New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

Anybody wanna play UN0?

Ha! I would definitely take you up on this if I didn’t just get Skyrim from Gamefly.

I’m is reetarded

Got dem Sword Loops Down

OMG 2PM thank the lord.

Aw shit, bringing me out of lurker city. Let me know if need any help picking parts out. I’d recommend using to find the best prices on stuff. Unless you’re playing new generation fps games like Battlefield 3 you probably won’t need to spend very much money either. Right now HDD prices are ridiculously high because of floods in Taiwan though, so unless you can find a holiday deal you will probably want to reuse a hdd.

As for gaming keyboards and mouses, it’s largely personal preference and how much you are willing to spend. I have a Razer Deathadder, I got it because it was lightweight but fit my large hands well. My keyboard is a Logitech G110 which is a bit pricey but I got 2 of them for a discount. It’s got backlit keys, programmable keys, a windows key switch, and plugins for usb and headset jacks as well as being able to mute mic and headset easily.

Strider/Doom Stops D… Phoenix, nice

Excluding the silly corner loop, does Strider actually have damaging combos? From what I’ve seen he has to open up the opponent about 5 times to get a kill.

Just played about seven games in UMvC3 with Flocker and won three. Zero is a ridiculous character, and one of Flocker’s teams focused on a nearly impossible-to-evade unblockable.

TN Thread, just post a random FlyMike Quote.

TN Thread, what the fuck is Chris Brown listening to?

In other news though, Astaroth, what is so bad about having to open up the opponent more than once to kill a character? The 1-touch kills were NOT a good thing in vanilla MvC3, but that’s just my opinion. Now 5 times sounds a bit excessive, unless you are exaggerating.

So, I really turned a corner with my KoF, today. My jump ins are timed properly. I’ve worked reversals on wakeup out of my vocabulary (for the most part). I’m starting to pull back and play more lame. I finally got to the point where I was ready to really learn some hard hitting combos so now I can really dig my teeth in when it’s the right time. I’m teching throws effectively. I really “get” the execution in this game now. Now, the harder combos aren’t so hard.

The guys here are all REALLY REALLY good. So, basically. I get my ass beat a ton. All of my stupid shit is being punished. Consequently, I’m being forced to change my gameplay.

Real quick, I just want to share this with you. For saiki, one thing you will end up doing is dp+B (drive cancel) qcf+C. So… the way you do this input is… dragon punch + B, then just hold forward and hit C. Think about that shit for a minute. I love KoF.


Also, bigger lol at latest MK9 tier list:

S+: Jax
S: Raiden, Kitana, Kabal, Kung Lao, Cyrax
A+: Smoke, Mileena, Reptile, Liu Kang, Ermac, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Sektor, Sub-Zero, Kano, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Kenshi, Freddy, Rain, Scarlet
A: Sheeva, Sindel, Stryker, Cyber Sub-Zero, Scorpion
B: Nightwolf, Baraka, Noob Saibot
C: Jade

My oh my. I think Tom Brady and Perfect Legend are the only people who still care enough about the game at this point to analyze it to that extent though. Bishop filled me in on everything in the video.

Jax though, haha. The buffs are crazy but he still pretty much possesses the same core cornbread style from back when we were preaching dude was legit.

P.S. Marcus is on his way to Philly. Keep an eye out for him on the NEC stream for T6, KOFXIII, and UMvC3. Maybe GGXXAC and MK9 too but he’s more rusty than a toolbox in a swimming pool.

My execution and jump-ins/hops are still ass. But I definitely know what’s up and overall it makes a hell of a difference to be “lame” and then just hit hard when you see that opening.

I envy Bishop’s hands. His movement and hops are too on point. And not just random hopping. Dude hops with a purpose. There’s a difference between that and guys wavedashing and shit in games just because they know how to do it and wavedash straight into the biggest launcher. Also, this man executes anything on a whim. I have to take into account what side I’m on, if I’ve recovered enough, how much arm strength this’ll take, will this motion override so I can nigga-rig a buffer, etc. And by the time I factor all of that in, my hands have already opted to do something much simpler. Plus, the difference in some EX moves and supers are minimal damage or you might look at positioning or if something causes a hard knockdown, or soft knockdown or carries to wall. Shit like that I look at sometimes when deciding an ender, that’s IF I don’t auto-pilot or drop-I mean “reset”.

You’re right though, it definitely helps getting your ass blasted for any and all stupid shit so that you play more cautious and calculated style OR attempt to change up on the fly, which I see is going to be required often.

That’s a nice buffer. I messed with Saiki for a second. Nothing in-depth, but I like him. Not enough to play him or learn him, but just to appreciate him as a character. On the surface, they did a cool job balancing him it seems. But I’ll still respect if I ever had to fight him.Those teleports look boss but I got a feeling that they’re not as mobile as they seem.

No, but his mix up potential is so strong. I’m trying move him off of being an anchor. Truth is that his buttons aren’t that safe. Later in this game he is really not going to be much of an anchor in my opinion. His only real damage comes from lvl 3 combos.

Nah, don’t get me wrong. One hit kills SHOULD only be available to the big characters, but we know that’s not necessarily true in Marvel. I just haven’t been impressed by Strider’s stuff, considering other characters like him (fast, mixup-heavy characters) get 2 hits for a kill.

Whenever I see you talk about KoF, I will imagine you trolling people with this.


Lol strider doesn’t need a 1 hit kill. He can mix you up twice and kill you, 3 times if your health is a million or higher and it’s not hard to mix someone up with him. Not to mention he builds meter insanely fast and once he activates oroboros you can’t do shit to him. Oh and one last thing, he does do chip damage while oroboros is active. Basically the way it works is all his normals do chip damage while super is active but not the orbs themselves. So ya he can def kill you off chip damage with oroboros. In short strider is a monster and in the right hands he’s a major problem. So right now it looks like I will be maining strider,sent,doom at final round lol

I have one reset with doom from anywhere on the screen that basically if I land it, it guarantees a 1 hit kill on anyone! Lol!! Stupid game…

Many thanks for the suggestions, friends :slight_smile: I kinda figured it would be a preference type of situation, but I just wanted to see if there was a certain go-to brand/model that most PC gamers prefer. I’ll keep all that in mind.

Cylus: Thanks for the help. As of now, I have the Motherboard, RAM, case, and power supply on standby (aka buying it off of my roommate for a sweet freaking deal) I got the processor picked out on b/c Intel is the only brand that will work with: (plus I was looking into the whole Sandy Bridge chip set series to begin with anyways)

I’m still looking around for a good graphics card, which I’m not too particularly picky about. I’m not looking into getting a top of the line graphics card with Crossfire X that will process Skyrim on the highest setting and not lag from summoning 3842308 cheese wheels rolling down the side of Fuck Mountain. Just something that will run about games at a pretty decent/above average setting is suffice for me lol. Probably leaning towards a Radeon Sapphire HD 6700 or 6800 series. Any more suggestions on graphics cards is even more appreciative cause I always hear mixed things on what’s to be worshiped and what’s absolute doo doo between NVidia and Radeon lol.

I completely forgot about buying a hard drive, and I did hear about the flood that wrecked Taiwan… I’m keeping an eye on for some good deals. I’ll also look into that website you suggested for some good finds as well :smiley:

Yeah but one tournament doesn’t make the guy above everyone else. He did have weapons, but so did everyone else…there are still characters that are way better than him but take one tournament and all of a sudden he’s S+? Biggest thing, if he was top tier, everyone would have been using him, including now, no doubt he has improved, but no way he is better than Kabal, Kitana, Cage, Kung Lao, Smoke, etc

I wish people still played it a little here though, lol


Chris came up with the title after I randomly texted him that pic from Kroger.