New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

I’ll take that off of your hands.

@ Chris B: They always had King drinking wine. Hwa Jai gets thrown off some old moonshine + red bull + liquid ecstacy concoction that makes him go apeshit. Changes his stance, makes his moves faster and have a streak so he has more range, makes his backbreaker super have an extension for more damage. Maybe more shit, idk. Ernie plays him and gets drunk instantly and goes nuts. Some people are saying he’s top tier in console. That BBZ guy from Southtown mains him now and he looked scary as hell.

This is what I am worried about…

GG’s. Yeah, I need to play plenty of AE before the tournament. I was dropping shit and just auto-piloting in AE all night. Might do some more training mode in KOF but not expecting to do much in any tournament any time soon, just wanting to go and enter to get better. Betty’s super has stupid amounts of invincibility. I would have rather had 800 dmg combos in the corner for one bar than having a crazy invincible super, which is what they changed from arcade to console… But its all good, I’ll use what the girl got. I’ll probably end up putting her on anchor if I end up using Saiki, because her super is just so good.

I’m pretty sure that Eugene is a eunuch.


Man we only post up that we are going up there EVERY TUESDAY. Also we’ve touched on it here in the thread. But that’s neither here nor there and I’m just giving you shit. COME NEXT WEEK. Some of us my also be up there Thurs.

oh shit. I forgot about Hwa getting slizzard. Yeah Jason is playing him and that shit is nonsense. Why are drunk chars in fighting games always crunk as hell? (Don’t answer that)

You just blew my mind.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been awake since 4 a.m. or the fact that it’s true, but this cracked me up more than it should have.

And yet strider and the gang are still gonna rape him :frowning: :smiley:

So all 3 people I was driving to the tourney on the 10th just checked out on me. I don’t really want to drive down there alone, anyone got an open seat anywhere?

Too bad strider would die before I even finished the combo.

Jas call in sick and drive us to fight night. And don’t tell 'em your boss told you to do it cuz I didn’t.

Lol @ josh, you wont even get to start the combo cause you gonna be too busy trying to figure out how come you keep getting hit when you pushblock or how am I dying of off chip damage so fast.

Justin, no…

Well, I would’ve rode with you, but I think Andrew is going to pick me up (luckily, my house is on his way) so we can meet Chris in Antioch to ride with him. Chris might have room, not too sure though.

So who is actually going to be at fight night tonight?

Holla at me next time you get a chance. I wanna know wasup with that Strider. OAN: If you don’t play KOF then you lose.

if not, it won’t be too big of a deal. I was originally just going to come so my friends could get some tournament experience and check out more of the scene, but they both got fucked over by their jobs. So I guess one good day off at home never hurt.

I probably won’t be making it because 70 miles a week (to and fro) is killer on my baby plus it ain’t cheap.

Were you trying to make the 23rd gathering at my house by any chance?