To the guys that have messaged me with -ve rep, its cool give me negative rep points of you wish, but PLEASE Please please make your comments make sense:
08-24-2009 05:53 AM Buy Premium and neg me back. -SNK
08-21-2009 09:06 PM i prefer ATI graphics cards over NVidia cards, myself
08-21-2009 04:55 PM wall = fail
08-21-2009 09:57 AM POWER COSMIC
08-20-2009 12:27 PM consider yourself… repressed. -g3nshiro
when do all the greats… 08-06-2009 10:35 AM … It can be hard to speak English, yes
when do all the greats… 08-06-2009 05:55 AM negged… just cuz I can. Get a life if you can too, lol
Rebalancing ST Remix 07-07-2009 05:44 AM please don’t derail this thread Probably Virtua Fighter who sent this
Ragequitting is being a dickhead - it means you and your friend suck. - AKuma Grif **You can't rage-quit player matches, idiot...**
Super Street Fighter 2... 07-01-2009 06:15 PM akuma grif hates u and so o i** Groupie**
Super Street Fighter 2... 07-01-2009 06:05 PM Akuma Grif sent you in the red because you are an idiot. Have some more neg - CLxJames **Hahah, groupie**
Super Street Fighter 2... 07-01-2009 02:02 PM no u ~Akuma Grif **Biggest idiot on SRK?**
Super Street Fighter 2... 07-01-2009 01:50 PM Go cry, 09. - Akuma Grif **He's also an '09**
Super Street Fighter 2... 07-01-2009 01:33 PM I'm going to fill your body with horse urine and cow manure. LOVE Akuma Grif **Beastiality?**
Need Advice - Who Do I... 06-11-2009 01:39 PM did u have to make a new thread? **Did you have to be born?**
Need Some Serious... 06-10-2009 12:16 AM Fucktard. - Akuma Grif **Retard**
No format because I’m lazy, hopefully these idiots see this and respond. Comments in bold!
Honestly, yeah, this thread should be closed. Though its cool to poke fun at the morons who write about who they’re going to neg. Its like the SRK version of a gangbang. Too bad most of them are too scared to sign the rep, we could have some fun with it