So if it combos on block there’s no harm in always trying to reverse?
You should always try, but know that if you mess up and come out of block position, you can get hit by the rest of the super, like hondas.
this chart is a joke but its the type of joke that angers me not the funny type like blonde jokes or racial jokes
watching u do this combo on the st machine made me fall in love no homo
Creating reasonably accurate tiers is easy. I would argue that establishing solid tiers is very possible. Of course they won’t be 100% perfect but they certainly give an overall idea which characters are better than others and to a certain degree how much better they are.
You just have one person complete a match-up chart for one or a few characters. So John Choi does a complete chart with O.Sagat and N.Ryu, ProfessorJones does one with N.Dictator, NKI does one with N.Chun, James Chen does one with N.Cammy, Sirlin with N.Claw, and so on and so forth. So they’ll have ten or so people do a complete chart with one or two characters based on match-ups out of ten.
After each character has a complete match-up chart, they’ll take the data and total the points up, and then they rank the characters based on points.
So here is a chart featuring mostly U.S. based players and here is a chart featuring some of the best Japanese players of Super Turbo.
The U.S. tier list is great because you have top players independently constructing their own charts for single characters based on their own experiences and analysis. There is no direct outside authority influencing them one way or another. The Japanese chart was boxed completely, so some of the data is a compromise of different numbers from different players, so it’s not fully independent like the U.S. based chart is. That being said the numbers are still reasonable across the entire chart in my opinion.
The way that the Japanese rank Virtua Fighter tiers is extremely accurate. And the Japanese and South Koreans seem to have a reliable system for Tekken as well.
I’m sure eventually HDR will have its own charts and tier diagrams based on top player experience and analysis.
i’m willing to bet it won’t
because a lot of the top players don’t like sirlin fighter 2
VERY nice!! Good to know, thanks. :hitit:I rarely miss vs Honda’s Torpedo, so this should be a piece of cake, and that goes for any char vs Boxer. :badboy:
Apparently they do, if EVO turnout is any indication. Turnout for other major tourneys is pretty good too. Players like Afrolegends, John Choi, Wolfe Bros., Damdai, etc. Even top players who prefer ST Classic like NKI, are still playing at major tourneys. ST Remix is the standard right now, and I don’t see that changing in the near future.
overall tactically, or just because it’s fun? methinks zang has better odds against a rushdown ken than a zoning ryu. the tools altogether make ryu a bit tougher. fake fireball, super, regular fireball and his advancing fierce make him extremely difficult to get in on, maybe even harder than a good sim because of dp and less recovery on normals. hell, even the knockdown hurricane kick can cause a headache if used sparingly.
maybe. but people got tired of giving me their money around here months ago. I was sad.
I’m assuming you are joking?
Savalas is being sarcastic. No offense, but he would likely whoop you for free
Great point. I should have clarified. I was referring to a 100% accurate chart. It has taken years for the ST chart to be refined to the level it is now. Yet, the finer details are still being changed. The recent addition of O.Hawk to the A-tier after x7 is a great example.
I was more nit-picking the time spent debating the exact placement each character. Rog and Sim are both good. Not sure if it matters who is the first, or second, or even if you could put another character between them or above them or whatever… My point was that they are both good and that is what matters.
Look, debating tiers can fun… at first. But becomes extremely tiresome after sometime. Especially when personal bias gets involved.
Or, maybe I am just a crabby old man… and just feel like crying about something…:crybaby:
-fatboy :china:
Well, yeah, but its definitely worth it since ken has his godly hp dp for situations like that.
Men cry because of pain, women cry because they feel like it.
Seriously j/k :wgrin:
honda getting hit out of the super is pretty damn sexy
like it seems like when i see ryu players do it they always hit the HP button EXTRA hard… like OWNED… honda u damn bully
I like when I have to show a stupid honda that he needs to use that super from full screen more conservatively.
I hate getting hit by it at point blank though, its damage is retarded.
From what I understand, the ST tier is very close to being 100% accurate. I read somewhere that it’s basically definite who the top tiers are and who the bottom tiers are, but there is always going to be argument about where characters in the middle tier are placed, within the middle tier.
That is my point Rankings can always change or be debated with the availability of new information, the implantation of a new play style, or increased consistency in a players execution. (I.e. the O.Hawks in x7, played the corner traps near perfectly.)
Trying to find the exact placement of each character in an ordinal tier based system is a lot of work, that adds very little the over all player knowledge base about the game.
fatboy - You’re a smart dude. You really believe O.hawk is A Tier in ST?
ST is not 100%. There are still so many debates about the mid and low tiers to this day. O.Hawk has been put at the lowest tier and at just below top tier within the past few years. Dictator has been floated as a top-mid character and then moved down to just middle of the pack.
Even within the top tier people still debate who is the best of the best. Is it Sim, or O.Sagat, or Claw? Overall though we know who the four best characters are in ST (O.Sagat, Claw, Boxer, Sim), who occupies the middle tiers, and who is in the lowest income bracket. We just don’t know the exact concrete order within the tiers.
Now do we know who is the lowest overall character? Is it N.Hawk or N.Zangief? No. But we at least know that both of them are low tier.
See. No one ever agrees fully about ST and its tiers.
It’s not a mater of what I believe:
As taken from NH2’s blog. @
-fatboy :china:
Of course people are going to argue O. Hawk is weak, but tiers are all THEORY FIGHTER. In THEORY, if played right, O. Hawk knocks you down once and wins for free. How would that not be A tier?
asd;flkjasdf;lkjasdf;lk /leaves this board forever