No Baek? No Problem! Hwoarang Partner Thread

Unfortunately, I do not believe Hwaorang/King to be a particularly strong team. They cover for each other well, giving good damage output and a necessary A-Air and reversal King does not possess, but both characters are quite meter hungry. More importantly, I do not think Hwang’s launcher allows King to go directly into knees, which I feel is a trademark aspect for his point character.
The use of c.lp after launcher kills a lot of his post-launch combo, but he can still deliver two knees st.HP HP Liger Bomb off a HK Hunting Hawk tag cancel, which seems to be the primary mode of switching.
Actually I flip-flopped a bit. Losing direct knees is annoying, but if you are confident with both characters and use meter gems give this a try.

Hwang/Kuma sounds like it could be really fun for me, given the latter’s huge damage output. Both of their abilities I imagine to punish stupid jumpins and fireballs also makes it appear a great choice to go online and smack shotoscrubs with. Same with King though, both need a good deal of meter.

I recently noticed that the official names for the positions are ‘Main’ and ‘Sub’, so I think we should start using those. I also spent some time training with Ibuki, so I have a revised entry for her (plus a new entry for Julia).

Team Member: Ibuki
Position: Main
Launch Follow-up:

  • cl.HK > 9, j.HK
  • cl.HK > 9, j.HK, 63214P
  • cl.HK > 9, j.HK, 623HK
    Switch Cancel (214HK):
  • 236K x2, <same as launch>
  • 63214[PP] (charge to lv.3)
    Switch Cancel (623K): <same as launch>
    Partner Launch:
  • 5MK > MK > 2LK (whiff) > HK xx 214HK
  • 5MK > MK > 3, 5HK xx 214HK
  • FLA MP > MP > 6, 623HP xx 623HK
    Partner Switch Cancel (623HK):
  • 5MP > MP xx 63214[P] > 66, 5HK xx 214HK
  • FLA MK > LK > 3, 5HK xx 214HK
  • FLA MP > MP > 6, 623HP xx 623HK
  • (corner) 5MP > MP > 6, FLA HP xx 214HK
  • (corner) FLA MP > MP > 6, 214HK
    Additional Notes: Ibuki is a good character to start the round because of her extremely fast meter-building. In addition, her launcher and 623HK switch cancel keep the opponent in the air long enough for Hwoarang to do better follow-up juggles than he normally can. Ibuki can also switch-cancel her 214K or 623K on block to bring Hwoarang in for pressure.

Team Member: Julia
Position: Sub
Launch Follow-up: 6MP > MK xx 41236LK, cl.HP xx 214P
Switch Cancel (214HK):

  • <same as launch>
  • 214[PP] (charge to lv.3)
    Switch Cancel (623K): <same as launch>
    Partner Switch Cancel (623K):
  • j.HK, 2MP xx 214HK
  • (corner) 5MP > MP > 6, FLA HP xx 214HK
    Additional Notes: Julia has excellent corner carry and damage in juggle combos, making her a good partner for extending combos and setting up Hwoarang’s corner game.

Only if we finally stop calling them alpha counters and start using cross cancel.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2

I was using that at first, but it’s really a bad and misleading name. I think they were called “guard cancels” before, but I guess obvious terms aren’t good enough.

Sorry if this is OT but I have to ask in one of the Hwoarang threads since Dr Grammar is such a big contributor. Can someone link or explain the notations used? I have tried googling but knowledge is either so common or explained differently that I can’t make sense of strings like ‘5MK > MK > 3, 5HK xx 214HK’. Maybe it will help someone else out too.

The numbers correspond to directions like a numpad on a computer keyboard (for a character facing right). 6 is forward, 2 is down, etc. I use ‘>’ to denote natural follow-ups, like rekkas or strings/target combos. For Hwoarang, most of his strings can transition into Flamingo stance by holding 6, which also makes him recover faster. Holding 3 causes him to transition to Flamingo and then cancel the stance by crouching on the next frame, which also allows you to use standing attacks (like 5HK) earlier than normal.

I’ll update the OP in a few, but Grammar, your Tekken inputs are killing me lol. I have to change them everytime.

If its not too much trouble of course.

I have to use JP style notation for this game because it’s so anime.

Anyone rocking Hwoarang X Cody? I was going to add a Cody section at the top, but I wanted to hear some feedback.

has anyone tried Hwoarang with Jack-X yet? I was thinking about it earlier. On paper it seems like they would compliment eachother well. I had a quick piss about in training mode and noticed that after a hkHH you can tag Jack in and ex charge a super without the need of an exHH…which is thought was pretty sweet.

After playing Sagat/Hwo for awhile, I wanted to branch out. Originally I’d planned on swapping out Hwo for someone
else, but he’s just too much fun! I seem to doing better in matches with him as well, cleaning up the mess I made with Sagat.

I’ve had an initial crack at a lot of characters but I couldn’t settle on any particular one.I’ve tried a number of times with Ogre, however after a frustrating day in the lab I’ve given up. I can’t consistently get Hunting Hawk during combos or always land Owl’s Hunt either. I am an execution scrub and he’s frustrating me.

So despite Hwo’s love for meter, I’ve decided to throw him into Main and look for another Sub. After using Zangief to spam my way through a few missions, I thought why not throw him in the mix? This is what I’ve been playing with first day. Beginner only level stuff. Still, I’m loving the easy damage this guy brings :smiley:

I only list cross-up jump-ins since they are more likely to connect.

<Hwo, meterless> j.MP (x-up), MP > HP > Launch <Zangief> cl.MP xx PPP (334 dmg)
<Hwo, meterless> j.MP (x-up), LP (low) > MP > HP > Launch <Zangief> cl.MP xx PPP (280 dmg)
<Hwo, 1 meter> j.MP (x-up), st.HK xx QCB+HK <tag Zangief> cl.MP xx PPP (426 dmg)
<Hwo, 1 meter> j.MP (x-up), MP > LP (overhead), cr.MP xx QCB+HK <tag Zangief> cl.MP xx PPP (402 dmg)
<Hwo, 2 meter> j.MP (x-up), st.HK xx QCB+KK, j.HK, cr.MP xx QCB+HK <tag Zangief> cl.MP xx PPP (546 dmg)

<Zangief, meterless> j.D+HP (x-up), MP > HP > Launch <Hwo> cr.MP xx QCB+HK (413)
<Zangief, 1 meter> j.D+HP (x-up), MP > HP > Launch <Hwo> cr.MP xx QCB+KK, j.HK, cr.HK (485)
<Zangief, 2 meter> j.D+HP (x-up), MP > HP > Launch <Hwo> cr.MP xx HCB+PPP (528)

I plan to load up Hwoarang with Onslaughts and Zangief with Fortitudes. If anyone can improve on these and keep the execution down I’m all ears.

Someone actually made a vid on zan/hwo combos a while back. Also that team is amazing I played it at evo I would get one good read at the beginning of the round and zan would just back up and made them come to him. Everytime I made that read we won the round