September 11, 2009
Not satisfied with the Hori wireless arcade stick for your TEKKEN 6 experience? Then go the extra mile and import the TEKKEN 6 Hori Real Arcade PRO! Available on both the Xbox 360 (HRAP-EX) and PlayStation 3 (HRAP3), the new stick is scheduled to come out October 29th and will retail for Y12800 (360) and Y9800 (PS3) respectively. The stick is said to be very limited and preorders are open NOW at Play-Asia! Click below links for more details on how to get one!
Coming out on 10/29/09 when the JPN version of the game comes out! (Although the sticks usually ship a week before)…
My contact tells me these should be identical to the existing HRAP sticks with same name, but I will not believe it until I see it myself. That said, I’ll update this thread once I receive my sticks.
I was gonna get a Tekken arcade stick but since I got a TE stick I just kinda stop caring for the stick. Besides Hori EX3 I don’t know if that stick will be good & I don’t wanna spend some more money on another stick but I might reconsider.
Get a cheaper, REAL HRAP with Quick Disconnect buttons. Much easier to mod and you can customize that to your heart’s content skipping the desoldering/rewiring business altogether.
Unless it’s another cheap Tekken 5 mod buying a new stick unless it has neat art (worth preserving) just isn’t worth it… Frankly, I like anime style art on sticks like the Fate Codes Unlimited and Arcana Heart 2 sticks better.
Never cared for Namco’s CG art to be honest. Didn’t like it on the Tekkken 5 stick (which I ripped off right away) and I see that things haven’t changed for the T6 stick, either.
At least there’s a good chance the joystick in this T6 license is actually a Sanwa JLF…
P.S. – I want to add that the first person to see the Mad Catz Asian Tournament Edition sticks up for pre-order please post it here first!
Thanks Markman for posting the info about the Hori Tekken 6 license stick but I’m still passing on it…
I think in the case of Tekken 5 that there’s confusion since the sticks for the US and Japan were not identical.
The US 10th Anniversary stick was all-Hori parts. The Japanese Tekken 5 stick at least got a Sanwa JLF but the pushbuttons were still PCB-soldered Hori’s. Both sticks used the same plastic molded base all the HRAP’s use.
The US Tekken 5 stick remains a kind of first-time modder’s great apprenticeship program. Once you manage to mod at least two of these sticks without destroying everything, you can handle at least 85% of the “rough” mod work on other joysticks or build your own stick from premade parts.
(By far the worst mod job I’ve done was the Hori Wii stick. I didn’t ruin it but didn’t exactly have a lot of fun refitting and trimming things to fit in that base. That stick was a colossal PIA to mod and I’m swearing off doing any more FS-style stick mods. Other than the Exar T Vs C stick, it’s really the only stick option for Wii at the moment.)
After you mod a few of those Tekken 5 sticks and their like (the HRAP licenses), it does get old and you don’t really want to do mod jobs that intense for a while. At least that’s the point where I am right now… That’s why I passed on both the Tekken 6 sticks – plus cost-wise, there’s no real advantage to getting these sticks for mods. A used T5 or cheap build-case like QCF make more sense.
I’d much rather swap out buttons and sticks on the the real HRAP’s or the MC TE/SE line than deal with more desoldering right now. My fingers still remember the burns although thankfully I haven’t scarred myself!
I never said the American Tekken 5 stick was HRAP but it does use the same base mold…
That’s where a lot of the confusion comes from. I’ve seen listings on e-Bay of people selling American T5’s as HRAP’s.
I love that HRAP casing but it sure is the big source of a lot of confusion for people.
The other thing about the American Tekken 5 stick is that button colors and ball handle color are very close in shade of color to Sanwa’s red plastic. It’s not so obvious from a distance that it’s a non-HRAP fight stick. Honest – put a Tekken 5 ball handle next to a Sanwa 35mm red ball handle and there’s little difference other than the flatter bottom and slightly shorter height of the Hori ball handle. Stick Seimitsu red buttons and red ball handles next to Sanwa red parts and the Seimitsu red plastic is actually closer in shade to Sanwa Vermillion.
One thing most of us can agree on though is that it’s not really that hard to mod a Tekken 5 stick and bring it up to full HRAP-standard. Going past that and adding faceplate screws you can basically turn it into an SA/SE, too. It’s just some involved work that most sane people won’t try to do in one day.
(With all the wire-checks I’ve done, button changes, artwork, and plexis I’ve added to my T5 cases, I had to put in cap socket screws! It’s a lot easier to undo 6 top plate screws versus 26 pieces from the bottom of the stick base on up.)
Compared to most fightstick bases, the HRAP mold gives you a lot of internal real estate to work with small electronics and wiring.
All hori sticks that have soldered buttons are the figh stick series (like the blazblue fight stick and the Street Fighter IV fight stick).
the HRAP series have QD’s (so it’s fightstick vs Hraps) so this one will have QD.
the special addition and edition sticks from hrap have sanwa or semitsu buttons and QD’s. hraps (non special edition/addition) have stock hori buttons but both hrap’s have sanwa (except for special edition stick)