NetChamp Battle Arena Tournament - Montreal - 11/28/2009

why not add marvel as a side tourney too?
in any case i would like to play anyone in MTL for MM of any amount in marvel

I’m down to add any tourney just as long as there’s enough people it in. If we don’t have at 16 people then the side tourney is cancelled.

As for the pricing of the side tourney, making it 5$ or 10$ will depend on what the entrants want to do. We can even make it 2$ but I doubt that anyone would take it seriously for that kind of money in the pot.

only now am I getting hype!

I haven’t plat HDremix since MAT lol.

Fuck, can’t make it.
See you guys at MAT! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m down for any price for HD Remix. I’d enter if it was 100$, hah.

LOL Of course hahaha nobody in Canada can beat u in HDR

I’ll get my revenge, foo.

I nonimate myslef as the host for this HDR tourney.
The entry should be 5$.

i hope to see alot of peeps participating, if its not more than 16 ppl, the tourney is cancelled and this may be the last SF2 tourney in MTL, due of lack of interrest and competition here.

ure crazy jimmy, 16 people

i would have participated. but if i count the number of people who MAY play (HDR en plus) lets see

u,brian,song,Jason,Henri,Mad,thelo,me,julien, Pierre, and then i dunno maybe some of the Cine Blood.

so as u can see, ure prob not going to get 16 players, whats bad about 8 players anyways

anyways, ure being too dramatic about ST (which is cool, u love the game, and u dont want to see it disappear)

LOL Seriously I think uve been saying the same shit since MAT Jimmy If HDR gets 10 entried u should be happy haha what is important is that the right players are there and u guys can put on a show thats all.
Ill enter for laughs even if I hate HDR

Jpense 10$ winner takes all serait le best ici … surtout si ya genre max 10 players so come les autres on dit … you guys put on a show and the winner takes all :slight_smile:

im in even if i suck … im just a sucker for this game and will always love it eve if it is dead or diying wtv man its a fin game and thats whats that

Hmmm. After what you told me Smokey I’m very much tempted to come up for this. Hopefully I’ll be able to.

PS: je suis desoler mais je ne pourrais vraiment pas me presenter guys.
je suis broke a pique pis je cherche toujours une job …alors je suis out of this ncba sorry. je suis vraiment navrer de devoir laisser les autres ogs sen occupper la.

Signup links appear to be dead for me - can someone confirm?

tout ce que ta besoin c 20$…

ben croit moi ou pas meme 10$ jen nest pas man.
je fait pas de la magie la …je ne work pas alors jai pas cash ki rentre pour linstant .
toute facon cest correct tu est la pour handle deja …donne une racler au stc de ma part …tu sais deja que 2 entre les 3 je own for free LOL pis presentement je pense je own les 3 !!!

Just tested works for me let me know dude
maybe someone was doing something on the site when u tested sorry hehe

May just be my work connection, I’ll check when I’m home and register if I can.

Edit: Yep, it’s my work connection.

On devra partir la fondation Make Mao play in NCBA Tournament
all donation amounts accepted our goal is 20$ :smiley: hehe

I might be coming up from the 613. Question: I’m a ps2/3 pad scrub. Will there be a PS3 SF4 station?