Start arcade mode and complete 50 target actions by the end of the 3rd match.
LMAO - when I first read this I thought it said: "…and complete 50 target actions by the end of March 3rd." - And I thought, damn I have plenty of time to do that. Then I realized how much of an idiot I am … still too fucking early to be thinking.
Sev, you do know black people eat chicken and spaghetti together right!!! LOL! I mean you are like 25% black so you should know these things. Ain’t no way I’m missing out on some of T’s food goodness though. The chicken is just for nostalgia purposes and to make Mike happy. Hopefully we can have him dancing at the end of the night he will be so happy. And that sorry orange kool-aid clouding your thinking. Gimme dat red drank!!!
Doc Smirk: Will you be in Florida for Christmas? I need to know this for…gifting purposes…
LOL @ Squabb… March 3rd!
T - I will be @ the gathering!
So I dabbled a bit more in KoF last night. ( I still have the plastic on UMvC3-unopened!) King is zoning hell it seems. Once you get in, probably nothing she can do! Don’t know yet though! Unless I just suck ass at this game, Kim has trouble with Zoners it seems. Maybe I am not properly using his command air kicks to get in as they push him foward. My brother’s King was really hard to get in on as far as zoning goes! Kim pressure is too fucking solid though.
K’… This dude is fucking Bananas!!! The more I practice with, the more I like! Decent AA, pressure is awesome, and dude hits like a fucking MACK truck. Combo potential is INSANE! If he touches you, you are in the corner saying hello to Mix-ups in your face! Between hops, inch-pinch, hi-low mixup…it’s done… your done!
Gotta get Pimp Garcia in training mode… LOL @ VEST TECH!
I’m really hoping this Xenoblade game is good or at least really solid. Haven’t played a jRPG I’ve liked since FFX and I need my fix. I was actually hoping they are still going to bring over The Last Story. That one looked so sick! Last Story looks like it plays as a real time Vagrant Story with a Gears of War cover system.
Yeah man I love those. I have millions of dreamcancel and KoF XIII SRK wiki tabs open, including that one.
thanks man. This is something I can give a try tonight. I appreciate your and Tripp’s help in trying to explain this to me
Man. I am an observer. All the evidence was there:
- from Memphis
- good ass cook who’s culinary stylings are lauded by my Memphis blacks
- plethora of pits
- swag (I assume)
- chicken
- kool aid
I’m not one to judge or at least don’t try to, especially my people, but the pieces to the puzzle were there.
Dogg, what you said. SNK just wants us to be able to enjoy march madness without having to worry about unlocking characters.
Gabe- my spaghetti is not some jarred shit you need chicken to be able to eat! We’re talking homemade, for real sauce! People used to pay lot of money to eat food I prepared! Lol you show up with some popeye’s and I will kick you ass! Lol. You could bring some spam and Amen for Abe since he doesn’t eat like normal people.
O- you better be there! I’ll go tell your mama if you don’t!
Negro Justice - I know how to cornrow so I got my black visitor’s pass! That count? Lol
LMAO … gah, this is gold and so true. +1 to you.
GGs to Rukus and Big E last night.
@ Gabe: Nooooo you can’t do that! You’ll get stoned for real. We’ll get that cajun chicken next time I’m out East.
@ Sev: Say no more, I’m in there. But don’t do anything crazy like sprinkle cocaine in the flour and fry it up. Don’t ruin my life.
@ Shawn: Marcus will be elated. I can hear him already later today: “I got my OOREH wit da flames! Mah powahs back. All I wanted wuz mah powahs. And rekkahs.”
@Chris B: ROFL!! Dont feel bad yo. All the evidence seemingly led to a sista named “Te-Te”. Sherlock Holmes would’ve blew it too.
Yay for unopened plastic. Nay for King sucking on the inside. Dude…King is even able to rush people down if need be. Got lil frame traps and shit and good normals like st.HK which is like some Sagat shit. Plus, you gotta think twice about jumping in on her if she has bar. EX trap shot is boss mode flash kick status. Plus she can wake up with it. So basically whenever you make it through the onslaught of venom strikes, you still gotta deal with HER personally. Itll prob be nothing you’re able to punish on hit, cuz tornado kick is pretty safe especially because the player will be doing it from a ways away and looks like you can only smack her if it whiffs. She can make slide safe by canceling it into venom strike. Dont be quick to run up after blocked trap shots cuz they can just do it again if they want and snag you. Chara is legit as hell. You need to play Marcus’ King so you can see all the colors and get sprinkled then you’ll be a believer.
Umm…Kim has a fucking instant damn near fullscreen super that can even be done in air to drop down on people’s heads for zoning you. Startup is invulnerable so even if you’re grounded, as soon as the fireball is close and you startup super, you should go through it and instantly punish them. Also, I don’t see Kim having a harder time getting zoned out than other characters. He’s mobile as fuck. But yea once you’re in there, it should be curtains.
You’re right on about K’.
Front page VEST TECH tutorial video coming soon. Also with explanations on why they chose to give him those vest colors. Origins of the vest.
Ok Mike ima hold you to this now. I expect to see you playing KOF, eating chicken and chilling with pit bulls.
Guys, post of the year right here!!! LOL!
Yeah Xenoblade gets really good reviews over in Europe where it has been out for several months. I didn’t think you owned a Wii. They might bring over The Last Story or Pandora’s Tower still, I dunno. Give Lost Odyssey a shot if you really need a jrpg from this generation, although it isn’t the best it was very good still. I would say best bet would be to get a PSP or hop on PSN for PS3, and just go back and play some old shit you might have missed. I’m back to playing Breath of Fire 3 and 4, then Lunar as soon as I get another PSP. Also need to finish Shadow Hearts.
That game was so awesome. It was my first RPG and I have played all the re-releases and it never gets old. The PSP version has a nice little prologue to it as well which was fun.
Sadly I don’t own a Wii but I pay attention to the new jRPG stuff that comes out. I prefer how they are laid out more than wRPGs. That’s good to hear Xenoblade is doing well.
Ill be at gg 6pm today after werk. Gonna get in this ShakaKANG of fighters…
Watching NEC 8wayrun KOF 13 recordings. Epic!!!
LMAO Exactly what I thought. Scratching Iori down the drain for you believers but it’s all good Regular Iori will remain the original
Yes. All you need now is a dude in a wifebeater with a half fro picked out sitting on the step below you on your front porch as you braid.
dogg that’s what did it hahahah. I was like, ok I know zero white women that refer to themselves by a single letter. That’s summa OUR shit namsayin?
Also I’m bout to fuck with King TONIGHT. That chick is too sick.
Mike don’t do it!
I be there round 5.
Save us Shaka Flocka.
Suikoden 2, nuff said!