New Tennessee Thread: You All Everybody

Boo boo marvel. Lmao this is great.

Oh my God. This-I can’t even…Oh my God.

Heading to lunch in a few man. I can give you an update then.

This is exactly my opinion. Yes, there are workarounds, and no it’s not a bonafide bug/glitch/whatever, but it is a problem. I don’t understand how people can say “This was in vanilla… no big deal” when I never experienced or heard of it before Ultimate.

This. The dude is the Spencer mod or something. We all know what happens when you give neckbeards forum powers.

I put KoF13 on my Gamefly queue. I’ll probably keep it for a month, which will likely be around the time you guys lose interest in it. That, or I’ll send it back when Skullgirls comes out, which I’ll be all over like a fat lady at a Shoney’s buffet.

YO T! Good to see you post. Probably the realest person in the thread right now! I was telling Sev any of those days work good for me just have to let me know by next week so I can go ahead and get that day off. Looking forward to it no doubt.

Squab, you giving cats new nicknames? I suppose you have grown some hair on your balls because you took a few games in Marvel and now you want to MM. Get at me at the Christmas gathering and we can get a ft 5 for $10. Just don’t get mad and walk out like last time when you get blown up. Because you will be getting blown up!


And please can we get someone to record these matches!

Kk. I can always use an extra chair, so it isn’t a big deal either way.

Thanks Gabe! I think it looks like Friday is gonna be the day!

Yup lets make it Friday. So anyone who has to ask for time off or whatever ask for Friday the 23rd. Doing it this way insures we dont have to worry about going late that evening since the next day is Sat. Lets do this.

I called it King of Farters last night at my house gathering thing, and nobody wants to play King of Farters.

We played Spades instead. Fucking Spades.

Ah, Spades. Another one of those games where you yell “FUCK YOU!” to both the opponents and your partner. lol

Buddy: "I think they are going to set us"
they set us
Buddy: “God damnit! Why didn’t I see that coming?!”



But there’s no Dante or Vergil. I guess I’ll color edit Kyo, K, Shen to look like the house of Sparda then.

This fucking post LMAO!!!

Looks like I know what day to ask off from work. I just hope I can get off since my place will probably be busy that weekend.

Make it happen if you can it should be a good gathering. Perhaps I can coax Lil Majin and the Minions to come out as well. Either way I hope Dax can make it with recording equipment.

Either day is fine with me, I’ll be there.

Oh what’s wrong O? Can’t mash SRK on wakeup anymore like in SF4? wink

What are you talking about? … YOU were the one that proposed the MM at fight night lol … I was just confirming it.

I’ll be there for sure on the 23rd Sev. That post Flymike wrote about Johnny has to be the greatest thing I’ve ever read in my life.

Good shit Josh. Bring a set up please, actually for anyone coming bring a set up if you can. I want to make sure we have enough set ups in general and one of mine will be kof only

I’ll bring a setup no worries with UMVC3 AE2012 and KOF13

Man I’m tired of people crying about Wesker already it’s Dark Phoenix all over again. Hey people games will always have top tiers, and guess what? In marvel no matter the balancing whoever ends up top will show up on majority of teams deal with it. He’s not even as good as Vanilla Wesker.

I was about to make the same exact post, WORD FOR WORD.

I’ll try to take that evening off but there’ no guarantees seeing as that will be a busy time for us at work and also I have a ton of family that are gonna be here to spend xmas all the way from pr so lol

is PR Rog going to be there?