Bitch all you want but Iori is in my 2k2 team with Kyo and Leona. I had to drop Leona because Saiki fit my playstyle much better. But whatevs. I may not even stick with EX Iori. I’m positive on Saiki and Kyo… But, I’m my own man and I’ll play who I want to play.
Hmmmm, end of the semester means no fucks given over here. I could take a zero on my Spanish final and get an 89 or 90 average, and taking a zero on my history final would get me around an 80 average. lol college
Be that as it may but no bitching going on here. When are you coming back down to play?
Off today and tomorrow. Any one up for some KOF13 on Live hit me up on forum.
Lol you jersey shore watching. But i know you might stick with him anyways. You know imma put you on blast against my Iori right =)
Zero fucks aka COCAINE BICEPS.
Lee you the dude. I love that about college. I worked my ass off just so I could slack off at end of semester. Best shit was when profs just skrate up drop your lowest exam. It’s like, oh word?! I can go ahead and sell my books back honkies.
So I’m a college graduate now. Yay? #_o
FUCK IORI… That nail scratching bastard! Wait till ya’ll get on the K’ train. Ima take you fuckers from wall to wall, with my shades on! Swagged out while pinching nipples!
Aight now. I dont wanna see no tears when the FAVORITE character gettin scratched off the screen.
Is there a fight night tommorrow, or is it the next week? I forgot if we were doing it every other week or not.
Its every week. I shall be there at least.
Anyone coming to GG today besides me and eddie? Pat? Big Jake?
Also who’s working?
Bring your own! And eat that shit in the garage! Real folks don’t eat that mess! If I was starving, I’d eat crickets before spam!
Crickets scare me.
And Spam doesn’t. I think thats a sign of a deeper mental issue you need to have addressed asap.
You know I wouldn’t feed spam to my dogs FYI.
Where you’re from aren’t crickets like 8 feet long and 5 feet tall or some shit? I’d be scared then too! Here in civilization they are tiny and harmless! And full of protein! Lol
Sev and wife - I’ma look into that bruh/bruh…ette?. Trips to Memphis are too real. Also I will pass that info along to Jake without question. He has fam in Memphis and is from there so I doubt the trip would be a deal.
Also Mike wants to find out what happens when you put a hat on Shen Woo.