Before anyone else decides to be his little bend over buddy, I wasn’t complaining about his gameplay, just how he decides it’s over when I win a match.
It’s amazing how good sportsmanship is tossed to the win when playing online. Simple things like not taunting after your win or using lag, luck, character as excuses for loosing get brought up with the quickness.
Half the cats that taunt online are bitches because they know they won’t do it to a human opponent (I.E. at a tourney). You know who you are.
BG’s to shinakumamasta.
BG’s to Veeteclee and Black Dagger.
Good games to cats like xsonic, everyflowerflow and cruise. Beat me down 9 out of 10 times and didn’t taunt once. Plus I learned quite a bit just losing to them.
Why do people have a problem with taunts after a match? It’s an in game function.
I take it you fit into the category described. Actually, sometimes I sort of like it because it gets me rev’d up but I do lose respect for that person. It’s just an opinion either way.
Think about it. It’s competition. If you know you are better than somebody and beat them convincingly why would you still choose to taunt them other than to be an ass. Common sense really. I wouldn’t dunk on a 12 year old and then taunt him.
It’s an in-life function to spit on somebody, doesn’t mean ya have to do it.
I’m not taking sides, but that made me lol.
You are easily amused.
You could say that, but you probably took in the wrong context. I didn’t burst out laughing, I just let out a small chuckle.
There’s been instances of people taunting in competition before (Ed Ma for example). Also, since ShinAkuma plays Akuma, he must taunt after every round he wins. It is REQUIRED and it’s written in the 3s rules. Maybe you should give them a look over sometime :wgrin:
I see no problem with taunting people after winning a round. I’ll gladly do in irl too, not because I’m an ass, but because it’s something I can do and if I feel about like doing it, I will. I’m not taunting you to say you suck. Urien’s taunt is just top drawer man. Wouldn’t you celebrate a touchdown in a heated match after barely catching the game winning pass? Same applies for this. It’s a game. SRS buisness should be wasted on something that’s actually gonna matter…so bgs to all people who hate on round taunters.
…In football, both HS, MS, and Pro. There are rules against taunting after such instances…
I ask people to not taunt after matches, if they wish to continue…then I simply reciprocate and taunt every chance I get, in they tend to reply negatively for some reason…
true…but for me i feel i should taunt for something like a 3 on 3 SBO style tournament just to put pressure on the team and make them get preoccupied mentally
check out what MOV did to KO’s team at SBO4, its like as soon as he taunted Nuki after that super parry, he knew he was gonna take it…look at Rikimaru at SBO5 taunted KO in the 2nd round and took the 3rd round…did the same against Boss…and he already had MOV in his hand
so taunting to me is like a momentum changer but thats only for tournament play IMO but its not like its disrespectful all the time…sometimes it can be used for damage but ppl dont seem to realize all this
I use Ken’s taunt for damage, cause my Ken sucks and needs the help.
I just really enjoy certain taunts too though, so I’ll use them, just to see them. (I’ve always been a fan of Ken’s “come on” taunt, and for whatever reason I love Remy’s taunt and Sean’s Ball is apart of my Sean gameplay).
i dont do these but tonight was poor losing, BGs to JayJaytheJetPlane. today just playing casual messing around and whatnot talking to my bf, with no MP button b/c its broken, i play ryu vs ryu mirror vs this guy and beat him basically jump in shoryu b/c he a throw monster, so after me winning about 2-3 times in a row he does the coin spam and lags me to about 5fps and wins after that, so i leave, dont have time for sore losers ^_^. congrats you’re my first bg!
I taunt after match. Sometimes I overhead or jump or whatever. I just do random things after match and taunt is one of them.
I find it halarious that some people get wired from their opponent taunting.
It’s online. It really has no meaning, and it’s a game.
Really, who cares.
If it meant NOTHING, no one would ever post about it.
Most contradictory statement, EVER.
It only means something to people with big egos and sensitive feelings
basically people who already have mental issues before they started playing the game care about taunts.
Taunts? No I meant online in general, taunts are fun! (Cept after the match, rawrr mofos)
I have a big ego and sensitive feelings. I like to write poetry while staring at the distant horizon. This is why I don’t like to be taunted. When this happens I am no longer writing poetry while staring at the distant horizon. I am now floating over the blackest of avoids with a large ACME anvil directly above me held only place by an Adidas shoelace.
The latter was all your doing.
you look like a pig.
Taunts are practically grafted to my muscle memory in Alpha 2. If you know the first or second hit of your CC will kill them, you can cancel into a taunt during the Custom-Combo-Finish-Explosion-Of-Buddy Christ. Since many taunts are similar/identical to win poses in A2, it usually makes the opponent laugh or call you a douche for even knowing that.