Which version of IE? May need to reboot after installing framework.
is the server down atm or something? i logged in the first time, but now when i try to it says
cannot start application, the application is improperly formatted
Yeah, I can’t run it anymore…
Sorry about today brotha. I got caught up fuckin around and then reall life got in the way but I’ll help you test more tonigh if you need it.
Wish you the best in this project my homie and rival :tup:
This is where I’m a bit turned off. How many frames input lag is there???
Not to knit-pick or anything but I want the very least possible input delay and ggpo does that. On the 28.x test server I always have smoothing set to 0 for best responsiveness.
1 or 2 frames input delay may be ‘undetectable’ but its still there and WILL affect gameplay…actually it is detactable. A lot of people noticed the CPS2 1 frame lag when ggpo switched to FBA emulator.
I think a ‘smoothing 0 option’ like ggpo would be welcomed from picky people like me.
IE 7, already rebooted!
can we use the virtual fighter arcade stick / hori ex2 arcade stick with this server just like ggpo.
You should be able to.
though unlikely, requesting support for branching out into mame or zinc (for those 3D fighters that aren’t covered by FBA).
If not that, then maybe some old school CPS1 games could be added. WW, CE, HF etc…
add epsxe support if possible
Anyone get 3s working yet?
No como…appears to be a problem with cps3 games. They’re removed until it’s fixed.
NICE ! I just st with damai…it was smooth…same as GGPO(except ggpo doesnt work for me anymore lol)
But did you win is what I wanna know
More CPS1 love.
I’d love to try this out, but both 3.0 and 3.5 .net framework keep crashing during installation.
Yeah, the 3.5 link is kinda wonky, just get the whole framework and it will be fine.
I tried this earlier, it’s great, and a lot more games then GGPO.
The SNK heads should really get into this, as it has RB2 AND SSVSP playable.
Tried Super turbo with this it runs smoothly against a person Japan with a ping of 145 and it ran smoothly…i am impressed
cant wait till the kinks get worked out
camt wait when 3s gets working
FFClickOnce launches dfsvc.exe from .NET 3.5 and it doesn’t close it on exiting the 2DF client
so you end up with a 30 MB process you don’t need…
So to test the limits of this I played a dude in Australia who pinged >500ms to me. It was crazy, skipped hundreds of frames, ran at lightning speed and desynced almost immediately. Which I guess would be the expected behavior if it tries to maintain undetectable levels of input delay.
Could play someone like that with the maximum smoothing in GGPO though. 10 frames input delay is way too much, but its far, far better than the alternatives (p2p kaillera, this, etc.)