New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

People really put egg on their face? I just thought that was an urban legend, damn

Someone does need to host because I need something to do when I get off work at 6.

Yeah, I watched a video of some girl doing that last night. Well, it wasn’t egg, but definitely protein…

Hey guys, just a reminder that some of us Alabama guys are hosting a tournament on Dec 10 in Madison, AL. I hope some of TN’s finest can make it out. Here’s a link to the tournament: [Dec 10, 2011] ROCKET CITY RIOTS :: DEC. 10; HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA (Madison, Alabama)

Still trying to make it to this. I have a final on the 12th, so we’ll see.

Any other TN guys going to this?

I am going, and it seems I will have one open spot in my car I think, so if anyone wants to trade transportation for gas, get at me.

Hey guys, Google Leanna Decker. You’re welcome.

Now that I know there should be around 100 people, I’m definitely making an appearance. Not gonna lie, I saw dollar signs in my eye.

^^I’m gonna put in a shift trade to try to make that if anyone wants to split gas for it.

I should bring you my top loader if you think you could mod it while I am there and cut out the middleman

You can bring it, but I can’t do it while I’m there. I can carry it back with me and work on it at home. The good news is I think it’ll fit in one of those $5-$10 Flat Rate boxes.

yayyyyyy I will bring it then, do you have cords and a controller to test it, or do i need to bring things

Bring the AC adapter. the existing AV cables, and the cables you want to use. I’ve got controllers.

Alrighty, hit me up on aim real quick

Can’t. I’m on campus right now, and will likely be here all day. I’m going to be hard to get a hold of during the day until Tuesday. I’m checking PMs and SRK between rendering video, though.

Welp i’ve made a decision that will either make me or break me when it comes to ultimate. I’ve decided to play one team and one team only when it comes to tourneys and ranbats/money matches. That team will be sent,strider,doom. I may still mess around with other teams during casuals from time to time but that will be my main and final team for the reminder of the time I do end up playing this game. I want to get as godlike as I can possibly get with tht team and i’m gonna be getting my ass beat a lot at first while i’m really getting the hang of the team but that’s just the way it is lol. Now it also means I have to actually train? Damn I hate doing that lol I just wanna play but oh well gotta do what you gotta do to win right?

I need a new av now. Squabb?:wink:

yo my girl lizbeth is mad sick namsayin b shorty be droppin atomic bombs of st.c>fwd.b namsayin

Daigo is playing Cammy now, which sucks because I was having tons of fun fighting 2000PP 14BP akumas online…

Updated 1st post with tourney info.

Come on someone say there hosting my Vergil needs live opponents.

I highly recommend this. You’ll definitely start seeing results at tournaments when you dedicate to a single team.

Oh, and that Strider assist is broken. lol
