So yea, I’ve pretty much made it my goal to not only improve my sentinel play, but to improve the quality of sentinel play across the board(because lets be honest, there are a lotta shitty sentinels out there). With that said, fact of the matter is Im not very good with the character and Im just recently getting the hang of controlling him and all that good shit so I decided instead of making a video(like I originally planned) Id make a thread that I can keep updating as I learn this way I can get contributions from all the people who know much more than I do.
Im gonna attempt to cover:
Basic: His normals, specials, hypers, frame data and if I can find the footage ill post hitboxes as well
Combos: The old combo thread was getting kinda stale anyway
Flight School: Cause I believe this is where most sentinel players(myself included) struggle the most
Assist Use-age: Pretty much teaching people how to use drones and giving people some ideas on uses for his other two assists
Team building: We all know sentinel helps anyone, but we don’t really know who helps sentinel
Match-ups: I will try my absolute best to cover all his match-ups, but will give priority to his really bad ones for starters
Character Stats:
**Health: **900,000
X-factor boost(lvl 1): 130(damage) 110(Speed)
X-factor boost(lvl 2): 150(damage) 120(Speed)
X-factor boost(lvl 3): 170(damage) 130(Speed)
st. :l:
Hits: 1
Damage: 70,000
Start-up: 7
Active: 3
Recovery: 28
Advantage on hit: -12
Advantage if Guarded: -15
Notes: Nullifies low priority projectiles during active frames
Discussion: One of his more underrated normals this is good primarily for punishing unsafe stuff(since its his fastest normal) and for ticking into command grabs.
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **100,000
**Start-up: **14
**Active: **3
**Recovery: **32
**Advantage on hit: **-11
**Advantage on block: **-15
**Notes: **Super armor from frames 6-15, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames
**Discussion: **One of, if not his best ground based normal, works as a really good anti-air, only hits once(so it doesn’t scale like cr. ) and it has very nice range, although this range can become an issue since a max range st.
will not chain into a st. :s:. Plus it can be flight cancelled into a combo using specific assists, like hawkeye’s, magneto’s, and akumas to name a few(st.
:a1: :qcb: :s: :l:
:qcb: :s:
). Be careful though, its relatively unsafe on block depending on your spacing, but a cancel into rocket punch HSF will make them weary of punishing it consistently, and it will whiff on some crouching opponents if your right next to them. But at that range, you really shouldn’t be hitting buttons with sentinel to begin with.
st. :h:
**Hits: **5
**Damage: **102,300
**Start-up: **20
**Active: **20
**Recovery: **16
**Advantage on hit: **+6
**Advantage on block: **-11
**Notes: **Hits full screen in 26 frames, chains into cr. :h:, deals chip damage, beam durability: 5 frames x 2 low durability points
**Discussion: **Another really good “normal” and one of the best projectiles in the game, sentinel is blessed with a high durability projectile that he can call assists while using, unfortunately this comes at a price as a vast majority of the cast can duck his st.:h:(some can even stand under it) and can even duck his cr. :h:. From rocket punch range it can be chained into a rocket punch HSF cancel for decent damage and from full screen can be chained into a HSF DHC into any instant full screen hyper for the cost of 2 bars and about 500k damage(ill compile a list of teammates that allow this). But while this allows sentinel to zone, do yourself a favor and avoid spamming this move without much thought, in a game with characters as mobile as magneto, and teleporters, one badly placed spit could easily lead to a dead sentinel. I will go into more detail on zoning patterns in the gameplay section.
st. :s:
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **120,000
**Start-up: **16
**Active: **8
**Recovery: **26
**Advantage on hit: **
**Advantage on block: **-8
**Notes: **Launcher, not super- or hyper combo- cancelable, super armor from frames 12-21, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames.
**Discussion: **An alright normal, and one of sentinels safest on block, I don’t use this much outside of combos with the rare case being when I have a read on a teleporting dante I use this as a punish occasionally since it leads to more damage than an air throw punish. Other than that I use this exclusively for combos.
cr. :l:
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **70,000
**Start-up: **9
**Active: **3
**Recovery: **25
**Advantage on hit: **-9
**Advantage on block: **-12
**Notes: **Nullifies low priority projectiles during active frames.
**Discussion: **See st.:l: section.
cr. (low)
**Hits: **3
**Damage: **97,600
**Start-up: **13
**Active: **3(1)4(1)4
**Recovery: **30
**Advantage on hit: **
**Advantage on block: **-14
**Notes: **Low attack, super armor from frames 6-15, hits close range at 13 frames, mid range at 17 frames, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames
**Discussion: **This move is an odd one, its sents only low attack, so if your trying to convince the opponent not to just block high you’ll need to throw this out every now and then. With that said, whiffing this move is death, guaranteed, every time. You whiff, you might as well unplug your controller. In my experience though, I’ve found an effective way of using this move is toss it out after an air series into a st.:l:, even if they pushblock the :l:, the should still hit(Im still testing this out) plus it allows you to either go for the cr.
or command grab, a solid 50/50.
cr. :h:
**Hits: **5
**Damage: **102,300
**Start-up: **20
**Active: **20
**Recovery: **16
**Advantage on hit: **+6
**Advantage on block: **-11
**Notes: **Hits full screen in 26 frames, deals chip damage, beam durability: 5 frames x 2 low durability points
Not much I can say about this that isn’t reflected in the st.:h: discussion. Just remember that amateratsu, arthur, felicia, firebrand, frank west, morrigan, phoenix, rocket raccoon, strider, viewtiful joe, and wolverine can duck this move, so chain it into :qcb: :l: to halt their approach.
air. :l:
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **75,000
**Start-up: **8
**Active: **6
**Recovery: **22
**Advantage on hit: **+17
**Advantage on block: **+14
**Notes: **Overhead attack, double jump cancelable, nullifies low priority projectiles during active frames.
**Discussion: **Now were getting into the really nasty normals, sentinels j. :l: might look underwhelming at first sight, but don’t be fooled, its his fastest air normal by a wide margin and as such can be used to punish air throw happy opponents, and since its chainable into a j. :s: it can be option selected into the ground bounce which leads to a nice fat combo. Plus at low altitudes it coves a very pesky area directly below sentinel where it can be chained into a cr. :l: for a full combo. It is also used to apply flight pressure and can lead into a tick throw set-up or a double overhead with an unfly .
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **100,000
**Start-up: **12
**Active: **4
**Recovery: **32
**Advantage on hit: **+22
**Advantage on block: **+18
**Notes: **Overhead attack, double jump cancelable, nullifies low priority projectiles during active frames.
**Discussion: **This is hands down one of the best air to air normals in the entire game, the sheer amount of screen this move covers is completely obnoxious, especially when paired with the fact that sentinel can get a fat combo off any hit confirms using this move. And you don’t even require amazing reactions to hit confirm, simply double tap and if the first one connects, it’ll chain into the second one automatically, giving you time to see whether its hitting and continue with an :s: or cancel into flight if blocked. And we haven’t even gotten into the fly unfly
's yet. This simple series covers a very large portion of the screen while allowing for an easy hit confirm into a very damaging combo. Finally, if you cancel your flight into a falling
it can also act as a pseudo ground poke to deter individuals from dashing under sent in addition to hitting them with what amounts to a mid-screen overhead. Just an all around amazing move in general.
air. :h:
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **110,000
**Start-up: **17
**Active: **4
**Recovery: **28
**Advantage on hit: **+25
**Advantage on block: **+21
**Notes: **Overhead attack, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames.
**Discussion: **Another exceptional air attack, this one is more suitable for applying air to ground pressure. Its a ridiculous +21 on block, so sent is pretty much free to do whatever the hell he wants after an opponent blocks this, and since it +25 on hit more often than not you’ll have enough time to visually confirm that the move connected, land, dash in and continue the combo. Paired with a good assist and flight cancels you can keep your opponent blocking in the corner for an entire round until they get complacent and eat a command grab. Plus depending on what your assist is, sentinel can flight cancel confirm off this move(i.e. this)
air :s:
**Hits: **1
**Damage: **120,000
**Start-up: **18
**Active: **5
**Recovery: **23
**Advantage on hit: **
**Advantage on block: **+18
**Notes: **Overhead, causes ground bounce, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames, causes hard knockdown if used in launcher combo
**Discussion: **The infamous frying pan, probably the most hated move in the first month of vanilla, the hype behind it has sorta died down now that people realize how slow it really is. Being sentinels slowest air normal, plus the only one that can’t be canceled into flight or hard drive you shouldn’t make a habit out of throwing out the frying pan. Its usually best tagged to the end of his other normals(i.e poking with j. chained into :s: as opposed to just raw :s:). But its still a very good air normal, covers a very wide 270 degree radius around sentinel and causes a ground bounce on hit leading to a dead character in most situations, this move is not to messed with. Just don’t spam it at every given opportunity or you’ll find yourself at the end of many an air throw.
So in summary, sentinel has been blessed with generally really good normals, that all share the projectile nullification property, all have disjointed hitboxes(although this is less apparent with his :l:'s) and other than his :s:'s can all be flight cancelled. The key with sentinel is to never whiff, naturally this is impossible since were all human, which is why you often see high level sentinels always fly canceling their normals because whiffing usually equals death for our giant robot. This could cause an issue since sometimes you pass up guaranteed damage because you fly cancelled your normal before you realized it was hitting, so make an effort to develop flight strings that lead to a combo even when flight cancelled(Like st. call hawkeye(straight shot) flight j.:s:).
Special Moves:
Rocket Punch :l://:h:
Command: :qcf: :atk:
Hits: 1
Damage: 150,000
Start-up: 18
Active: 8
Recovery: 38
Advantage on hit: -10
Advantage if guarded: -20
Notes: Knocks down, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames, :l: version OTG’s
Discussion: Personally outside of finishing combos with :l: rocket punches, comboing off spits, and occasionally making a poke safer his rocket punches don’t have much use. Of course, Im still learning the character so if anyone knows some nice uses for the moves please don’t hesitate to share.
Air Rocket Punch :l://:h:
Command: :qcf: :atk:
Hits: 1
Damage: 150,000
Start-up: 16 :l:, 18 :h:
Active: 8
Recovery: 32
Advantage on hit: -4
Advantage if guarded: -14
Notes: Knocks down, :l: version OTG capable, nullifies medium priority projectiles during active frames.
Discussion: Similar to their grounded version, the air rocket punches don’t have too many uses outside of combos imo. I occasionally throw out a :l: one after poking with a j. :h: and confirm into a hard drive if it connects but I don’t recall ever using the or :h: version(intentionally anyway) in the 6-7 months I’ve been playing sentinel.
Sentinel force :l: /
Command: :qcb: :atk:
Hits: 3
Damage: 135,400
Start-up: 21
Recovery: 54
Advantage on hit: +29 :l: +24
Advantage if guarded: +26:l: +23:m:
Notes: Launches 3 projectile drones with 4 low priority durability points each, drones disappear if Sentinel is hit.
Discussion: Drones are an interesting tool sentinel was given, originally I thought they were completely useless but of late I’ve found them to be an invaluable zoning tool. The key with drones is to 1. Know your match-up because if your opponent has a fast full screen projectile your gonna have trouble getting them out, and 2. Covering your drone calls with spit(st./cr. :h:) and assist call depending on who you have. Once you can get a good rhythm of drone calls your opponent will find it difficult to get in on sentinel. And while they don’t do the most damage or chip, they serve to frustrate your opponent and help give you time to decide what your next action is going to be. Plus if your opponent gets tired and decides to raw tag out, the drones will connect with the incoming character and depending on how far away you are you can get a full combo off them. This also works after finishing a combo that puts your opponent within chip distance, back off a little so the raw tag doesn’t connect with sentinel(thus making the drones disappear) and call drones(preferably :l: since some characters can duck ) if your opponent sits there, they will get chipped out and die, but if they raw tag the incoming character will eat both the drones, and the full combo sentinel delivers afterwards.
Sentinel force :h:
Command: :qcb: :h:
Hits: 1-15
Damage: 25,000 per bomb
Start-up: 56
Recovery: 29
Advantage on hit: +19
Advantage if guarded: +15
Notes: OTG-capable, 3 drones drop 5 bombs each, each projectile has 1 low priority point
Discussion: This special move is useful in that unlike :l: and , the drones don’t disappear if sentinel is hit, so its best to call these out when you think your opponent is about to get through your zoning. I have also found that its a very good move to use against characters with tracking teleports, if they teleport in the drones will hit them but unfortunately I haven’t gotten the hang of comboing off them so I cannot confirm whether or not this is possible.
Human Catapult :l:/ / :h:
Command: :dp: :atk:
Hits: 1
Damage: 120,000:l: 140,000:m: 160,000:h:
Start-up: 2:l: 6:m: 10:h:
Active: 1
Recovery: 43:l: 39:m: 35:h:
Advantage on hit:
Advantage if guarded:
Notes: Throw attack, causes hard knockdown
Discussion: Sentinels command grab is an alright move, unfortunately comboing off a mid screen command grab is very difficult(Im not even sure if its still possible with the rocket punch nerf), heres a video showing how its done [media=youtube]IDTQFhv4IZ8[/media] . Another way to combo off the command grab mid-screen is by calling certain assists prior to performing it, at the moment the only two I know work are trish peekabo, iron man repulsor blast and rocket raccoon log trap. Naturally trying this is risky since if your opponent mashes out of your attempt he will get a two for one, but its still good to know and you can practice to make the set-ups safer.
But on a more positive note, his command grab sends the opponent flying full screen, so against a character like wolverine who you don’t want anywhere near you, a tick into command grab can prove useful. Plus you can always tag on a cr. :h: no matter where you land the command grab. Finally, if you have a fast full screen hyper, you can cancel the cr. :h: into a HSF hyper. In the corner though, sentinels command grabs become legitimately scary, he can get an easy 700k off any of his command grabs, although comboing off the :h: is the easiest and since the :l: has a 2 frame start-up, its sometimes a more desirable punish than using his :l: normals. One neat trick to keep your human catapult attempts safe(because lord help you if you whiff one) is to option select a hyper sentinel force into the input. This way if it connects, it connects and you get your damage, but if it doesn’t you automatically get a HSF keeping sentinel relatively safe from retaliation.
Finally, while the command grab is only comboable from in the corner, due to the immense range of sents j.'s, it is possible to combo off it from farther than you would think. Heres an example of GC Yoshi doing such As an aside, if he has read my guide and used the HSF option select, he won’t have gotten killed by viper. Just sayin… lol.
Command: :qcb: :s:
Start-up: 17
Advantage on hit:
Advantage if guarded:
Notes: Enters or exits flight, flight lasts 104 frames
Discussion: By far sentinels best special move, flight helps sentinel make all his laggy normals completely safe(except his :s:'s which aren’t flight cancelable). In flight mode sentinel becomes extremely mobile, a much smaller target while still retaining his long normals, gains access to one of the best lvl 1’s in the entire game and is almost a completely different character. Mastering fly unfly cancels makes sentinel a legitimate threat on point, but it takes some serious practice to get it down consistently. Plus you cannot block whilst flying so have those unflies ready at a moments notice.
Sents specials leave a bit to be desired, his rocket punches are extra unsafe on block, his drones have unruly start-up, and unlike the assist can be push block to prevent advancement, and his command grab is quite frankly mediocre. His best and most important special move is his flight since it makes his whiffs safe, improves his mobility, and reduces his hitbox. But his drones can be used as decent keep away tools, and the command grab gives you more damage(and meter) in the corner than a regular grab, so it isn’t all gloom and doom.
There’s also this video covering the very very basics of sentinel, isn’t useful if you have even a small idea of what your doing but figured id post it anyway