and i think sa2 dash fukiage sjc fierce is a good one to add to your combo list as it stuns akuma remy and most people with a bit of stun on there meter already
you might want to note that the j hk finisher for her sa2 combo is mainly to set them up for for a dash behind mixup (all wakeup options apply)
oroshi -> sa1 does pretty craptastic damage, actually. it’s a 1 frame super, I’d rather try to link it after her UOH. but that’s just me
for hp -> hayate combos, it’s pretty easy to charge it up to level 1, doing 1 more point of damage, and 2 more points of stun. it’s mostly really good for the 2 extra stun. might also set them up for hayate cancel -> dash up -> throw/kusa later
something tinshi taught me but I never really do is to use karakusa -> hp -> level 1 hayate -> sa1 if you know it’s gonna stun or kill them
she also has a plethora of mixup options after a corner ex-hayate reset. you should add some of those in there
ex-fukiage can duck under and crossup reseted characters. sick as hell
you might also wanna make a note about the piano method for linking sa1 after hayate or c mk
also, you forgot about hit confirm c lp lp -> sa1 =O it’s like…the best sa1 combo ever. hit confirmable after a 4 frame attack. you can dash in with that. scary as hell
For the 100% stun combo you might want to mention that you kara standing RH and since it’s a beginner’s guide possibly even that you have to do the dragon punches in the “reverse” direction.
lol it’s a one frame link. OH if only this was a cancel : / Yun and Yang couldn’t get hit with a hayate without losing half their bar.
You may want to make sure people know use the FP version of the fukiage on the Karakusa>>FPxxSAIIxxdash >> reverse FP-Fukiagexxsj(hard kick or jumping fierce punch) as the FP fukiage deals more dmg and doesn’t require much timing. You CAN use the MP but i don’t know why you ever would.
That’s the 90% stun combo
95% stun combo is
Karkusa>>FPxxSAIIxxsjMK Tsurugi (timing is as early as possible)>> land reverse MP Fukiage (timing is late so that the fukiage hits deep)xxsjFP
useful and 100% stuns if started with a jumping attack rather than karakusa. So if you block something highly punishable you can get an easier ghetto 100% stun.
Hey everyone, thanks again for all of your help. I’ve made many changes to the guide based on your comments.
I’ve added in credit to everyone at the bottom of the article. If you’d like me to link back to a specific Web site, your email address, or whatever, just let me know. I’ll be happy to hyperlink your name so you can get page rank or a little publicity.
You might want to mention how crouching Medium is a pretty good poke that combos into FP Hayate at all ranges and is easy to hitconfirm, good way to get in with Makoto
also, you forgot to mention how Makoto is so fucking boss and is the bes Street Fighter of them all
er … I find cr. MP to be more of a great punish tool as it can be parried both high and low as a poke. That’s the reason I don’t see most japanese makoto’s use it except after a parry or blocking a sweep kick.
i don’t know if you want to add post hayate mix-ups BUT a few good ones i’ve noticed are
lk -> Hayate/hayate cancel/ex oroshi
mk hit’s them out of the air if they are jumping and is good range for dash up grab/karakusa
hk pushes them back even if they block puts them out of harming you range
mp -> Hayate/hayate cancel/ ex oroshi/ tick~karakusa (test the range before you publish i don’t have the game next to me so…)
karakusa -> obviously whatever you damn well please
hayate -> hayate again for big combozzzzzz -> into sa1 -> hayate (note the hayate will whiff if you try this a 3rd time)
jump-> ex tsurugi
i don’t suggest much else aside from block or jump away depending on who your fighting
block against : ryu/ken/akuma/oro/dudley
they have fast uppercuts c.c: so be patient with them
jump back against : alex/hugo/chun/Q
you can usually add a mk which is a good idea on the grounds that most of these people will try to through you and that is no bueno
also note that you have to mix all of these up with makoto otherwise you will suffer
you might also notice that if you catch someone with a karakusa post hayate they will start to jump and you will start to love ex fukiage =)
if anyone can think of anything else please feel free to add it.
For Chun I also reccomend trying a forward parry after some hayate’s … as they like to do shit like cr. LP and cl.RH to piss me off : / that’s fast ass shit. Normally not to much of a problem but sometimes you get the parry and free dmg.
I saw boss doing st. MP after hayate’s sometimes, but he’s crazy. Been working with it and it doesn’t seem bad as it hit confirms so easily into SAI and all the other st. MP mixups though karakusa becomes pretty iffy as if they block it they get pushed out quite a bit.
Ok guys I got a super noobie question… I just started playing around with Makoto and I got her karakusa timing down, I can do all her post SA2 stuff np… its that fucking FP into SA2 that I can’t do. I know the opponite has to be on my side of the screen, but I still just can’t do it. I just can’t get the motion out fast enough. Everytime I smack them they recover before I can land the super. Is there any trick to this or do I just need to go and try again?
A lot of players have problems with that. I still do actually, but it used to be much worse. Tips I can give you are:
-Make your first QCF a HCF and press HP at the start
*I used to do this for a while
-Don’t try to do the motion fast at first, just try to do it clean
*related note: For practice replace HP with MP (easier to cancel) which will give you an indication whether your input is clean
Yuns also have this problem trying to activate after 123.
To solve this problem, you can try to press forward, then the double circle, So, Dp motion -> qcf, I can’t remember who said this, I’ll try and get the name, It helps ALOT.