Negative Reputation Comments

wtf is this doing in the HDR General strategy section…:wtf:

I negged you…do something.

How much to neg IrrepressibleGuile into reputational oblivion?

08-25-2009 04:30 AM Stop being so worthless and maybe people won’t neg you?
08-25-2009 03:21 AM You’re retarded.
08-25-2009 02:31 AM its not all good in the hood
08-25-2009 02:09 AM I’ll show you mine if you let me finger you. ~SaikyoBeast
08-25-2009 01:09 AM Buy premium and get SNK back. - Capn.
08-24-2009 11:46 PM MOAR NEG!!! -Nines
08-24-2009 08:05 PM IF YOU SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK, ^_~ IS COOKING.
08-24-2009 04:20 PM JESUS CHRIST, THE HDR FORUM IS NOT A BLOG. - Snatcher

lmao, FreshOJ, it seems you were right. Do these guys actually think the neg reppin somebody actually means something? I bet those guys are ppl I’ve owned online, which gives me more satisfaction. (The comment about blogging was a funny tho)

btw what happens when my rep bar becomes fully red… what will you guys do then?

I know, I can’t believe anyone would care about neg rep…so dumb. I saw this one guy who cared so much he even started a thread in a COMPLETELY unrelated section about it and-


HAHAHA, yeah, I know its… – hold on a minute !!!

why is this in the HDR thread? close this?


cry in a live journal or something, nobody gives a shit.

why is this thread still open?