No Girls Allowed - eSport organization institutes segregated competition

Sports are usually dividing men and women to give women a fair chance to compete. It does fuck with the meritocratic principle that social justice warriors claim to hold dear, favoring women over equally capable men, but pragmatically it works well; without this female favorization women wouldn’t have any dreams or aspirations in regard to sports, and that’s definitely not a good thing.

A bit off topic, I know.

Sch …! Let the sheep unite in their primitive delusions of sexism! Don’t shatter their means to broadcast allegiance!

Oh yeah, blame us for not banning him. You motherfuckers need to start fucking PMing me or notifying me for these things. Don’t expect me to magically know who to ban just off of my detective skills (hint: They suck).
@Lord_Raptor‌ If you have an issue with someone, PM me, these are strong accusations that need to be looked into.

Also, it’s clear some of you still aren’t ready for the adult discussions.