New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody


Don’t know if you guys know, but you can press select/back at the character select>color select screen in KOF and voila; more colors.

Edit: Apparently it’s only for certain characters.

Edit, edit: And apparently Elisabeth has an alternate outfit with jiggly boobies! Hooray for boobies on my main! Everybody wins!

Man I still cannot wrap my head around this. I may have to hit you up on AIM or something as it’s just not clicking lol.

Lmao dogg I just imagined Fat Joe with that fucken Japan headband doing Golden Heel. LEAN BACK.

Bahahahahahahah THERE YOU GO JOHNNY

Edit: Asty, Arson, Sparkster, and Patty - check your pms.

Oh, and we are having another definite tourney. Something called Brawl on Wii I think. Keep forgetting about that one… :wink:

When you do a combo lets say it is st. C, forward B, SRK C… You can input st C and Forward B then input the srk and C but hold the button and it will cancel the special for you. The same goes for some drive cancels.

Lol as a matter of fact Eduardo is gonna be here.

Fuck Anthony. He’s bold and smug on every other occasion. He can stand to have rott slob on him. I forgot what kinds of mixes Justice and Truth are. My I clinch my sack everytime I think of them.

Aw yea, that’s the recipe for destruction. I haven’t seen her in any US tourneys yet, but besides the Cali guys, you know that just after games release people stick to the classic styles. Hopefully that Goro win will encourage more pure grappler play. Raiden seems to have phased out since he isn’t “crazydumbignant” like arcade version anymore, but they buffed him as a grappler, so now it’s just up to the Raiden players or fans to run him.

Also, this is like, very extremely viable. I don’t use Vice but this doesn’t look too hard at all. From a jump-in. Holy fuck. Btw, this is console version:


HA-HA. Lmao I was talking about “the kids”.

Actually, this works out quite well. I find the will and gas money to drive to Southaven 4 days a week, me and you get in games like old times, and I get chicken, most likely for free. To be honest, I haven’t eaten homecooked chicken(besides Dana’s baked, which is good, but “healthy”. I can’t enjoy it knowing that I’m not helping to induce a heart attack) in over a year. Real shit. I need to get some official fried poultry in me soon, or at the very least, broiled or baked with herbs and spices. I’m having withdrawal.

It’s still up?? Hell yea I’ll check it out. I heard Wong was straight solid and fundamentals. Making it that far on that speaks volumes. So yea, when he puts his hands on it more it’s gonna be ugly as fuck.

People run Ash at anchor because they want to kill. Seems like he’d be a pretty good point or 2nd to me. Without the Sans-culotte worries if need be. Just gaining meter with the style he plays and putting a decent hurt in. That’s what I try to go for with Maxima. He’s prob my “best” character. Still gotta execute alot more. But been told I need to put him last and just kill all life. And every dude that plays Maxima prob does that and fishes for a hit-confirm on last characters to just end the match. But how I run it now, he’s point and I just try to use basics simple bnbs, and GP and not burn through meter. He hurts well enough without it, so i just try to save it for my other two characters who really benefit from meter just to do damage or stay relative. I throw Max out first to see just how much he can wreck before he goes down(it either goes really well, or really bad, depending on how the match starts, but always usually one or the other for me lol). I still need to get my hands right overall, struggling on stick ain’t cool, but long story short, I can see Ash in this way because he’s just solid anyway and he’ll pull the meter regardless. Think about the matches where you might see Ash last. Or Kula or Kyo especially, sitting on like 5 bars, STILL pulling meter because of that chara, but aren’t getting it because they’re maxed out, and just fishing for an instant kill.

I want to see this Saiki I’ve been hearing about though.

Nah dude. King is a real boss. Don’t believe anything else. But by you playing Ryu/Guile(your Fei Long was counterfit LOL) in SF4, a squad of Rob/Ash/Kim would really fall into place for you. Even if Ash somehow doesn’t appeal to you, Rob is a true shoto archetype that does everything, excels at it, and has combos for days from just about any and every situation. VEST TECH. You should play who you want, but you’ll suck ass as a person if you don’t at least fuck with Garcia.

Yea, you need to play real people. AI difficulty on very hard is still a pushover. You gotta get ran over in real life.

That’s her XI outfit. Oh shit, now I remember why I liked her in that game lol. They had these “extra outfits” in arcade version too. I thought that console would have more, like Terry in his MOTW/XI bomber jacket, King in her suitcoat, Robert in his crackhead salsa dancer outfit, or Ralf and Clark un-swollen.

Oh God noooooo ROFL!!! Shit bro, now I’m going to be yelling “LEAN BACK” everytime I do jaguar kick.

Bullshit I’m coming over to play MAHVEL then

You can only get perfected so many times in a row before it stops being fun.

This is gonna be a puertorican xmas party not a marvel crack session fool! 10 days of partying,dancing,cooking,yelling,etc.

Thanks man. Still trying to wrap my head around it but that kinda makes sense. So like, when you do the initial st. C to start the combo, you just hold it for the SRK later? I am sure this is not a difficult concept at all, but I am an idiot. I may need to just see someone do it, lol.

Mike - VEST TECH is that new new.

Dark Wesker gets you some wins no matter who you play against.

in that case I’m still going

Mike, if you come out on the 23rd, you and I nigga are going to break bread. I mean, I can go Popeyes style, get an 8 piece, stop by the store and get some Bull or Frank’s hotsauce, bring some ice for T’s kool-aid, and just sit back, relax while eating the chicken open-box style, put in some Tek/KOF and just be typical. Niggas hands be so greasy we could wipe it in another skillet and fry up some homemade goodness. Just gotta make sure T uses real sugar instead of splenda, though you honestly can’t tell the difference and its pretty yummy, but things just have to be authentic hood. Kool-Aid has to be red too…(dont hate sev)

This really can happen son…bodies aren’t even ready.

I’m just gonna go ahead and ask: Is Sev’s wife black?


Sev’s wife is mixed, Half-godlike, Half-Bawse! Thats all you need to know cousin.

The author of this series is the dude who’s been teaching me how to play KoF.

You need to press it again. Remember you most likely are doing chain combos so after your chain buffer the move in and press the button like you would to cancel hold the button down. It will cancel the move for you. Have your mic handy the next time we get an online session going and i will show you and try and explain it better.

You can’t get multiple actions off of a single button press in KoF, unlike SF. You can just enter the command (A, for example) and hold it. It’ll give you a ~10 frame leniency period. Meaning… that when your character is able to reversal (first frame after recovery) as long as you have pressed and held A at LEAST 10 frames ago, then it will come out immediately and successfully reversal.

EX Iori is out. My team is completed.
[*]EX Iori

This shit is too funny. She isnt black technically she is 1/2 native American, 1/4 checz, 1/4 mixed up white people, Arabic first name, French middle name and German last name though. Realistically GDbell’s description was accurate. Also just so you know you and the ville are invited too. I mean I know its the day before xmas eve so that might not work for you guys with the drive but the invitation is always open any time I host a big gathering like this. Hell bring J Ford up to T apprenticed in a tattoo shop back in VA for years. Even though she was working on piercing she knows or has met quite a few people in the biz and loves the chance to get to talk about that stuff with folks.

@Mike: Aight listen here if you can guarantee you can make my little gathering I will personally make you fried chicken. Which is by the way my fucking specialty. You never had chicken like this, it will blow your mind and no I am not kidding either.

@GDBell: Don’t you go bringing no slaw ass Popeye’s in this house the same day T is slaving over a hot stove to make food for people. Thats just dumb. You see this is what happens when you have too much of that bull shit red kool aid. It rots your brain. Drink some orange kool aid quick and get your mind right

@Shawn: That little tips page is awesome. I had found a few bits and pieces of info on buffering and what not but nothing as clear as that.

One question to any of the KOF players how the hell do you unlock Saiki?