New to CvS2? Read here before asking questions!

Nick T.: The previous forward buffers into the next d > f and so on.
f > d > f + p

I don’t have to go df+P or do qcf’s right?

2hai: thanks for the psychological part of practicing DPs. i knew that i was missing something. i hope that i get it right later.

No problem, just focus on “proper technique” and u’ll eventually get it.
And another thing is to practice both sides evenly. Cause if practice one side exclusively, its going to be awhile to learn the other side, which would also affect how you play if u can only do CC’s on one side. Just be patient and u’ll eventually see results.

thanks man. i’ll check out replies to my other posts before hitting the arcade later.

I have a few questions about RCing that I’d like some help with. First, I read the post on it that Buktooth linked in the first post of this topic so I generally know what needs to be done, I just need clarification.

First of all, what does it mean to negative edge something?

Second, I’m having some issues RCing my funky kicks with Ken and would like to know how I’m supposed to RC something but use lk as the finisher for the move, as is the case with the Funky Kick. Do I just tap the lk really fast after hitting the roll or is there an easier way?

Hi all, i am quite new to all these fighting terms, and read some faq of this thread.

This one is also well done i think.

Just one question, what do you call a meaty hit?

I call a meaty hit where as a person wakes up, you stick a move with long attack/hit frames inside where the person will wake up, making reversals harder to do. Thats my interpetation of it…

ok i got the idea^^ Thx!

It also gives you a lot more frame advantage and makes things like sagat meaty c.fierce > c.fierce possible

I’m having trouble RCing certain moves. I got the charge back + F attacks RCed (Bison’s Psycho Crusher, Blanka’s Ball.) But im having trouble RCing QCB and other stuff (Tatsu, and other stuff.) Any advice? Are some moves NOT RC-able?

It’s just about timing, qcf/b, hcf/b, charge b-f, ppp, kkk are all RC-able

And basically, it just comes out as fast as a kara cancel in 3s? Like, I input the motion that fast?

I never played 3s but, its the same as doing a kara cancel.

Hey Buktooth, mind checking and editing some of the links in your first post?A few dont work.

Alot of the old links in these thread don’t work because either the site is no longer running or its been deleted off the site because its so old.

Hi everyone!

Sorry for disturbing…

I’m new in cvs2 and I have a question related with the different versions.
I have the PS2 PAL version. And when I see some videos, it seems that my game is really slower. Is it because the PAL version only supports 50Hrz? If it is the case, is the NTSC version faster? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Having worked in the game industry and tested games, standard PAL tv’s output 50hz and NTSC tv’s are standard at 60hz. That doesn’t actually change the play speed of the game though.

What version of CVS2 do you have. normal or EO?

Hi Tetsuye. Thanks for your answer.

I have the normal version of cvs2. The reason why I asked this question is because, in Gulty Gear XX#, you can chose the option you want (50Hrz or 60Hrz)(in the PAL version). And the fact is that the 50Hrz “version” is slower than the other.

Really, PAL-50 shouldn’t run any slower than PAL-60. It should just drop frames. I could be wrong, but that has been my experience. wierd.

Okay, I read the first page about RCing, but when exactly do you press LK+LP? Is it after you enter in the command for the special move, or is it sometime during it?

Add the roll about halfway through the move motion. Usually on the down or df/db before the move finishes.