New cvs2 Videos from socal


Make a name for me that involves god -_-



Thanks for posting the vids, Jesse! We gotta do another edition of SNF: Riverside vs Irvine after the holidays are over.


god in killin’?

jesse, when will u guys play against the irvine guys again? i wanna drop by too.

Just watched the first match, not bad UCrollerblader. Mr. Bean was a scrub though, had no ground game what so ever. The entire match consisted of him jumping, and UCR JDing.

haha bean just got owned up

I want a God name too. Post one immediately.

P.S. Random question…what kinda animes are people watching. I wanna get into a new one. Im watching bleach and naruto right now. Both very dope…though naruto is full of horseshit fillers right now. Any suggestions though. HOLLA

nonGOD88… BURN

EDIT: Also, when you play these matches in wmp they all say “UCR_Jesse vs. Mr. Bean” which is not the case. Just pay attention to the file name

are you going to ncr?

oh yea listen to what jesse says all the wmp tags say UCR JESSE VS MR BEAN even though they are not all me vs jesse.

however, that doesn’t take away the fact that i got served.

nor does it take away from the fact that jesse got served by the throw custom

jigoku shoujo
black cat
mai otome
Cvs2 the movie(starring Godtr0n)

i’m confused. how come the throw didn’t kill him?

luck =\

man, those vids were gross. gotta stop fuckin around and jumping like a monster with cammy during casuals. <3 the commentary.

gl hf in nihon nigga~ get at them hoes for all the unfortunate black men who couldn’t make the voyage

Phobos is god.

Hey matt, ima get those matches up soon.

Naw, I suck, dude. =P

Can’t wait to see those vids though! Thanks for saving the replays. =]

You dont suck. You’re real real good.

Matt, when are you going to come down to my house again? We need to play some more!!! Get on aim more.

poor james :[

oh shit whats up brandon. still playing?