcers in other games throw out funny/not so funny/not so relevant one liners throughout the match. The announcer is a staple part of the series and the fans of KI took it so seriously that they brought the old announcer back (so there’s 2 announcers to choose from) and they even forced the old announcer to redo his lines because he wasn’t powerful enough with some of the lines. It’s just part of the game and the game wouldn’t be released without a sound barrier reaching announcer. That’s why people ran to the KI cabinets in the arcades back in the day and that’s what they wanted back in the new game.
I’ve heard people get annoyed with all kinds of sounds in fighting games so it’s nothing new. There’s always that squeaky anime voice character in every fighting game, the cheesy game show host announcer and well something in general that people are going to be opinionated about regarding the voices in a game.
The fact that current gen fight sticks are not compatible really hurt this game. I feel I can play KI pretty well on pad but DP motions can be tricky to say the least.
Well the game is a work in progress that won’t truly be finished until the end of the year or possibly even next year so I think the"hype"will be difficult to sustain because P2P is a new format for fighters. The game also has some technical shortcomings that I think should be resolved…I made similar complaints as well but after more time with the game I still believe the following things need to be fixed.
Damage output increased especially for stray hits.
Combo breaker system revised
The combo breaker system is fine IMO. I guess it could be tightened (and refined further), but it’s what makes it different from other games.
The damage output is the issue. This is my biggest issue in the game and I’ve felt this way since I’ve seen the initial gameplay. Combos are the only way to do really good damage, and it makes the game look monotonous (the breaker system doesn’t help any but they did a good job with it considering it’s purpose). I never questioned that DH would make a quality fighter because even DoA and MK are “decent” now (a dev that can’t make a decent fighter in today’s age shouldn’t be making one). My concern was would DH make a game that can overwhelmingly captivate an audience, and from what I’ve seen, that concern is coming to light.
If done a certain way, I believe KI’s combat system has potential to reach Marvel-hype levels… fair to say that hasn’t been the case. In fact, I’ve seen more than a few comparisons to SFxT… while that further proves that KI is a good fighter, considering the topic in question that is obviously not good.
I know all of this is just an opinion, but I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t hear so many other people’s thoughts about the game from other forums.
Killer Instinct and “combos” are synonymous. I have no issue with the damage output at all in this game and combos being the way you do primary damage. If your combos are getting broken very early on, throw in a counter breaker and you can easily pull off a 50% or so hit combo. I have a bnb that I do with Glacius that gets me 49% regularly if I land a counter breaker during my first auto-double. If i see them breaking after my first auto-double, then it nets me more damage.
I personally hope they don’t change anything with the damage in this game. I don’t want this game to be like SF4 or MVC3. If I did I’d go play those games.
It’s probably just me because I hear it from a lot of people, but I personally don’t care one bit about how “hype” this game looks to other people. As long as it’s fun to play to me, which it is and I haven’t had this much fun with a fighter since SF4 gave me the childhood nostalgic feel after not playing a new fighter in nearly a decade, then that is all I really care about.
The problem with making combos the only way to inflict damage is that it completely centralizes the game to just 1 style of play which was exactly the problem earlier KI games had. There is no diversity, no strategy unique to each character and it makes the matches all look the same regardless of the players skill. James Chen made this observation early on and I would have to agree…and unfortunately SFXT is the closest thing this game reminds me of in terms of familiarity because of this.
If the damage output was increased in such a way that 2-3 combos could end a round with pokes,throws and other basic tools inflicting good damage I think the game would look better and be less"homogenized." However the extremely low damage output coupled with the very generous combo breaker system just makes the game look like a button masher and I can say from my perspective that it isn’t"hype"to watch much like SFXT.
Not sure about stray hits doing more damage yet. They’d have to force some type of scaling when normals go into combos because otherwise you’re looking at 10 percent damage hard normals that hit 3 times, then a combo into 50 percent and yeah, that’s not looking too good. Everyone has a way to land combos so the stray hits are more about setting up your spacing to land clean hits into combos later IMO. The game isn’t really designed for regaining health leads from large deficits through stray hits. That’s more of a SF thing.
The game also has a rather unexplored juggle system also, so buffing the damage on stray hits may end up making juggles more powerful than they need to be once people learn them. Too early to tell at this point.
But with the constant the combo breakers the combo system is nullified in terms of damage output because you needs a LOT of hits to even get 40%. I think strays could be increased but combos still be the most effective way of inflicting damage. In KI1 the stray hits did good damage and the combo system was still easily able to adapt. However instead of 24 hits being the norm maybe 12-15 could be instead.
I like the combo system as is. You only need like one shadow move and some hard auto doubles or linkers to get to about 40 percent.
KI1 it made sense for the stray hits to do the damage they did because the combo system ended up being broken to the point where everyone did short combos that didn’t do too much damage. If you could actually do long damaging combos in that game, taking one or two stray hits and then a combo would probably kill you a lot of times.
Plus all ground normals are cancellable into specials that are mildly negative on block in this game, so stray hits wouldn’t be too important since they usually lead to a hit confirm situation any way. If you land a stray hit on the ground you probably could have converted it into a combo and air stray hits could have probably turned into juggles.
KI just works differently from SF and it’s too early to call changes just to make it play more like SF. Peopl want Super Turbo 2 or 3rd Strike 2, but that’s not happening.
Cinder was never banned and there was no version of KI one that patched out the infinite many say this is why he never returned although rare never confirmed it they have been asked about it and has never denied it either.
KI2 at high level breakers were mitigated by the juggles and characters like Sabrewulf who had auto doubles that were unseeable and in some cases didn’t have to both hits of the auto double to chain to the next special.
The implementation of the damage output is still a problem though because landing big combos is risky though to the generous combo breaker system. If combo breakers could only be done once and only during the initial phase of a combo it wouldn’t be a issue but you get WAY too many chances to break. The combo breakers are like a infinitely refilling ultra meter in sf4…it needs more limitation and stricter timing.
As for stray hits…well I think only certain normals should cancel into specials like SF. This way manuals could be contained to unbreakable hit confirms like ST which are guaranteed combos but low damaging. On the other hand the big KI style combos do the most damage but are subject to breakers. This way single hits still do damage cause not every normal will cancel into a special and the combo system still be very KI in design.
All i have to say is let KI be KI. I find it unsettling how people call for things or changes they don’t understand or appreciate.
Also its weird how negative people are towards “Homogenize” stuff. I think the concept is fine if stick within universal system mechanics. Which Ki does well.
Well homogeny isn’t inherently bad but it depends on how it’s implemented. Like in GG, all the characters have universal options but are unique enough that dizzy and sol aren’t remotely alike. In a game like SF4, while there are technically different styles the game only rewards characters with strong vortexes and reversal options so its limited but for different reasons.
With KI I don’t mind the combo system but I just feel the breakers need to be toned down and that the damage output increased significantly. The breakers remind me of the DOA 4 counters.