Hah. At least I had I did a rep and a half. That has to count for something, no? :<
Anyways, good luck at evo and any other hsien-bro’s going. I’d be happy to meet up with anyone and get some games in.
Hah. At least I had I did a rep and a half. That has to count for something, no? :<
Anyways, good luck at evo and any other hsien-bro’s going. I’d be happy to meet up with anyone and get some games in.
I hope this isn’t too late, but good luck at EVO LL.ND and whoever else may be repping the dead girl there!
Thanks, Cactus. And ll.nd, what time are your pools?
Edit: lol, just my luck, I sliced my foot open on the escalator leading to pools. Had to forfeit because of it q.q
Best of luck to the other hsien bros, I’ll be rooting for you while I’m here!
Damn, that sucks.
Aw, man. That blows. :’(
Get better soon, hsien-bro.
ick, are you okay?
i’m kind of scared of escalators now: i was at some store and saw a small kid whose shoelace got stuck in that thing. they stopped it and got two security guards to get it out. i’m afraid they’ll eat you if you aren’t careful lol. the escalator, not the security guards.
I’m keeping my shoelaces nice and tight now.
Thanks, it’s really appreciated. Also, I noticed your hsien-ko perler as you were leaving your game on stage. Mind me asking who made it?
Yea I’m okay, not as bad as it seemed at first, but after seeing the blood I just didn’t want to risk any infection, and I know how long pools can take so I just took the safe option.
ETR made it for me. Dunno if you caught him around evo, but he was wearing a dark phoenix one. Also, truegamer on SRK makes these too.
Is there any pics of the dark Phoenix one?
I saw him a few times but was unaware he made them. I’m overly shy so I didn’t bother walking up and asking anyone lol. Thanks though, the Hsien-Ko one looked like it turned out nicely.
You should see it on him in a couple of the evo videos from this year, during the pre-game hype videos Evo did themselves and a majority of the crowd shots on Saturday, he was right next to the stage then.
Why are the hsienko forums so dead
For the record, im training Kl’rt(orbital grudge)/Hsienko(sempu bu)/Doom(missiles) now, hella cheap team; once Hsienko go golden armor its game over for the other player, slastic slam + sempu bu is that good … and im surprised at how good is hsienko + missiles, its probably hsienko best assist, you guys should try out this shell.
Like Sanford said, missiles I mean Doom makes any team better. I’d imagine it’s pretty good with Hsien-ko, since they cover the air and force blocking. And she can actually cover the initial assist call with a gong. I’ve been in training mode with Doom for a while now, trying to get him to the point where I feel comfortable enough replacing Sentinel for him. Drones are good, but missiles are just plain cheap.
So this isn’t actually anything new, but IllusionSage pointed out something to me that I never realized; when Rimoukon is active, Henkyo Ki projectiles will persist even if she gets hit. This information could be useful during some bad matchups.
But the projectiles still get destroyed normally, right? As in, they don’t gain infinite durability or something. If they did…wow would that be useful for certain characters.
Actually, they DO gain infinite durability. You can pound on her as much as you’d like and the gong projectiles will remain active until their active frames run out or they’re destroyed by some other means, like colliding with a high priority projectile (ex: supers, most of King’s Armor projectiles). So maybe using Rimoukon on point isn’t so worthless; if you can combine it with fast plink dashing, you can rapidly move in on a projectile spamming opponent and catch them off guard, and maybe catch a recklessly called assist too!
Edit: Sorry, if by “still get destroyed normally” you were wondering if they still get destroyed by supers, medium to high priority projectiles and certain normals that have projectile destroying properties, then no, none of that changes. They just stay on screen if she gets hit.
Ah, yes, the edited version of the question is what I was wondering. I thought maybe Rimoukon gave Hsien-ko an infinite durabiltiy Anki Hou as well, and that would make her a top assist for mix-ups.
So the other day, my Rimoukon ran out while she was on reserve. I kinda wtf’d the whole match after that. She had like a pixel left on the bar when I swapped her out.
Not sure anyone discovered this, but I found a fun little loop with Taskmaster and Hsien-ko. It requires meter to do crazy damage, but it’s fun to watch. So for example, you get an air grab with Taskmaster in the corner but facing out. Then you do the Air Legion Arrows to follow. DHC to the blades hyper, and you have enough time to raw tag Taskmaster, do a quick dash Shield Skills and Sharp Sting. From there you can do a quick Spidey Swing to OTG Arrows and continue the loop if you want. I know it’s good for Frank too, who can dash, roll and then do the Medium kick special for hard knockdown. There could be a lot more interesting follow ups…
Anyone have any tips for doing Tenrai Ha super with gongs?
I’m struggling with it, it seems to be random when it works, is there a specific timing or situations where I have to use different versions of gong or w/e?