New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

I’m pretty garbage with making anything, but when I get some free time to start a project I’m at least going to put in some effort to try!

Or we could just have Hsien-Jo do the acting!

Max’s explanation: “We couldn’t find any female willing to act as Hsien-ko… So, here’s this guy!”

I got a better one:

Max: Say Hsien-Ko, aren’t you supposed to be a girl in this game?
Hsien-Jo: Man, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be.
Doom: Capcom doesn’t seem to know either!

cue 3 seconds of awkward staring at the camera

You win :frowning:

Who knows, if we hype it up enough, it might actually happen lol, thad be the day.

This made my week.

I was going to post a similar exchange about her not showing up for both the Assist Me and the game, but this is too good.

Where gonna get evilweevle’s image animated, comic book form or simply drawn one way or another. Aw man, I just got an awesome Idea for a short spoof comic regarding Christmas Presents and Buffs or lack of for UMVC3, of course Ko would get the lime light. I wish I could Draw better. I imagine Shehulk opening a very long boxed present to find a telephonepole, Wolverine gets a classy Cheeze Grater + Imported Cheeze from Europe, Hulk either gets a suit of armor or a weight set or something, Spiderman gets a copy of BlazBlue cause he can drive cancel, I mean zip cancel everything like Taokaka lol, Viper gets Scott Summers shades or Optic Protector, the list goes on!

This needs to be followed by a random throwing of one of the new items, right at the camera, causing freeze, stagger, electrify status, or stun to the camera.

^^ this NEEDS to happen! :smiley:

I’m almost tempted to. In 3D.

But then i’d have to model Wesker… :frowning:

EDIT: I think a better plan (since it’s about MVC3 of course) would just to be using the actual MVC3 models instead… but I don’t have those lol. or mvc3.

i was just watching maximillian’s newest changelog video, taskmaster can cancel his swing into arrows for more mobility…tactical rage incoming…

Evilweevle’s sad story in 3D would be amazing.

And it’s weird that I didn’t realize “Web Swing can be canceled” meant “Web Swing can be canceled” when I read the changelog. I… ugh.


Urge to kill… rising…

Mei-Ling needs to hop off and let Hsien-Ko go apeshit at the Capcom offices.

But that’ll mean she’ll just turn gold for five seconds and still be slow! Plus, she’ll just tag out anyway.

Yeah, this just made me lose all faith in Capcom’s balancing. Why couldn’t they both get it?

I had Hsien-ko on my main team for a while, so I know what it’s like.

Honestly, while Hsien-ko is bad, I think you can have a decent team built with her in it. I think Hsien-ko and Shuma-Gorath work awesome together. Mystic Ray covers almost the entire screen while Hsien-ko is throwing out gongs during her approach, it lets her relaunch, and she can even DHC into him perfectly. Shuma-Gorath, of course, loves the pendulum, but everyone does. I wanted to run Hsien-ko/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath for a while for what I called “Team Phantasm”. It worked really well, but I ended up dropping it because I didn’t like anchoring with Shuma-Gorath, Hsien-ko is bad at anchoring, and I hate anchoring Dormammu because it means he never gets to fight in a lot of matches. :stuck_out_tongue:


I want to know the name of the joint they are smoking in their dev department. Because it must be pretty good.

Fear and Loathing in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 by Hunter S. Thompson - A savage journey to a game company where they don’t know what the hell they are doing

I just realized that Taskmaster can cancel his swing with the arrows. I saw it and I understood that it is a buff, but it didn’t hit me until now. They reworked Spidey for cancels and they even gave one of my most hated characters a swing cancel.

I don’t even…

I can attest to this (kinda). Funnily enough, the two do work well together. Shuma’s assist is also great against teleporters. I dropped him after a little while because, well… Shuma.

Thinking my new team wll be Wright/Shuma/Hsien Ko. All characters I love and they have decent synergy together.

I’m not a tournament level MvC3 player anyway so it’s whatevs for me concerning the tiers.

I like where your comin from
The way I see it is:
> One, whats the point in playing a game if you don’t play with a character you enjoy. Even if you have difficulty winning with your character or characters, its not the same picking another char just cause its easier to get some wins.
> Two, I ain’t a top 8 placing player getting that fame and Dollaz, so if I’m not gonna get to the top of the hill because of my lack of skill and knowledge, whats the picking someone else? I might as well have fun.

I still think Hsien-ko should be able to run like she can in Darkstalkers when she DarkForces into her Super Armor.
To this whole thing, I think its best to shoulder shrug and be stubborn and keep doin what were doin, we’ll be better players in the long run.