Sweet. HD stuff. How can you guys record in such quality? I’d really like to know how.
Hmm, seeing how i got some time to spare, i’ll check it out. But keep in mind my opinions are just simply what I would rather do, so you dont need to stress the importance of changing your style.
Firstly, I’ve noticed you do alot of ex dash punches. for an ex-meter, they dont provide enough utility to keep doing. It doesnt knock down, it doesnt give you an advantage at all. I’d recommend ex-Rush Uppers, but i think you’d need to work on your c.lp, c.lk xx headbutt combos first. Dash sweeps are very effective way to pressure them too. Another is that you use TAPs way too much. Its very vulnerable on block if the TAP is meaty, and I personally play to reduce the chances i get ‘countered indefinitely’ (its a cantonese term which means if you did that action, you ensure your opponent can most definitely counter you.) TAPs should be used past mid screen fireballs or just for mobility, but I can see that you use it mainly in your offensive. The obvious point is that your headbutt too much outta the blue. Either catch him in the air, or only use it in combos. Headbutt is exactly what i’m referring to as an easily countered move that should be used very sparingly out of combos (i almost dont do it out of an EX headbutt to counter my opponent’s moves) You need to mixup your various punches much more, because in the video, Akuma can in theory block high the whole time without much problems. Sure you sweep alot, but he can judge the range. An overhead punch, clk, headbutt would’ve been a huge help.
So in short, you use dash punches way too much, and did too little of zoning and playing rather recklessly. You need to use balrog’s normals much more (c.hp, st.hp, st.hk) to be on the offensive. Against a projectile opponent, that form of play style puts you at a severe disadvantage because of the fact they’ll score alot of counter hits on rog, which does 125% of their original damage.
familiarize yourself with all of balrog’s combos in the combo thread, and read up on my thread on the mindgames after you can flawless execute the combos there like its second nature. If you have any problems with matchups, refer to the match-ups thread. How I play my rog is that i zone and try to remain relatively close to my opponent (just outside sweep range.) Slowly force them to a wall. If they jump in, c.hp/st.hp, and sometimes pressure with dash straights. I follow up dash straights with st.hk to catch them trying to counter.
Would that be a good summary? Theres still some ways to go though, so hit training mode