New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

all eyes on squabbler

This post was great because of the Fry face.

Duckie how’s your eye?

Really? I’d like to know how you can use her well because I guess I’m still having a hard time because I don’t fully understand the game’s mechanics. I’m not seeing how she can be decent with her short range attacks. Also can you combo after her little counter dash?

I think there is a tigers game tonight so Squab is prolly out. Wifey and I had plans but they may be cancelled if so I can host are you guys will to come out?

I’ll go

aight thats 1 at least lol. Anyone else? I dont want to host then have it be like 2 people. Plus I am trying to play KOF if possible.

I’ll go

Update: Lil Majin’s crew is hosting today. 6249 Lake Arbor place. Dial 715 at the gate or tell the front guy bld 49 apt 101 if any of you guys wants to go to that.

I am still not sure if I can host yet but will post again if so.

Yeah I can’t … and since NO ONE ANSWERS texts about having extra tickets, fuck you all … <3

I’d come out but the carpet guys are coming to replace all the carpet in my room and my sister’s room on Monday. All I’ve been doing all day is boxing up all my shit and getting ready to take the furniture out. I got too much shit man, don’t be like me and hoard goddamn everything.

On the plus side I’ll be rearranging everything and tossing out some old furniture I never use much. By the end of Monday my room is gonna be fucking stylin.

My bad man. I didnt have my phone with me when I was out today.

@ Jason: Wow. I agree with everything you said completely. Not discrediting Tom Brady or his skill in the game, but he has a grip on the scene as a whole. And as the person who contributes most to the community, he has a certain immunity and can shape it however he wants, and pretty much has. Doesn’t seem to be enough dominant or consistently strong players in the scene with a voice to either contend what he says, or to formulate their own gospel, whereas this exists in nearly every other fg community. Lol I remember the Sub-Zero thing. We were talking about that here. And we have jokes for the whole “top player tells you to this” thing. Like we say, what if all those JWong and whoever else instructional or matchup vids and interviews are simply telling you how to better lose with your characters and donate more money to them? Lmao, even if it isn’t true, you can’t doubt that type of stuff with the power that the community gives these guys now. Plus, you don’t even have to be the one winning the tournaments to be the celebrity. Too many People’s Champs. Anyway, back on subject, yea that’s what I was saying was that even with the buffs, they’re just extensions of the tools Jax had in the first place. Dude that won with him prob got looked at sideways for bringing Jax. And then he won so Jax is top tier. Lol agreed, like when Momachi or whoever won that major with Cody, “I whined about this guy at first but the technologicals in grand finals have allowed my eyes to see the matrix. I have stones in my pocket, I chunk tornados, I fucking hurt, I got a punch that goes through shit, I can actually punish stuff, I can chip, I might have to actually block sometimes when I get knocked down but shit i can still fling dirt if niggas forget! Hey man, I can WIN!”

What I always say? It’s like Space Jam when Bugs Bunny brought the “Secret Stuff” to the locker room. Niggas drunk it and got buff. “Secret Stuff” is actually a bottle of tap water. Mike Ross smiled at me 2 years ago. I saw him online with the same character I lose with except he got the alternate outfit. He did a podcast on that character and beat Gootecks with him. Now imma buy the outfit and get buff too! Goddamnit y’all, I CAN DO IT!

Liz is so dry to me. I don’t even remember why I liked her in XI. But I know that bitch is a boss. If she grabs you…EPILEPSY SEIZURE.

I changed characters in this game more than I’ve ever did and haven’t even went to a tourney yet. Tekken doesn’t count because true main was always Ganny. But now I’m on Mighty Max/ Yurikuma/ Joey Corkscrew. Only person that made every cut from pre-release squad is Max. Prob more roster changes to come and definitely learning a few more charas, but those guys and Shen will prob remain on the frontlines.

Nigga you better stop acting like these people don’t owe you no money. You better put that light in asses. All 100 watts.

@ JMD Squab: Yea you need to host. I think I wanna play today and I don’t wanna drive more than 5 minutes away. I like how we can tell you how to spend your Saturday night if enough people post or call you.

EDIT: I guess you can’t. This still doesn’t make you in control of your own life.

@ Sev: Fuck the Tigers. For the love of everything that ever made sense, fuck them.

Sev you know I’ll go, I’m off at 6.

Im down also

You had extra tickets!? SHIT!!!

Jan, NO! Move on with your life cousin!

Ok guys well I wont be able to host sorry.

Check out Lil Majin’s thing if your still looking for gaming tonight though.

Kinda in a weird situation with that. Eye doc says the eye is physically fine, but the fact that I’m still hurting and partially blind means I need to see a neurologist. The good news is that my vision is starting to come back. Last week I started seeing movement, and I recently started seeing colors again. No improvement since then, but I’ll take what I can get.

LMAO at the NEC stream. An unknown player, appropriately named “Unknown,” just bodied Yipes, PR Rog, and Clockwork in the teams tournament of Ultimate. PR Rog didn’t even want to shake the dude’s hand. The best part is that his team is Nemesis/Sent/Wesker, and he doesn’t even do the “fancier” Nem stuff.