I was worried about him in general, he seems to do everything pretty damn well. My friend plans to use him in his team and has been playing for about a day already. If I find anything out during our matches I’ll be sure to post it!
I think one of his Centurion Arts (the powerslide, might be the :h: version) has projectile invulnerability. Not sure about the rest. LL.ND said his short-range projectile (Grav Pulse) and the homing shot (Energy Javelin) are nullified.
According to the ultimate bible, it Centurian Arts :h: has super armor. Great.
I’m not that disappointed with Hsien-ko only having new dialogue with Strange and Nemesis, after all they will be my day 1 team (once i get the game -.-). An appropriate counter for Ghost Rider should be jump and do a gong, once a j.chain touch the gong it should cause the rider some damage (i’m guessing). From the new characters the worst matchup for HK should be Strange, that guy has all the tools to punish every advance the zombie girl tries.
Played for a bit, Hsien-Ko feels so awkward now with the jump cancelable stuffs. It feels like I have to re learn him her. on boy. Also, I tried to do my planned reset with Spencer’s assist and can’t get it to work. bummer.
Hoo boy. Nova sounds like a terrible matchup just on that alone. Plus he’s goddamn all over the place.
I should get the New Testament. Might tide me over in the meantime. How’s the Lei Lei section in it?
And it just occurred to me, I wonder if it’s possible to do fuzzy guard shenanigans with her jump cancels…
Unfortunately, his chains are like sword hitboxes and are detached from him, so hitting them won’t hurt him.
I’m sure there’ll still be good synergy and new resets between Spencer and Ko. All in due time.
Going to try again to get the guide tomorrow. I called Gamestop ahead of time to ask if they were selling them (since their website said they were selling them since the 8th and they themselves said come on by to get it). I arrive for them to tell me they aren’t selling it until midnight.
Considering going to gamestop is a ~80-90 mile round trip I was pretty pissed off.
I heard the Lei Lei section wasn’t that good, I obviously can’t comment on my own experience. I’d be happy to hear from someone here that actually has the guide though.
Don’t his chains count as physical hits also? Wouldn’t that make the gong not do anything regardless of whether or not the hitboxes were detached?
>that feel when Phoenix Wright’s turnabout Press the Witness assist is the new gold pendulum but better
Still going to run Hulk/Hsien-Ko in some form… obviously with Dormammu for one team but not sure about other partners. Maybe Nemesis, but having him and Hulk on the same team seems redundant lol.
And yeah I’m pretty much worried about every new matchup for Hsien except for the gimmickier characters like Phoenix Wright or Frank. Maybe Rocket and Hawkeye aren’t that bad depending on what she can reflect/nullify. But god those Nova notes sound frightening.
Here’s a little tech on how I’m dealing with the common tactics of new characters:
Hawkeye: Mix up ground and air :h: Henkyo Ki from full screen, toss in a few :l: here and there. He literally can’t do shit. Be ready to use Senpu Bu to cross to the other side of the screen of he goes for the super jump.
Rocket Raccoon: Pretty much the same as Hawkeye, except he has his burrow. Keep an eye on it - so long as you’re in the air and haven’t used all 3 of your specials, you can either toss out a Senpu Bu to avoid danger, or just fall on him with a j.:h: and combo.
Nemesis: So far Nemesis players tend to favor his jumping S (downward tentacle thing) and try to play him like Ghost Rider. From full screen, toss out a :h: Henkyo Ki to establish some space, then Senpu Bu to close distance. Nemesis is tall, so there’s a good chance you’ll nail him in the head. Just beware his launcher, it has a lot of vertical range. Once you’re in, stay on him with :l: Senpu Bu mixups - his normals and specials are ridiculously slow and if he tries to press buttons you’ll carve him up. Don’t rely on gong to deal with his projectiles - they explode ala Phoenix and the area damage will hurt you if you’re too close.
Ghost Rider: The same as Nemesis. Gong will nullify his “Eat Chain” projectile from a distance and will actually reflect the projectiles back at him if you’re close enough. Though he’d have to be dumb to do this.
Phoenix Wright: Stay on him with Senpu Bu, he can’t really do anything against it. Maya Shield gets annoying but you can dash through it.
Frank West: Mix up gongs and Senpu Bu and stay on him. The most annoying aspect of this guy is his camera, which blows through gongs and will stop an unarmored Senpu Bu mid swing. Don’t give him room to breath and he’ll fall fast enough. His normals are all pretty slow.
Strider: This guy can be tough, but isn’t unbeatable. Keep up gongs, as they’ll reflect all of his formations, even the bomb bird - if the bird gets reflected before it drops the bomb, it’ll drop it on him. Beware his teleports. If he goes into Oroborous, pop gold armor and super jump and spam Senpu Bu. Worst case is that you’ll eat some projectiles, but he can’t really do much damage at that height and can’t interrupt your swings.
Firebrand: Gong walls and Senpu Bu. A big part of Firebrand’s mixup game is flight and air dashes - if you establish a strong defense he has no way to really get in. Gongs will reflect all of his projectiles and nullify his ground fire, Senpu Bu takes care of the rest.
Dr. Strange: Have yet to fight one.
Nova: Gold armor and tag out. Fuck this guy.
I imagine Strange will be really irritating with Daggers, Eye, and Bolts. Vishanti will be annoying as all hell. He can punish everything you do with that into a combo and loop (front page video). Gongs might not even work because they’ll probably trigger Raggador counter. Oh, and teleports. He’ll probably be another “Fuck this guy” matchup.
Anything on the Iron Fist matchup? Seems like it could be easy keeping him out, then mounting an offense with :f: or Pendulum, provided he doesn’t wavedash in first. He doesn’t have much of an air game, either. All theoryfighter, of course.
Against Raccoon’s manual burrow, is it possible to swing above where he is to force him to come out at a specific location?
And with Nemesis, you might be thinking of his command normal, which are his hand tentacles. His j.:s: is a rocket launcher slam, I think. Surprised they’re not using his j.:h:, which looks like him bellyflopping but with a bunch of tentacles radiating outward. Bothat that and the command normal are easily spammable, I guess. I think the command normal does a lot of chip, but I don’t think he can start a combo off it. I think what they’ll be doing in the future, though, is sometimes end an air combo with the command normal so they reach the ground before you do and do a command grab for a reset.
Telecasting through Maya sounds great. What happens if you try to swing through her shield? Is it like MODOK?
Iron Fist, yeah, he’s easy. Pretty much gong wall up and you’re good. Haven’t tested how pendulum works versus Maya, I’ll check tonight. Nemesis does have a move where he can jump and shoot out damaging tentacles in a downward arc, very similar to Ghost Rider, that don’t grab. Its’ a 3 hit normal. Not sure what triggers it, I’ll check after work.
Shuma and Ko-Ko work so well together I wonder why???
Yeah, the three-hit is the command normal. It has a really nice reach, too. Unlike Rider, I think it’s part of his hurtbox, so gongs and the like will probably nab him when he does that.
So as of now the “Gold armor and tag out” list of matchups for HK have Nova, Strange, Wesker, Dante and probably Vergil.
Also now that everybody have the guide, do it states any startup/recovery differences for Henkyo ki and Anki hou in Utimate? i would like to know.
I’ll go toe to toe with Wesker, Dante and Vergil… Nova is just dumb. Put yourself in the corner and Strange’s teleports can’t cross you up, too.
lol, was watching the Honzo Gonzo stream and he almost got beat by a Hsien-Ko while using Hawkeye. Needed more Gong, though.
Do Wesker’s bullets still flip a middle finger to Gong whenever they feel like it?
Vergil, from what I’ve watched at least, is harder than people gave him credit for, seeing as all of his normals are unsafe. His teleports also seem weak (compared to, say, Strange). Looks frightening with meter, though.
I lol’d
still haven’t had a chance to get in a game online aside from some casuals with friends. did try Hsien’s missions though and found that a lot of them have changed… for the better! Behold:
I haven’t ran into gongs failing against Samurai Edge yet, but I haven’t played many Weskers yet.
Oh, and one last question for anyone with the game: How hard is she hit by the loss of airdash blocking? She does have a lot of tools to take advantage of everyone else’s loss, though.
I don’t feel that the air dash nerf effected her in any way for me. I only been using it for the instant air attacks, so I have yet to get punished from it.