NFL Thread: The Raiders will be moving to LasVegas. #blackhole2gloryhole

I even told you during the draft

upside is that Michael likely wont keep the starter position a few weeks in anyway, but it should pay off early for me

Get the hell out lmfao
Look at cams hits over the years
The hits that Russell got over the years DO. NOT. FUCKING. COMPARE

Wilson has only really got rocked once
Put it on his elusiveness

But the only time he’s gotten rocked was the AFC championship

I like Wilson but that shit was like a finally! Moment cause he usually gets away

Those hits in real time were brutal for cam and so many shoulda been called

Tis the season!!

I already posted the stats on how many hits Cam gets when he’s PASSING, here is the break down year by year.
2011 - 65 QBhits
2012 - 67 QBhits
2013 - 62 QBhits
2014 - 67 QBhits
2015 - 61 QBhits

This is Wilsons
2012 - 64 QBhits
2013 - 94 QBhits
2014 - 91 QBhits
2015 - 114 QBhits

Despite Cam playing 1 extra season, he still manage to get hit less times. We are not talking about when QB becomes a runner, Wilson is smart enough to slide & prevent getting crushed. We are talking about when he actually throws the ball or gets sacked. Wilson doesn’t have the benefit of an oline like most top QBs, he still makes them accurate pass despite knowing he’s going to get hit hard after the pass…Im surprise he hasn’t been inured yet.


Seahawks have two 10am games this season.

It has to be a conspiracy. :coffee:

i got micheal mad late in my keeper league as well, thank god that paid off, my only other starter is latavius murray, i went all WRs early on lol.

Cam can’t get special calls say a Wilson or Rodgers would get. He is just too big. Big Ben doesn’t get certain calls for a reason. You wanna play with the big guy at QB then one weakness should be he has to take more hits and get less calls (my QB is Winston and I would say he is “bigger” and should get less calls). I swear football is starting to get too soft. Like 5 years ago we bitched they didn’t hit enough and to many flags. What we saw on Thursday was get this actual football. Nothing illegal just people playing the fucking game the way its suppose to be played.

Cause a 5’11" DB is going to have to lunge and hit harder a 6’6" QB who also has 40lbs+ on him.

I’ma need WRs/QBs to dive/flop more kthx

thank god someone else in here sees it the way i see it. that was some good football thursday night.

when the fuck have helmet to helmet rules been soft lmfao
i dont know if you have ever had you bell rung running head on or having somebody run full on into you but that shit isnt healthy at all especially in the head area

yeah the lean with the shoulder hits and proper technique that caves a niggas chest in is real football but leading with the helmet on some merriweather shit is a flag and should always be called

The announcer of the Friday night football game at McKenzie High School in Alabama’s Butler County had something to say to those who may choose not to stand for the national anthem.

**“If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem, you can line up over there by the fence and let our military personnel take a few shots at you since they’re taking shots for you,” the announcer said at the game versus Houston County High School, according to Facebook poster Denise Crowley-Whitfield.

Crowley-Whitfield said the crowd went “crazy cheering” following the speech.**

The announcer was identified as Pastor Allen Joyner, of Sweet Home Baptist Church in McKenzie, according to Joyner’s relatives and friends, who also posted to Facebook and praised the statement.

Crowley-Whitfield’s post was shared more than 4,700 times and received more than 50 comments, all positive, before she deleted her Facebook account on Saturday afternoon.

Butler County Schools Superintendent Amy Bryan denounced Joyner’s comments in a statement to

“Patriotism should be a part of school events but threats of shooting people who aren’t patriotic, even in jest, have no place at a school,” she wrote in an email. “Threats of violence are a violation of school policy and certainly not condoned by the school board.”

Bryan said she didn’t know if any action will be taken against Joyner. The school board meets next week, and the matter could be addressed then, she said.

This whole sitting down national anthem thing is so retarded…How many of these people bitching actually stand up when the national anthem is on tv, no one… Kaepernick is a scrub that no one should even be paying attention too. Now the Seahawks said they were going to do something “united” as a team & one of our city mayor was like No fucking rally for you guys then! This is going to be some dumb shit all year long. I just want to watch some football!

I remember when I was in Afghanistan I really wasn’t concerned about somebody not standing for the national anthem.

I sit any time it’s played on TV.

I also don’t have my hand over my heart.

And I put on a cap instead of take it off.

People just get emotional and stupid (redundancy) over stuff like this.

Normally, I’d change the channel until the opening kickoff, skipping said anthem completely. It’s just a piece of cloth and a song to me.

[quote=“Wil, post:532, topic:180750”]

As Jon Oliver once said “Alabama, refusing to accept the inevitable since 1945”

Real talk doe, it’s Alabama not even shocking.

I wonder if the people who are bitching about Kaep sitting actually do anything for the troops or vets. I don’t think an anthem isn’t honoring those guys who served or are serving. If you truly want to honor a vet then why not donate to them or do something to help the countless homeless vets in your area. Just using the vets for their own agenda to divert from what Kaep is doing

Didn’t Kaep talk with one if the Vets? Didn’t they both work on getting to where they are now?

Yep he was a long snapper for the Seahawks. Hes the one that decided that kneeling would look better than sitting. A lot of vets are actually supporting Kaep.