Maybe for her new level 3 hyper command grab that they haven’t shown us yet.
Wait, was it confirmed that she has a level 3 now? I hope they extend the time of gold armor on point to 10 seconds too, that would be sweet.
More armour time would really help her get in and a level 3 would be sweet too. Is Hsien-Ko the only character without a Hyper that has invulnerability?
I don’t think Dormammu has any invulnerability on his hypers either. Maybe his level three but no one uses that outside of getting the hard knockdown first so who knows?
His Lv3 will have invincibility Seems like every character who doesn’t have a Lv3 has a Lv1 with invincibility except Hsien-Ko, might be another character or two I’m forgetting about but can’t think of any off the top of my head.
No, I’m just being entirely too optimistic. Sorry :\
I think there are a decent amount of characters without an invincible hyper. Not all level 3s have invincibility, for example I’m pretty sure Magneto doesn’t have invincibility on any of them. Might be the same for Dormammu’s level 3 and Storm’s power of gaia hyper. I can’t say for sure but I think invincibility is the exception rather than the norm except for grab hypers.
I don’t think a level 3 command grab would help Hsien-ko too much. She can already command grab -> hyper without having to frontload the meter. It’ll probably do more damage than a level 3 would too, if you have characters alive to DHC.
The problem is getting to the point where you can command grab in the first place. Most characters feel pretty safe holding up-back against her already.
Edit: Tenrai Ha is the only choice that makes sense for a hyper that gains damage when you mash, since you’re free to move during a good portion of Chireitou. So, since they needed to change how the damage is assigned anyway, hopefully they used that as an excuse to remove the random factor and make the damage/position entirely dependent on how much you mash.
I just wanted to mash buttons when drilling on top of people.
Not that it has any chance of happening, but if they did give her such a hyper I would also assume you could still follow it with a tenraiha/chireitou, otg combo etc.
The only way I could imagine a “grab” Lv.3 to work was if it was like Spencer’s Bionic Maneuvers, only she flung out a claw or something to confirm.
We’re getting off-topic here. If we want to discuss juicy new hypers involving grabs and drills/guillotines (that’s what I’d want to see), then we can move it to the Wishlist thread. For now… how 'bout dem buffs?
Hey guys, I’m back and doing a quick report. Ask me anything I might’ve missed.
New Anki hou items:
-oil drum(the wooden log everyone thought it was). Supposedly has high projectile durability points but given the randomness of items, it’s hard to test this out.
-hunk of meat. nothing special at least from what I saw.
-samurai doll/cat doll. Causes stagger.
-Chris’s stun rod. Also staggers with an electric effect.
-Snowman. Freezes opponent, rather, it just has an ice effect similar to ammy’s cold star. It doesn’t actually freeze you ala chris’s grenade launcher hyper.
Hit stun changes
-I’ve tried replicating this combo shown here in 1:15:53 (, but had no success. Might be build differences?
-Performed a corner combo that involved c.H, f+H, M Henkyo ki for 3 reps on several opponents. It felt much easier to do than in vanilla mvc3.
Other stuff
-Chiretou seems to have faster start up. No specific timing after an air combo was needed for this hyper to connect.
-f+M AND f+H are now jump cancelable!! Didn’t get to try any new combos utilizing this but I feel this should help her damage output a bit. Maybe even help her close in on opponents.
Overall, she feels mostly the same. Noticed no significant speed increase in walk speed, dash, air dash. henkyo ki recovery felt slightly shorter but couldn’t find a way to combo after it midscreen, so it might’ve been me. Even with the new items for anki hou, it seems pointless to have a snowman that doesn’t actually freeze you or have stagger items come out at random. Bombs are useless as ever, no active hitbox on it. oh yeah, no cancelable senpu bu, I’ve tried pressing S/mashing buttons with joystick combinations.
Time to scream from the heavens folks. We have about 4 months to get some changes made before UMvC3 launches and she absolutely NEEDS those bombs fixed, and cancellable Senpu-Bu needs to become a reality.
Henkoy Ki coming out faster and recovering quicker is a plus, and f+M/H being jump cancellable is a start. But giving her more random garbage to throw isn’t necessarily a buff.
Disappointment. H8 on that Capcom Unity stream for being like 17 frames a second and making everything look faster than it was.
Well… time to travel to Japan and slap everyone responsible for balancing.
There’s still time folks. That was just an initial build I’m sure, things can definitely change between now and them.
With f.h being jump cancellable and the new projectiles maybe they are indeed trying to make her a zoning character. Seems really odd considering how she plays in her home series though.
I will go to japan and hold all the fish hostage. No sushi for Japan until Hsien-Ko gets the buffs she deserves!
I can understand wanting to put an emphasis on her zoning (I don’t agree with it, but fine), but not fixing the bombs always puts her at risk when using Anki-Hou. By giving her so many new items, they are encouraging players to use it more, but until they fix the bombs, it’ll still be garbage. The way the move is designed right now, every time you use it you have a chance of it completely failing on you, leaving you exposed and risking death. It also doesn’t help that there are THREE kinds of bombs that can come out, none of which have hitboxes!
Thanks for giving her a test run llnd, by the way nice match against pgorath. It really hurt to see his shuma make that comeback in the second game :(. Jump cancelable moves is pretty nice and the ease of her corner combo is interesting but seems like for now the changes are a bit lacking (especially the apparent lack of speed boost)…trying to stay optimistic about her getting more buffs though.
I really dislike the biased vibe (in terms of characters) i’m getting from the guys in charge of the balancing. Dante, who already has a ridiculous moveset can now double dash/triple jump in devil trigger AND has an easier to perform(faster startup) hammer…wtf???. Ryu who was actually quite a solid mid-tier imo is now somewhat godlike??..and poor Hsien-Ko, well she gets random snowmen and meat projectiles… /Salt
I guess the most we can wish for with those changes is a change to the formula of randomness behind the anki hou items into something more predictable. I am not very hopeful though. =/
Or just start a big fundraiser to buy licensing rights for Reverge labs to put Lei Lei in Skullgirls.
If all the items had hitboxes, I wouldn’t mind it being random.
In MvC3 you could chain to :f::h: and x-factor into a jump, hit them on the way down and do another ground chain into launcher. It was a while ago when I was just messing around with things, but if I remember correctly the best way to do it was instant airdash after the jump so that you cover the most horizontal distance possible.
You could likely do something similar with a jump-cancelable :f::h:, although it might not be possible without the x-factor speed boost, wouldn’t know. That would certainly increase her average BnB damage, not just because of the extra chain but also just for the fact that you get to do f+H in a combo midscreen.
Did you test anything with her airthrow? I feel like any character that wants to play offense consistently in this game needs a good airthrow or a teleport just because air block is so strong, and it takes ridiculous circumstances to get any combo from hers.