New TEKKEN 6 Hori Real Arcade PRO Series!


Well you can install Seimitsu LS-55-01 and LS-56-01 no problem.

And like the other not cool HRAP with this kind of Mounting Bracket, modification will be needed for Seimitsu LS-32-01.

is the button layout on this and the distance of the ball stick from the buttons same as the hrap pro 3??

The HRAP Tekken 6 for PlayStation 3 is an HRAP 3.
It even says so on Hori Product Page.

The only difference from Tekken 6 HRAP 3 to HRAP 3 is the Mounting Bracket.
For some reason, the one on Tekken 6 is sideways compared to HRAP 3.

So its better to get the hrap 3 instead of the tekken6 hrap??

Well they the same thing.
If the HRAP 3 is bad to you, then the Tekken 6 HRAP 3 be bad too.

Hey guys just got my Tekken 6 HRAP3 today and i want to change the buttons to sanwa OB-SF30 and OB-SF24 and also the ball top but have no clue as to what color layout i should use, a template would be great or suggestions too, thanks alot guys.

I dont think they are completely the same, just compared the 2 from two close up pics (links beow) the HRAP t6 stick seems to have a slightly different button layout abit less of a curvature to them ( the first 4 buttons) and abit more distance betwen the ball stick and buttons compared to the HRAP 3. I could be wromg thou, can some1 confirm this??

Oh my. :sad:

It appears that the position of the joysticks and subsequently the buttons are different in relation to the the turbo panel.

Buttons are higher up and the stick is positioned further away from them. If you dislike how close the stick is mounted in the HRAP3 and TE, then the T6 might be a better choice for you.

You kno im rite

thats what i thought

Wait what? Then how did you get your plexi top fit d3v?

Why 8 buttons when tekken only uses 4

Has anyone done dual mod for this stick? I have the 360 version and would like to know if there is a tutorial out there to make this stick 360/PS3 compatible. Thanks.

Xbox 360 is not Common Ground.
So no Dual Modding with the existing PCB.

Would have to replace the Xbox 360 PCB in HRAP with something else.
Like a Mad Catz Controller PCB, since they are Common Ground.

Hey guys, just two questions on the T6 HRAP

Are the PCBs pretty solid in these? My MadCatz SE stick’s PCB is starting to go and I’m considering just picking one of these up instead, if it’s got a “sturdier” PCB.


Are the button holes just regular 30mm holes, or do they require dremeling like the EX2?


**EDIT: Question answered. Thanks! **

i just ordered this stick off of amazon for 65$ its pretty damn good deal

Tekken 6 HRAP EX is win!

Wow i just ordered this yesterday and got it today from ebay (NYC area). At $69 this thing is a steal! Being that this is my fourth Hori product, needless to say i will mod this to my hearts content. The joystick placement is off a bit from regular HRAPs, but that gives enough space for adding screw-ins without worrying of the proximity to the joystick mount base (i know Madcatz TE/SE has this problem with the bottom left button or short kick for you SFII fans…). I cant wait to start this project. To be continued…

Me too. Got it last week. It’s my first stick and I’m loving it so far. Sanwa buttons going in tomorrow…:smile: