If you can pick me up/take me home AND fit executive chair in your car, then I’ll ride. I’ll pay for gas and your lunch.
Go ahead and put me down for that.
I don’t think I could pull it off, I’m driving a PT Cruiser, which is the most un-executive chair worthy car I’ve ever driven
Haha, it definitely wouldn’t fit in there. It’s fine. I’m trying to hitch a ride with Tad; just waiting on his reply back.
Well I want you there man, even if we have to like, arrange for you to ride in my car and the chair to ride in another or something, you gotta be at this
I’m trying my best, man. I really want to make it too, especially when I heard over 75 people were at the last one.
I heard JWong is playing XIII at NEC on the stream. Girl squad.
Oh shit. The game is getting played now just because of that. And niggas gone run Chick team. Lil Mel don’t count. He pioneered that shit.
Justin has been playing KOF games for years…FOB Chinatown? That place was a mecca for those freaking games…should be easy mode wins me thinks…
Or we can watch videos of how to lose to top players again by following their instructions on how to “use” characters, lol
Not gonna lie, gonna be super hyped if XIII takes off… even if it’s just due to “OMFG JUSTIN IS LIEK TOTALLY PLAYING ITTTTT”
@ Jason: Yea, he entered tourneys for XII and that was 1/4 of a game.
And aw yea you know it. “How TO get grabbed by Goro Diamon” interview podcast tutorial tech coming soon. Or setting the plan in motion for the US to bite once again and flock to Goro and pure grapplers and then get blew off the screen by Athena, Andy, and other heavy zoners for donations. Illuminati did this. I’m paranoid lol.
Btw, Bishop said Smoke must be S+ class now too? Lmao.
Who just slept in a supply closet in the art department? This guy.
Been on campus since noon on Saturday. Getting shit done!
Nah, I doubt it. He played the hell out of KOF12 and that went nowhere.
I play the game a bit but there hasn’t been much talk of a KOF “gathering” here, I think everyone is playing by themselves in their houses or something…I haven’t watched any videos or anything but if I had to “guess” at the best characters right now, I would say :
Kyo, Ralf, Yuri, King, Takuma, and K have to be up there…those I am certain of…not sure of the other ones as of yet…I think the “worst” one would be Chin…
I think Terry is a bit overrated but I definitely think characters like Andy might be up there as well, just pure characters that have wake up and good zoning options…Kyo and Ralf have the best short jumps I have seen (Kyo always had a good one anyway)
I honestly learn more from watching top players play then any other method, training mode, trials, etc. Of course you learn the very basics by playing others that are on or above your level but I’m not gonna pretend to be able to figure everything out better than someone that has been playing the series for 10+ years. I don’t see what’s so bad about it, especially in a game like KoF which is a lot more complicated system-wise than, say, ST.
I know the ego and the individual drive is something a lot of the longtime players miss about the current scene but IMO match vids and tutorials have made the general level of play rise. You can’t really hide something and bust it out in a tournament anymore with people that are keeping up with what’s going on. Even that Quicksilver glitch got discovered, posted on YT, and banned in a matter of a few days.
tl;dr no shame in watching people better than you and learning from it
The general level of play has risen but people xcopy everyone and the originality is gone. For someone like me it just means that my level goes up playing against everyone because I have to adjust to new things.
In reality what has ended up happening is that the skill level and quality of play over time has risen because people have access to videos/tutorials, and that is great if you live in a place where the demographics are smaller and you have little competition to go on other than the guy down the street or something…
The majority of players here (and I mean the majority from Street Fighter experience) watched videos and matchups of top players incessantly to get better. Everyone “borrows” from someone in one way or another eventually…there is nothing wrong with that, it’s just not my thing personally…all of my gameplay stuff is my own and I rarely ( and when I say rarely, I mean I’ve probably watched maybe 2 hours of videos/matches in the past 3 years casually) mimic anyone else’s playstyle and in this day and age, that’s a pretty rare feat…win or lose, at least it’s mine =)
Like I said, the best part about it though is that what usually took 2 years to breakdown is now condensed into 2-3 months…
lmao this right here, a guy playing Kraid’s Lair theme from the original Metroid on his car audio system, fuck thats some bass
anyone ever played dungeon defenders? its on sale on steam for under 4 bucks, but is it worth it?
Jason you won’t see many of us on cause these last two weeks will be devoted to finals.
Ask Shawn, I think he’s been playing the hell out of it
Those with paid venue and game Saturday due to 11/19 TN tourney bonus from me:
Negro Justice
Astaroth (2 games)
300 (2 games)
Jacob Sparks
Whoever the Andrew was from 3S
Hope many of you can make it down.