Cross posting because I saw this on the front page and I really need to post in this thread more but without further ado…
I’m loving Shenmue. Arguably more than I did when I played it back then, just because I’m more down to explore instead of finding something and going “what’s next…” in a rush to see the next big moment.
The aesthetic and setting were always my favorite parts of the game even when I was down on the game for not having the best beat 'em up sections (one of the main reasons I wanted and bought the game), which led me to disliking it as a game after a couple play throughs.
I think being more patient and now seeing that nothing since has been this detailed has helped as well(I hear Fallout, starting with 3 became this detailed?). The one thing with technology in general is being wowed by something initially and then wondering what awesome thing is going to happen next. I remember gaming articles and fanbases at the time would gloss over Shenmue with this mentality usually citing how upcoming adventure games at the time and beyond were going to blow past this game in terms of detail and refinement. Yeah…
Revisiting the game in current times has only strengthened this game good parts in comparison to what was out at the time and what is out now. I’m hoping Shenmue 3 keeps without having button prompts on what is or isn’t discoverable, and keeps the first person mode w/zoom-in for investigating.
I’m hoping the fighting improves. What I mean in that sense, is that there’s better hit-stun and animations to sell the impact. Having fighting game commands and buffers (but not cancelling) was awesome and still is moreso these days. I hope the after-image effect is still in place too.
It’s crazy how this game uses ‘quiet space’ for it’s immersion, and is one of my favorite aspects of it, moreso now than back then (which I still dug at the time, just not to this extent). The big thing in the BotW marketing was “See that mountain…you can go there”, with Shenmue it’s “See that object…you may or may not be able to interact with it, and there may or may not be an item…do you still want find out if you can interact with it?”
I remember the clerk at EB games told me that last part when I bought Shenmue when I asked his thoughts on it since he imported the Japanese release. At the time I was like, “I just want to drop people using the VF engine”.
The quiet space in this game is just blowing my mind right now and I’m glad I can revisit this game on modern hardware. Looking forward to starting Shenmue 2 since I’ve never played it.
I hope there’s an option for the original control scheme to. I always like using the triggers to walk and run.