New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

Well, for keyboards the best is Das Keyboard Ultimate Silent. The best gaming mouse is probably the wired rat-7. As far as “gaming keyboards”… shits gay… and not in the good way.

Good shit building your own - save a lot of $ and get exactly what you want. +1 to you! …

I’ve found that for keyboards, it’s 100% about personal preference. For example - I absolutely love laptop keyboards, so my desktop keyboard has flat keys and spacings like a laptop. But I know some people that are content with just a plain Dell mechanical keyboard. Just have to mess around with them and see what you like and don’t like.

Lol. Yeah dude I experienced the same shit till I got pissed and said “damn yall wanna go in hyper mode and hop all around the screen and buss my shit up all? Well you know what? I can do it too!”. So I started goin crazy fast. I just kicked it up a notch. I was all over the place. Fuckers would jump in at me and I’d roll away. I was anticipating jump-ins so I’d meet em in the air with a quick ass short or something and that’s when I realized how fast paced this game really is supposed to be. You aren’t supposed to just sit around waiting for an opening, you gotta get in their face and just bursss one open. And mastering movement is absolutely crucial. Hops are hard to anticipate so spam them shits but know when to do so. Oh and the corner is a death trap as usual.

What’s a “hop”? (And no I’m not kidding)

The Mexican in you just could not resist this game! Man you probably could put little Bas on it, bring that lil dude to fight night, and he would body cats while yaking up similac. Call that junt “mexican factor!”

And Johnny do you go to U of M? Mike just reminded me how hos love little Asian dudes with broken Accents. I’m using you next semester son! Im going to tell people you fresh from Japan (I know you not Japanese, but thats everyones favorite) and we are going to watch the panties drop. Especially once I tell them you work at Osaka. Oh man, we will really be in there! It will be kinda godlike!

Also, Sev, let me know as soon as you can about your Christmas gathering so I can take off work. CVS won’t see me that day!

And just to let everyone know, you may just want to come out for this, as I will turn in Troll Santa and will come bearing gifts! And EVERYONE HERE GETS SOMETHING!! Some of you will get troll gifts, some of you will get actual gifts, and some of you will get both. But no one is being left out! I don’t think anyone is ready for my gifts either. Like they will be…hilarious! So please prepare your bodies for epicness in this regard. Thank You!

Fair warning to everyone playing Mvc3,

Beware Team Clockwork !!
The Return of Strider / Doom /Sentinel Garbage.

What about Rolex?

In kof you have jumps and super jumps. They’re the same as what you know. The biggest aspect of what makes kof kof is the hop. You tap up instead of holding it and you jump and just barely clear the ground. This goes over lows and allows you to both close ground quickly and attack with a jumping attack which hits high. You can also hyper hop which is like a super jump but with a hop instead.

The kof hip mixup generally is made of 3 things. Hop attack, empty hop throw, empty hop low attack.

Sf and marvel suck play kof.

Anybody receiving a gift from GDBell should ask for the receipt and a shot of Penicillin.

Another “team no-health?” I love fighting those. LOL

JMD Squabbler Hiryu has it. Remember, FlyMike resides in Memphis.


Bruh…legal action

I’m already giving memphis a taste of that team. And I haven’t even started to practice with that team yet,so imagine when I do lol.

@ astaroth, health aint the issue with that team. Actually shuting it down is the issue. I can already tell that team is gonna be broke as fuck. It’s my secondary team for now but will probably be my main once I get them were I need them to be. Rushdown/zoning and safe dhcs,ya that team is beast!

Wasn’t talking bout me lol

First attempt (and maybe last) at thread title - but what about: “We don’t travel, we crab dribble.” - (which I don’t think most people in here will get)

Also, thanks for the tips on KoF.

I think the title Cale came up with is the best so far Chris posted it.

No, I just noticed my sig said " Your sig has been modified please read the rules"

It’s tournament time! Announcing:

“The Skrull who stole Christmas” tournament!

Saturday December 17 (the weekend before Christmas)

Game Galaxy
Inside Hickory Hollow Mall upstairs near the food court
5252 Hickory Hollow Parkway
Antioch, TN 37013

12pm-Street Fighter III : Third Strike Online Edition (XBOX 360)
2pm-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition v 2012 (XBOX 360)
4pm-King of Fighters XIII (XBOX 360)
6pm-Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 (XBOX 360)

Please be on time and bring your own controller!

How much?
$5 entry, $5 cover per game (70/20/10 split)
Bonus money for each pot:
If more than 20 people enter ANY of the tournaments, $50 extra will be thrown in to the pot for each!

Cause we got reindeers for years

Ill try and see if by some miracle they will give me that day off so I can attend the tourney. I would’nt hold my breath tho lol

I’ll do the same however normally 2 weeks notice isn’t enough for asking for days off.