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sorry i edited after you replied but “also uhm …can anyone explain to me TOP tier and lower tier…haha and…how exaclty do you cancel supers or any moves for that matter…” .hope im not annoying you…im one of those…came from doing a fireball 25% of the time people

Top tier… basically your characters that have an edge that net wins and have few bad matchups.

Lower tier… May have some good qualities but overall aren’t considered to be quite so dominant over the cast. However some may (and do) counter or fight top tiers well enough in certain roles.

So far as cancelling moves and supers
You know how to throw a fireball so we’ll work on that and Ryu, the man himself
I guess.

“Low forward,” a.k.a. medium kick,, whatever.
It has startup, active hiting, and recovery frames of animation.

Just buffer in your fireball motion, qcf+P during the move as it’s hitting and the move will cancel. Same with supers. Hit confirmation becomes a factor in this because you naturally don’t want your super blocked. Some supers are safer blocked than others but whatever.

Noob Q but I cant see the diff beween RC and a normal special move by its self

could someone post a quick 5 sec vid and of a special move used where first it is used normally and then again with RC.

Thanks or please give me a link of a vid like this already done

Can’t help you with a vid, but if it helps any you have to listen
It’s not like you’re going to see the roll before it gets canceled.

You’ll know the results when you hear the character yell (or whatever) when they roll then yell (or whatever) again when their special normally has them yell (or whatever).

Um. In short they’ll yell twice (if they yell at all)

That and you see the results since you typically only RC to go through another person’s move unless it’s something rather dominating like meaty RC electricities

if you’re doing a non invincible move and see it go through fireballs and other oddities like that, it’s RCed =P

if you’re RC it first frame (like me), you really can’t tell by looking or hearing, either learn to do it slower, or just keep it so the opponent can’t tell either, and will just assume you’re rcing after they go through their pokes a few times

I have a noob question so I came to this thread (I’m not a true noob I am just new to 720 characters) Whenever I do honda’s 720 move, half the time it registers as his headbutt super. Can someone explain to me what I need to change about the way I am doing the motion? I roll it around clockwise twice and on the input screen it seems to make 2 full circles, yet I get the wrong super. Thanks.

i saw a match video where the one dude cancels C Ken shoryu reppa Lvl 2 into a roll, then DP… how do you do this? i can’t get the roll to come out fast enough for a DP

I have a question for all of you.

Is Charge Partitioning in CvS2 considered to be the same as Charge Partitioning in 3s?

An example would be Chun-Li’s s. Fierce --> Spinning Bird Kick. Or is this considered Charge Partitioning at all?

Also, in order to execute a proper Charge Partition, do you have to charge for 1 second or 2? Because in 3s it was one IIRC from Thongboy Bebop’s thread:

For me, it seems you have to charge for 2 seconds.

Also, I don’t think it’s possible to do “3s style Paritioning”, that is to say you are able to dash --> CP Spinning Bird Kick.

here is an easy way to explain this, do the shoryu reppa at point blank range on hit five cancel into jab roll (lp) then you literally have all day to do a DP you can even walk a few step forwards and hit him extra deep. If you do it deep you can get in the 3 hits of the flaming DP. Also in the corner you can cancel into jab dp and then shinruyken as they fall back down. So hope that helps.

Ok, just reading that bit about game speed, I wasn’t aware of the arcades variable speed. A long while ago I got a whole bunch of japanese vids (arcade) and it looked alot like they were playing on speed 4. So whenever I practiced on PS2, that’s the speed I played. Soon after I entered a tourny and it was on speed 3, proper fucked up my timing. I also found out that pretty much everyone in the UK plays on the default speed (3).

So, question, are console tournies generally held on default speed? And do people change the speed on the arcade versions at all, or is it just slight differences in the default speed? It’s hella too slow for me and I’ve spent so long getting my RC timing on speed 4 that I don’t feel I can even be bothered to go back.

Anyway, anyone with lots of arcade/console tournament experience, I’d really appreciate some input.

Arcade’s standard settings is generally the model they go by, though in some parts they up it some.

Well going by Thongboy Bebop’s definition I guess a form of Charge Partitioning exists, you can see this when Bison’s walking d.MP’s, if they connect xx scissors,
but that may just be an example of the added time you get from counter hits.

Perhaps the best example is Guile’s Booms, you don’t have to charge the full 2 secs just charge and throw following another poke after the first boom hits. In the time it takes to do that it doesn’t seem like 2 seconds honestly.
(Unless maybe you’re playing speed 4 lol)

There’s a clear difference in how charge is stored from a regular jump and a superjump/shortjump. Can’t explain it other than by providing examples

Guile throws someone in the corner
Guile superjumps, j.MK, d.MP xx Sonic Boom
You can be close as fuck so the arc of the jump is interrupted and this still comes out fine. This property of the charging process is similar to short jumps.
However with a regular jump though this combo doesn’t work for some stupid reason, you need more time I guess by inserting two jabs instead of a d.MP.
Or maybe that’s just me. But that’s easy enough I don’t see how I could be fucking that up.

Don’t know if your Chun example is an example of Charge Partitioning, though it would make sense that if you charged for 1 sec, then neutral s.HP xx up+K works for the same reasons involved with the Bison example, but what’s wierd with this sequence is that with Bison’s scissors you can charge down back and down forward and retain the charge but there’s no retention from down to up due to jumping.

Oh well.

so… in K groove… i jump in, JD an attack and I bounce up in the air… now, my opponent literally has all day to think of something to do on my way down…

what can i do to have to worry about that less? i think attemping a JD on an incoming tatsumaki sempukyaku is a good thing… after my friend realized that K groove has no air blocking, he started doing that… that’s before i learned how to JD it, but now he’ll bait it with a lvl 1 and then counter on my way down…

btw: we’re both scrubs at CvS2

well, first of all hurricane kick doesn’t really antiair, so you can just hit him out of it

and after a successful air JD you should be getting ready to hit them or JD again

charge partitioning doens’t exist enough to be usable in this game, it’s just that they lie about 2 seconds charge, charging only requires about 1.5 seconds

@hell, you’re only having trouble with normal jump c mp -> boom cuz normal jumps last a shorter amount of time =P

if i’m going in deep though and he does it then, i can react for a JD, not an attack. as soon as i land, he rolls or uoh. he can also RC it on occassion, and there’s been too many times where i’ve lost a match cuz i tried to hit him out, and i get fucked for it… teams with me and this guy typically run…

K - Dhalsim / Sagat 2/ Cammy or C - Ryu / Sagat 2 / Kim

C - Shoto or Ken/Ryu 2/Iori

Thanks. That explains a little bit.

Oh and I play on speed 2 since thats what my arcade plays on.

Don’t wanna play on speeds other than 2 since it might screw up my timing for CCs.

Yeah, but, I’m doing this in the corner, and as a result the super jump’s duration until the j.MK connects is for all intents and purposes the same exact amount of time a regular jump j.MK in the corner is (Both examples done with the j.MK hitting as deep and meaty as possible, considering the differences between the two)

I think there’s more to it than my timing:looney:

Although if we were in the center of the stage you would be correct:rofl:

yeah I guessed as much, still waiting out on some more info though… anybody? Like has anybody been in a tournament on speed 4? even better, what speed is it set to at evo?

Speed3 on console is the closest to the arcade version (some people say that console speed3 is even a little bit faster than arcade, but I’m not sure about that), speed4 is definately too fast. Speed3 is also console tourney standard.

ive been here for a while and I can’t seem to find the “really fast DPs without messing up” thread. can somebody give me a link here? thanks.

Search for “buffer DPs” or “repeated dps”