Heres a nice graphics card hierachy chart that compares nvidia/radeon side by side.
So what’s your guys’ win/loss rate in ranked KOF? I still suck with a 9 to …60 rate. Grrrr.
I recommend buying a mechanical keyboard. Just got my das keyboard a few days ago and I love it.
I’ve used a lot of “gaming” keyboards in the past and it just comes down to preference. As long as the keyboard will recognize at least 4-5 keys at once you should be fine, and every keyboard ive used in the last few years has been fine.
The gaming keyboards usually have quirky extras, like macro buttons, lcd screens, and multimedia buttons. I used the logitech g15 for the last 2-3 years and can honestly say, I never used a macro key even once. The lcd screen was cool for about a week, and then I never reinstalled the drivers for it after wiping my OS.
Decide what features you might actually use. If you don’t think you will use all crap, don’t pay extra. Just get some $15-20 keyboard from newegg… OR invest in a mechanical keyboard. I wish I would have got one a long time ago.
PS, i still have the v2 logitech G15. (the orange one) I might be willing to let go of it for pretty cheap.
I have to say this is slowly becoming a favorite of mine.
I think I’m 80% wins in ranked and 95% in Player Match…I know I’ve played about 100-110 games total combined but I’m old and press buttons…there’s very few people on my friends’ list that actually play ranked it seems, or the game in general again anymore : /
Seriously, they need to never let perfect legend or tom brady do mk anyting again.
Why the fuck would anyone even listen to Zack Morris and Webster talk about tiers in a game that doesn’t matter much anymore?
Yea, alternate guard is a good tech. I haven’t watched this video because… well… this technique has been around for a long time and the actual people who contribute to the KoF knowledgebase have already uploaded all of these videos. But, now a bunch of jerks are going to remake the videos using KoF13 and the retarded FG scene is going to flock to them because they have new graphics. Shit kills me.
Ranked matches are impossible to find. I just play on player match.
Please tell me someone is hosting tonight? i’m free tonight and I wanna play!
You’re free every night.
Man didn’t you know? I’m as free as tap water chief,lol
tap water still costs me 13 bucks a month lol
6870 would be good, and 560ti or 6950(1gb) card if you are looking for slightly better. I probably wouldn’t recommend anything older than the 6870 though. Deals are gonna change daily so I can’t recommend a particular card, but ASUS, EVGA, MSI and Gigabyte generally have the best cards. Sapphire, Zotac and XFX are upper mid tier and HIS is mid tier. Nvidia vs AMD is just preference usually, both have their separate issues. Nvidia will perform better on games that use Physx and usually has slightly higher quality components, so they are more pricey. AMD usually gives you slightly more bang for your buck but sometimes has driver issues. Both are still good and I’d just go with whatever the best overall value is.
Also, Western Digital is restarting their manufacturing soon so HDD prices should be going down in the near future. So if you can hold off buying a HDD til they drop and reuse an old HDD until then, I would recommend that course of action.
Create a match in Ranked and play in Practice Mode. You will always find matches that way.
I forgot Jax won that one tourney. You think they’re doing it because of that? Probably. I kinda wanna play the game again to see a lot of the changes first hand because I can’t even talk about discuss anything besides the first months stuff. Let’ssee what happens at NEC if Jade wins lol.
Look at Kensou flying down. I fucking hate that prick.
This must be the Xbox Magic. I can’t find matches, especially if I do a custom search, so I have to quick match and then get shitty matches. I need to look at my w/l but I know for sure I’ve lost like 3-4 in Ranked and probably 4 Player matches. This is out of maybe 15 matches total? I’ll give it a go today. Try to play at least 10 matches.
I’ll try this. But can you set parameters to where people with 3 or 4 bars can only join? Or do you have to just see who joins and kick them if they’re a 1 lol?
FLyMike: you can set parameters still on those KOF matches…but even 4 bars isn’t perfect by any means…it’s “playable” but still whatever…it’s all we have I suppose…
And yeah, that Jax thing, definitely based on the one tournament…top tiers are usually based on overall ability and ease of use and amount of people playing them…it’s why I have always had a problem with the 'tier list" they have because it’s not subjective. The way we did the original tier list you have to physically sit down and do a matchup chart with EACH character and discuss who would win in a 10 point matchup and why the advantages were as such…
When looking at it from THAT perspective you can clearly see why some matchups would prevent XXX character from being top tier…the whole Jax being top tier is more of a slap in the face to the guy that won the tournament because he took a lesser character and won…it’s almost like we need to readjust the SSF4 list because Cody won Season’s Beatings right? LOL
I mean, even the “strengths” as to why he is top tier make no sense. He had all those weapons before. Ground pound fake? He had an EX version. It’s good but not stupid. Overhead with Towards + 3? So? He had an overhead before. Heck, most of the cast had better overheads before that…The DU + 4 move? Always had that…faster projectile recovery? Still not like Kitana/Kabal and a bunch of other characters…
The “best” thing is the dash punch armor where he can go across the screen…that makes a difference, HOWEVER, more than one character got this buff…Liu Kang has it…Liu Kang has more overheads and faster moves and faster projectiles…overall he’s a better character but somehow he got worse? LOL
I don’t know…I just think it’s funny how the MK community is so whack with things…it’s precisely why I stay out of the community because of tier lists and frame data and all this stuff when the game gets patched all day and the whiners come out with egg on their face but are so naive and stupid they don’t even realize after the fact they HAVE egg on their face, lol!
I mean, I respect Tom Brady’s skill and knowledge of the game and all but it’s a well known fact that when a “character” is winning a tournament it automatically jumps to the top tier regardless of whether or not the character should be there. Remember Sub-Zero? Subbie was not “great” he was decent…and Tom won with him for a bit but made himself look derp when he put him as top tier. As Tom started losing, Subbie goes down in tier? I know some characters got stuff to deal with the clone (with EX) but it doesn’t affect the overall balance like that…just weird the whole thing in general…
I pick terry and derp buttons and I do good in king of fighters - DreamTR 2011
I agree. I go into practice mode and before it start I get a match. Happens just about every time.
Mature not Terry =)