New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

Chris: Brandon is working…I am still MIA from there…I’ll be there Thursday finally…

Exactly, man. If you’re not working hard then gradually slacking as time goes by, you’re doing it wrong. And yeah, my Spanish professor drops the lowest assignment, lowest quiz, and lowest attendance grade. You know what that meant at the end. DO NOTHING FOR THAT CLASS FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS!!!

Also, I’ve been refining the Hulk infinite in Marvel (yes, Hulk has a corner infinite on 75% of the cast). I’ll be blowing it up in Alabama with that nonsense. Chris needs to be standing behind me yelling “Rape you!” whenever Hulk says “Break you!” during the combo.

You guys have it wrong. I slack off at the beginning and enjoy life then the last three weeks is crunch time. One semester I wrote 5 papers that together spanned 175 pages. Thats 35 pages a piece. I did the research and had wrote the papers all in four days. Then tell yourself you will never get that far behind and do it all over the next semester. That is college, at least for a music major.

Boys, boys! Settle down. There’ll be enough dirty fingernails and sparks for everyone. And besides, what good will those be when you get ran into that corner and showed the chest-hair? Or bitchslapped? Or corkscrewed on reaction? Calm the fuck down and enjoy your new background and music. FOUR DOLLAR, NINETY-NINE CENT PLEASE.

You got the right idea O. Just don’t tighten them cheeks when the match starts.

Lmao. Shen already has a hat aka hair-piece. For real, for real. But we snatching those off asap. It ain’t that kind of party but if one pops off, I’m shutting it down and taking the liquor back to my place. No happy endings. NEW ERA STICKER PEELING FROM ALL FITTEDS IN THIS BITCH.

Eww. That works sometimes, but I feel you gotta grind it out from day 1 and then ease up when you get a lil slack because some courses are structured in a way that if you fall behind you’ll never catch up. So my thing was: beginning = grind mode, midway = cooling it, finals = crunch time. Because you can cool it so hard that you gotta crunch come endgame. But the ideal is that you grind so hard from the jump that the AC blows throughout the remainder of the semester and well into finals. It just depends. But if I ever go back and finish up I’ll never slack in beginning again.

Live Gamertag : Btlycan

let the fun begin!

what is your guys live tags?

w00tsick. Not w00tstick, wootsick, or wootstick.



well all this talk of KoF is making me put it on the christmas list. it looks legit.

Just added you.

Squabbler …

I wouldn’t miss this for anything.

Fuck some authenticity. We are only one circumference of a nigga’s domepiece away from destiny. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

QCF Punch aka Negro Especial aka Death Shark aka Mini Fronominal aka Fozzi Wocka Flocka

(but seriously it’s QCF Punch)

GGs to Graham, Arson, and Oreos tonight in KoF and SF. As solid as Terry is I’m just not getting the return out of him I was hoping for. I’ll keep working on him, but I’ll be looking for someone skronger to replace him on my main squad. I’ma hop into the laboratory tomorrow with Mature and King and see if I jive well with either of them.

Tomorrow will also be spent getting my AE swagger back so I can rep at this Bama tourney. Shouldn’t take long. And fear not. I will not forsake KoF. I just have to make sure AE is in top form so I can go hammertime come Saturday.

I don’t fuck with you anymore. You’re nothing to me.

By then it might be too late. And this game has two certified Ong Baks waiting for you. I got “DJ Screw” on deck. And the other one gets wasted and goes ham. Yes, it’s very legit.

I’ll tell you this, do what you will on the 17th. But ain’t going to be too many "Booyah, BOOYAAAH!"s at that January tourney. Just saying…

what the fuck is this “XBOX LIVE is too crowded” bullshit?

I need to play some of you guys in KoF badly… Someone make me get Skyrim out of the xbox… think it’s stuck.


You happened to get XBL on the night of the big once a year update. It might be acting weird for a day or so.

Just so we are clear, I am with you. We will form a unified front of boomcackles. After Yun, this tyranny must come to an end.

So we got Screwface - who is Ong Bak #2? My thought was King but she don’t get white boy wasted to my knowledge.

Man if you don’t get yo mawfuckin ass to GG…peeps meet up to play just about every Tuesday at (UNOFFICIAL) fight night.

wtf dude… why was I not informed of this??? I’ll be there next tuesday… GOnna add it to my phone calendar RIGHT NOW!

So I’ve finally got the Ramza Sword Loop down with Vergil shit is godlike 900k cost 2bars build 1.8bars


The only thing I do different is use Wesker for OTG, The hardest part to me was making sure they didnt fall out of the first lunar phase after that its cake.