Greetings Shoryuken forums!
I just bought an 8bitdo NES30 Arcade Stick and have become interested in modding it (seems I’m not alone).
I’ve never done this before but the other night succeeded in re-arranging the quick connects in order to change the button layout to make more X-Input compatible games bearable (I have no idea why people prefer putting X on top of A, when so many run and gun games require you to hold X and hit A to jump…). This was pretty easy and infused me with the hubris and now I’ve gone crazy fantasizing about replacing everything with Sanwa parts.
Alas, this stick doesn’t have the typical 5 pin connector that can be hooked up to Sanwa style sticks but instead employs a weird 2 pin port for each direction, which on the other end has two .187 wires attaching to each of the four sides of the joystick (apparently this is used for American style sticks pretty often).
I’ve been browsing Focus Attack and I have an idea of what might work, but again I am inexperienced and fueled by hubris from being able to successfully rewire the buttons (hey it was a big deal for me). So let me know if this sounds nuts.
First, I’ll buy a 5-pin Female to 5-pin Female cable, which I’ll plug into the Sanwa joystick.
Next, I’ll buy a .187 to 5-pin conversion harness, which I’ll plug into the other end of the above mentioned 5-pin cable.
Next, I’ll also buy four of these “.187 harness for zero delay USB encoders”, as it looks like that ends with a two pin plug like the kind found on the 8bitdo.
You may have noticed a piece of the chain is missing, and it’s how to attach the two .187 cables’s female ends to each other to finally connect the 8bitdo to the 5-pin to .187 harness.
I’m guessing I’ll need to buy a male to male .187 adapter of some kind. I have no idea where to buy this and am surprised I can’t easily find such a thing, enough that it’s making me wonder if I’m making some fundamentally flawed assumptions here (what I’d like to buy looks similar to this I imagine):
My other big question is if reversing how the 5-pin to .187 harness flowed would work? Seems like it’s normally designed to plug an American style joystick like the 8bitdo already has into a 5-pin compatible board.
Sorry in advance if these questions are really stupid or I’ve broken any social mores of the forum with my inaugural post.