Also, if anyone with a real dedicated server would like to host matches, I would be happy to upload them to you since these file sites are usually ass
We’re slowly posting match videos of riverside vs. irvine videos on There are currently 9 videos available
I put a lot of info on each video so i think you can search “cvs2 sunday night fights” and the like to get videos. ANYWAYS, new fresh matches, turn the sound up cause some comical shit talking happens in some of them
edit: i tried to watch the vids again and i only got the first 30 seconds of jesse vs bean pt 2 and albert vs bean but the other one went all the way through. maybe the work computer is just REALLY GOOD.
I’ve had other people tell me that occaisionally google will only load a 30 second clip of a video on there, so if that happens try reloading the page until it behaves. Awesome matches btw, thanks for sharing. Liked the JD of Cammy’s super.
damn snaaaaaaaaaaake got 75hits into PTF. im just 4hits short now! im coming up guys,celebrate! nice vids btw,some of the cats were sucky though,but still loved to watch.
fuck you lol. why you gotta shut down the scrubs baby shine? im happy just to see someone make more than 70. i just never believed it. but fine,celebrate for sarcasm!!!
lol@ok man you get a free custom. activate->grab. pwned