Today’s wise word’s from Richard:
“Gas prices don’t bother me. They can raise prices all they want, cause I only ever put in $10 at a time.”
Today’s wise word’s from Richard:
“Gas prices don’t bother me. They can raise prices all they want, cause I only ever put in $10 at a time.”
She is definitely decent, probably bottom of high tier. Hell no I can’t combo after the counter, it is HARD AS FUCK. Also, doing fwd. b>command dash>command grab is literally impossible. Either way, she is pretty safe, counters can be scary against good players, anti-airs well, decent mixups and very dangerous in the corner… Like pretty much everyone, but still. She’s short range but she’s fast. My only gripe is any asshole mashing buttons can hit her out of her DP, even EX. It is strong in combos, but not as an AA or reversal.
If her command grab was like, her main focus I would probably drop her. The leniency with inputs in this game makes it so you have to do the motion super slow to not get a DP, unless there is some execution gimmick to do it more reliably I don’t know about.
Yeah I like her. Still haven’t messed with Saiki and I might drop her or Duo for Billy because he seems way fucking good.
I think everyone has got you covered on what to get.
Edit: I have a Logitech G15 keyboard that’s in pretty good condition if you wanna buy it. I’ll cut you a decent deal on it. I also have a EVGA GTS 450 vid card I’ll sell to you for a decent deal as well. Older vid card though but it should be able to run whatever you want on it on medium settings just fine.
I was wondering if you had a Das. I was gonna get you the Ultimate with Cherry Brown switches as a gift :X
Lol… epilepsy seizure. Well, I guess it’s back to the lab. And yeah Arson, fuckin command dash into command grab IS impossible. I saw the computer do it in the demonstration but they must’ve triggered a glitch or somethin cuz I’m doin it right so they can fuck off.
I’ll keep that in mind. Looked some prices up and that HD 6850 graphics card is within the price range that I am looking for. Will probably get it when there’s a super awesome last minute holiday sale, or if something comes up from the other brands that you’ve suggested.
Thank you, sir! d(.___.)b
Jacob & Eddie: I’ll be texting you guys soon.
Edit: These Das and mechanical keyboards seem like the Sanwa of keyboard lol. They look like really solid keyboard especially since I might be going into the programming field.
OOOoooooo! Chris G put the shades on on that boy! LMAO!!! Hype ass Finals!
Damn that’s rough dude, if it’s any consolation… It makes you seem like a hardcore badass.
You know what trips me out about Chris G? He never plays casuals matches at tournaments. He just shows up and plays. Dude’s just got raw natural talent.
Some people would argue with you on that one, but thanks.
GGs Dream, it’s past my bedtime.
GGs Zeth, I need to sleep too, lol
Kof is good. Still not certain on who is the best but I personally think top few are k’, billy, kula, and liz. Basically they’re all in equal level IMO cause they are all so good at pressure, shen too, like better than the others. But I also whatevs. Billy is for sure my Favorite right now though. His midscreen and corner safe blockstring pressure is nuts. So fun.
Eddie would you have room for Spiralbottom and me the night of the 17th after the tournament.
Literally just pulled an all-nighter on campus in the art dept computer lab… it’s finally finished. After 70 hours of work… my music video for Anamanaguchi… it’s finished.
I also think Robert is up there, I haven’t played much with him but it looks like he has every mechanic in the game, DP, command grab, wall jump, safe pressure. Thinking about replacing Benimaru with that Steven Seagal looking dude.
Hey guys. Regarding our tourney down here on the 10th, if people want to come on down Friday night, I have room for several at my house. Also, I can accomodate those that need to crash after the tourney and head back up on Sunday. Just PM me to let me know.
We may be doing pre (FRI night) and post (SAT night) tourney stuff at my house. I’ll need to run things by with the rest of the organizers and see what we want to say there.
GGs to Lil Mel, Josh, D-Wreck, Marcus, Rell, Herb, Gabe, and Ronald last night in XIII, T6, and UMvC3 at Afro Samurai Josh’s place.
Lil Mel’s Anime Girls Team putting in major work. Boss bitches. Welcum tew KANG 'O FATTERS.
Last call on that seat in my car for the tournament in AL on the 10th.
I gotta see the replay of this, I haven’t been watching the stream all weekend.