NEUTRALIZE! The Sentinel Guide (Last update 27/1/13: Check out the incoming mix-ups)

This is what I do against every Hawkeye:

Play Sentinel like Zangief meaning be very patient with your actions. In your situation where snapping in Hawk would not be feasible it’s best to try and plink dash in on him with a good assist to hold him down like, say maybe Plasma Beam, Missiles, Vajra, or even your own Hawk assist.

Remember Sentinel is big body for a reason and his boots do help him out a lot in Sent/Hawk match up. He can’t touch you if he can’t get to you and if you place your buttons well enough to the point where he either;

A) Raw tags in to a character more suited for the match up. In this case you should have nothing to worry about since you should have an assist, plus drones to cover the incoming character, or

B) In anchor battles, Hawkeye will start doing random Gimlets wasting bar trying to kill you. More often than not, your Sent will have 45-50% hp left, which means you have to be more careful to block oncoming Gimlet attack. Also, don’t forget that you have kara cancelling abilities into several moves. More specifically his command grab.

In any case just be sure you know how to play your Sentinel well or else he will end up being scrap metal.

sentinel solo vs a lot of characters = very very uphill.

but sentinel with assist is pretty decent for the most part.

also, it depends on what assist hawkeye has. hawkeye wih hidden missiles assist makes him much much harder to fight.

basically in this match, u gotta stay above him and close to him. air to air, he can’t really shoot arrows, or else he’d get clipped by jumping/flying m into death.

yes, i realize that sentinel can’t do shit full screen (except mouth laser vs badly timed scattershot) and you’ll lose 50% of your life via chip trying to get in, but once you’re in, the match is much more approachable.

sorta hard to explain this, but u gotta use flight mode and play footsies in the air. you can weave back and forth to make hawkeye swing and miss, then bop him. since flight cancel is instant, you can block gimlet on reaction during flight mode even if you swung and missed.

also, random gimlet gets punished by hard drive on reaction.

I’ll try to apply that.

For the full story, I’m playing against a Nova/Frank/Hawkeye (this is a guy who advanced really fast in marvel, and he really enjoys playing it and studying the game) and each of these guys is more annoying than the last one. I can’t snap in Hawkeye after hitting Nova, because that means that when Nova comes back in, he has a chance to get lvl5 frank off of any hit. I can just kill Nova, but that means I have to deal with AT LEAST xf2 Hawkeye, who is just as much a pain-in-the-ass as lvl3.

Wait for Hawkeye to do jump back triple arrow or any grounded arrow and do HSF + XF. If you catch him with this he’s dead. You can’t really do it on reaction to the jump back arrows, you have to do it a little after you see him jump and just hope you catch him in the middle of the input, but you can definitely do it on reaction to grounded arrow attacks.

Well if you check out this( vid at around the 1:05:50 time, you’ll see yipes vs pain’s sentinel, and he just plays the match like zangief, gradually inching hawk to the corner and once he gets there the match-up is heavily in sents favor. Also this match you’ll see combo vs infrit, and he handles it in a similar fashion.

Excuse my hiatus, work n school are getting at me but…

I was looking into what can Sentinel use to combo after a random throw/air throw and I’ve seen that:

  • All otg assists allow for combo afterwards (e.g. deadpool B, Wesker B, She-Hulk A)
  • All wall-bounce assists allow for combo afterwards, with a dash or two if midscreen (e.g. Wesker A, Nemesis A)
  • All ground-bounce assists work for a combo as well (e.g. Nemesis B, Nova B)

It appears that Nova is one of the best partners to pair with Sentinel because his assist is just like the regular attack, which allows for a FORCED GROUND-BOUNCE, and it allows for HSF to connect midscreen and in the corner while easily boosting his damage output to close to 1.15 mil with two bars (provided you have a 1 meter start) and Sentinel can assist Nova by extending his already high damage output even higher as well.

Plus, Nova can help Sentinel set up ghetto-ass unblockables with his Ground Bounce assist together with Sentinel’s cr. :m:

I’ve been searching everywhere for it, but anyone know the notation for the TAC combo everyone uses when they TAC Sent in?

lol, you don’t play this game very much do you? That shit got patched out when ultimate was released in november. Our boy can’t do any special TAC combos no more.

EDIT: Thanks a bunch for all the help with the throw section guys, now Im working on improving the reset and incoming character mix-up sections so please read the sections and tell me where I can improve.

at the right height, in the corner, you can get an air or ground throw extension out of air.:l: rocket punch + magneto hyper grav.

It’s hard as a mufucka though.

I was looking into this thing, and shit it’s really hard to do, mostly because of the recovery of Rocket Punch. Also I found out some cool stuff with his command grabs (the :l: and :m: versions) and here’s what I got:

  • while you get more range and speed for these command grabs, the problem is is that the damage is scaled pretty hard in comparison to his :h: grab and because of this, I figured that it’ll be easier to maximize meter-gain with Big Papa.

Combo using :m: grab:
Human Catapult :m:, [ j. :l:, j. :m:, j.:h:, land ] x2-3, :m:, :s:, sj. :m:, sj. :m: , sj. :h:, FLY, j. :l:, j. :m:, j. :h:, j. :s:, Rocket Punch :l: , Plasma Storm

The above combo nets us about 1.6 Meters and deals around 680K damage, not to mention the Swag of DAT JUMP LOOP, Kudos to Bloo for the loop. You can get 900K for having an assist (I used Nova and Magneto, but Magnus is better because of capture state and damage) and with having a 1 meter start because of HSF before and extra Rocket Punch into Plasma Storm. Also, it appears that two reps of the Jump Loop are much easier than three, but I haven’t gotten an exact value for 3 jump loops YET.

With the :l: grab:
You can set up some resets with the :l: grab because you can do a grab reset or set up your opponent for the Jump Loop into a combo for nasty damage. Here’s what I found:

Human Catapult :l:, :l:, :m: , Rocket Punch :h: (you can omit the :l:, but I have it here for consistency).

This is the set-up for the mix-ups because your opponent recovers in the air and if they either recover Neutral, or Forwards, or Backwards, you can land the jump loop into combo. If they recover Neutral or Backwards, you can go for a grab attempt for full combo.

Finally, if you don’t want to attempt the mix-up, you can always go for full combo after the Human Catapult for safety.

I just wished I had something to record this stuff so it’ll be easier to understand, but I hope y’all get the gist of what I’m saying here.

you can jump loop after Catapult :m:? never even thought of it

Yeah I was the one who brought these up a while ago and now Jones has brought them back to the surface. Pretty good loops for those situations where you always see somebody doin command grabs, but always have wondered why they don’t do follow up…

fuck that shit gain some meter ya pussy!!

how do you time the jump loop after the catapult M? I’m trying it now and I can’t even get the j.M to connect

As soon as you see Sentinel crush his enemy (and the damage is dealt) you immediately jump up or up-forward (whichever you feel more comfy with) and proceed with the jump loop (the :l: version).

The :m: version works too, but I seem to get inconsistent results though. Good luck though and NEUTRALIZE!

what is the L version and the M version? I thought there was only the j.L j.M j.H?

Here is the :l: version:


Here is the :m: version:

Credit to videos and combos go to BlooDaBeast

Ohh okay I see now, thanks. Both of those loops look very height dependent, is there anyway to ensure that correct height?

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One easy way to get the correct height for the :l: version of the loop is by using the :m: or :h: versions of his human catapult command grab and just hit the lab for the feel and timing of the jump loop.

Read my previous post regarding the command grab science and hopefully you get an understanding on how to do it.

I’m currently working with some school stuffs these next few days, but in the meantime I will try and find out easy set-ups on landing the :m: jump loop, or as I think of it the Liu Kang Bicycle Kicks!

Some matches I added(but decided to post since no one in there right mind checks the video tab every week):

And also, fast forward to about 10/11 minutes into this if you wanna see two matches of rayray running sent on point

Finally, rayray was at the live_oratory last night, I didn’t check it out cause my internet went MIA on me, but Im sure there will be some dope sentinel play there.

Im a look for some Sentinel play, but I don’t expect to post it soon if I find some, I have some school stuffs to take care of beforehand.