NFL Thread: The Raiders will be moving to LasVegas. #blackhole2gloryhole

No i mean he talked with one of the marines at attendance when they did their thing on San Fran. He basically told Kaep that it’s his right to kneel.

Unless you mean the dude played for the seachickens then went on to serve.

Kap isn’t doing anything wrong. He’s exercising his rights. People can exercise theirs to disagree but at the end of the day they’re missing the point. He’s not protesting troops, or the anthem, he’s protesting inequality, specifically relating to the police.

…Well, that’s one way to get banned from football at every level.

ohhhh that must have been a different guy but yeah a lot of vets are supporting him.

aye yo, aye yo, chico, i need yall mothafuckas to run the ball and run it well, i need latavius murray TO GO OFF!!! i have him in both of my leagues. dont dissapoint me.

22 a day commit suicide and 300, 000 have died waiting for healthcare at the V.A. Going through what they go through in the military makes a lot of them unemployable in the real world. The military essentially fucks people up and then releases them onto the streets when they don’t need them. I have nothing against soldiers but the system that builds them is flawed, just like the police system is flawed. Kaep wasn’t speaking out against the military, specifically, but while the soldiers themselves may be heroes the government that runs them isn’t.

People are incapable of separating the two… the employees and the employer. You can criticise the system without criticising the soldiers themselves or the officers doing their jobs properly. Trump has injected so much jingoism into everything by playing on people’s fears of immigrants and religions they don’t understand that he’s made it normal to be a radical nationalist. It’s hard for guys, the supposed rolemodels in the community like athletes, to speak out in that atmosphere. I’m glad athletes are speaking out and I hope that the NFL doesn’t feed too heavily into Trump’s radical view of America with the NFL’s souvenir shop style of patriotism.

Ah, time for some Pregame.

Tim to say it one more time for one of the best Sundays of the year…


Kickoff, boys! J-E-T-S! JETS! JETS! JETS!

I see Matthews is already in midseason drop form.

Never mind, Matthews redeemed! Wentz on fucking fire!

Bears leading 7-0 against the Texans!!

Its early, yet still!!

Don’t want to start the 1st game season off playing from behind and being stagnant.

Bengals with two penalties in the end zone back to back…

My Wilson jersey is washed and ready for wearing when the Dolphins make the mistake of thinking they can swim unharmed in Atlantis.

Let’s go Ravens!

Texans Defense, doe!!

Browns still the Browns I see.