New Makoto Strategy Guide

I always assumed that the problems people have with jab-short-strong xx SA3 was because your stick has to be in neutral when you press the buttons for the target combo. At least, that’s the part I hate about it. On the plus side, you can pretty much input the chain as fast as you can and start doing QCF’s before the animation for the st.MP even starts. So that gives you some more time. Makoto doesn’t get that unfortunately. I always saw getting xx kick-super with Maki in CvS2 as a good comparison to Makoto’s HP xx SA2, but Maki has even less time for the input. So maybe if you want to perfect your QCF mashing, that’s a good way to practice.

Daigo Jr, thanks for the help, but I don’t understand your post.

And to Zenfire, today i got it for the first time using your hold back, half circle. I don’t know why I didn’t think about this as I kinda already use it with other characters. Regardless I got it to work a few times in practice mode. Also, the timing on Makoto’s karakusa into HP I fuck up about 1/4th of the time which is frustrating. Any secrets on that? When I mash it seems to connect even less frequent.

There’s stuff scattered all over the Makoto sub-forum on that topic too. I think what most people do to get used to it is look for visual cues. The easiest one AFAIK is to look for when they opponent’s feet hit the ground and base your timing off that. I don’t even think about it anymore, it’s just a feeling. You’ll get it eventually, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be able to do it after just one training session. That kind of attitude gets me all stressed out and depressed when I fail to get something down.

btw, if that visual cue doesn’t work for you, then you can always try and come up with your own. Also, it’s harder to time st.HP after karakusa when you’re actually going for st.HP canceled into something else. Maybe you should just do a kind of training drill like:
1) karakusa, s.HP
2) kara-karakusa, s.HP x hayate
3) s.HP xx SA2
4) dash up tick-karakusa, s.HP xx SA2

Nice way to train kara-kara while you’re at it. Put your opponent in the corner and do s.HP xx MK SA2 so that it misses, that way you won’t have to wait through the whole animation before going on with the practice. I don’t expect you to actually do this, it’s just a suggestion to give you an idea of how you can make better use of your time in training mode.

Na, it sounds like a great suggestion. I will try it out for sure.

As for karakusa into HP timing, i started off using the feet also, but now I noticed I don’t look anymore and the timing is just becoming natural. Next its just that link into SA2 from HP. I’ve actually been using the SA2 as an anti-fireball and throw fake out in the mean time. Kinda working out nice, but I know its not the best use in the long run.

–Um… Ok, To put it simple…

Do DP Motion, and then hadouken. (Plus the punch of course…)

So you do the super, But press forward before performing the super.

*Sorry if it still does not make sence… >.<

–As for Hp after Karakusa… You just learn it, And then It’s all muscsle memory.
I also learnt the timing from looking at the feet…

EDIT:And for Kara- Kara, do like… 1 and a half quarter circle… Instead of wasting time doing a whole half circle… But I’m sure you already knew that…

so it’s, 3, 2, 1, 4.
Or however it’s laid out…

good way to karakusa after parry too

It’s not a link if you thought you had to use its frame (dis)advantage on hit. s HP cancels. Sorry if you already knew this, I just thought that might be the problem.

You ever do fireball xx super with a shoto? You have to input the QCF motions just as fast for you to get the cancel. the moment you press HP, input the super motion as fast you can.

With any combo, you just gotta keep on practicing until you feel it in your heart. You shouldn’t have to think about it.

What I have trouble with is Makoto’s kara-DP and kara-karakusa, and kara moves in general (except kara throw).

I just fucked up on the termnology.

I’ve actually got the kara-ing down ok (in practice mode, still fuck it up in play). Its different in the way that the attack used is much faster and the hit actually comes out. I play Q and Elena and their kara is so fast/the attack is so slow that it doesn’t become active. Makoto’s is different in the way that it is active (can hit) you just have to wiff with it (too far way or the opponite isn’t standing yet).

Sorry if this is something you already know, I’m just trying to throw back some advice in thanks.

If you do a DP motion it’s gonna cancel into her DP move when he presses hard punch?

Are you playing stick, rd? Especially if it’s a japanese stick, I find that HP xx 450 degree motion is a lot easier than doing qcf, qcf. Start at down, roll counter clockwise all the way around and end at forward, press kick. That’s how I do 1-2-3-genei jin and HP xx SA2. I’m a japanese stick player exclusively though, I can dash gigas well and such on them.

Or you could just karakusa, HP, hayate(but cancel it with kick), dash in neutral throw for free stun! >_> PROTIP: follow the neutral throw up with a jump into instant EX tsurugi kick for a pretty good chance to beat whatever they throw out after. Or if you play SA1, hayate cancel again and if you’re fighting Ken he’ll stick out low forward, and then you punish with a hayate into an SA1 link (which, by the way is a link! as far as I know only her overhead chop and maybe dragon punch are supercancelable specials, correct me if I’m wrong)

I have a question on the kara uppercut 100% stun, I’m proficient at any kara-cancel in this game (cept karapalm) but my problem is the SECOND uppercut.

say you’re on 1p side

SA2 hits, dash right, input reverse dp (left, down, d/b) HK~MP,

then you dash cancel (it is dash cancelable right? the uppercut) right, right
then my question is the second DP, is it also reverse DP? so if you dash right, you DP motion to the left?

you can’t cancel the dp, you have to dash the instant it recovers. since she’s off screen, knowing that moment is all muscle memory. using jab dp is alot easier, although mp works fine as well

Their actually is an indicator for when you should dash :bgrin: took me forever to find one. The move ends as she finishes screaming whatever she screams when she fukiages (assuming MP version).

So “ashdfuipadfasfp” > dash will get you the right timing pretty much every time but “saaspdfhhf” > dash > “ashf” will be too early.

Man, someone answer Mechanica about whether the second DP is in reverse or not, because I’ve been wondering that myself too. I don’t got the Kara-DP down yet so I haven’t got that far into the 100% combo yet. I can only combo into SA2, dash, and get one DP in, and maybe an EX DP with it.

Rushdown, howse the thing? What exactly happens you try s.HP xx SA2? Do you Hayate instead due to negative edge or what? I play on a pad, but what I usually do is press and HOLD DOWN HP (so that a Hayate won’t come out on accident), and the moment I press it, I input the QCF motions as fast as I possibly can and mash LK or MK a couple times.

You have to do a reverse dragon punch motion for both Fukiage in the 100%. I think. And I don’t think fukiage is dash cancelable. I think you just hit your opponent with the tail end of Makoto’s active frames so that you can dash relatively quickly after connecting the kara-fukiage. Anyone feel free to correct me, though. I still learning Makoto as well.

For me, I get the HP chop out and then wiggle around and fail to get the super out in time. I think it’s a lot about getting flustered in the small time window. I’ve done it before, I just find it hard to play in play.

This might not help you, but what I do is during the karakusa animation, I actually start practicing my quarter circles.

getting my wrist and handmuscles way too tight is my biggist issue in execution. This doesn’t comes for the most part from the pressure of having to do something fast. Usually in play when you do something without thinking your hands are relaxed and it’s no problem. Landing a karakusa gives you a hell of a lot of time to think about how you’re gonna do qcf x2 and how you’re probably gonna fuck up, that’s bad for your execution.

i just karakusa

when their feet touch the ground i double tap fierce

THEN i buffer in while i’m tapping fierce the 2qcf and well i hit any kick i feel like, i never miss.

here’s something i’m starting to do… just figuring out different ways to get the kara karakusa distances… not to necessarily use the kara karakusa all the time but just to get to that range and generate a sort of mix up along with it. it’s simple, some may like some may not.


coo stuff, tho some of those seem impractical, like j.MK three times in a row

I’ve used a couple of those before like st. MP cr.jab kara-karakusa and st. FP>Hayate-cancel>st. MP kara-karakusa. Most of the non-knockdown setups are really risky unless you have your opponent really scared in his block.